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Bears Fan on Rex Grossman WARNING: Profanity!

Gart Monk

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I lived with a die hard Bears fan for the last ten years and had to endure Rex Grossman with him. We found this gem one night in his email. It is a couple of years old and I never get tired of reading it. enjoy...

Warning: Profanity


Can someone copy and paste, with the necessary editing? It's blocked here at work...and I'm bored.

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"Twisted steel and sex appeal" had me rolling!

He sucks, but now he's our suck. Welcome to D.C. Rex. We are all so excited to see another Florida Qb coming to town after the Old Ball Coach, Danny Awful, and that other stiff I can't even think of off my head.


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Wow, it might be because it's St. Patty's and I'm already drinking but that was hillarious. I was seriously laughing out loud like an idiot, I hope my roommates are still asleep so they didn't hear me. That actually makes me want Sexy Rexy to play because it was so funny.

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A friend of mine is a Bears fan and he came to the Bears-Skins NFL Network game a few years ago wearing a Grossman jersey. Fans of both teams were giving him a hard time.

One of our fantastic Redskins fans sucker punched him in the forehead because the stadium as a whole was a drunken mess that night. Fun times.

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