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Bears Fan on Rex Grossman WARNING: Profanity!

Gart Monk

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Replace gay or faggot with ****** or any other hateful term and rethink that.

But none of those terms were used.

Please just enjoy the light hearted good times, or if it offends you then don't read it and don't come into the thread.

I thought this was hilarious.

I for one am not overly happy that Sexy Rexy is part of my beloved Redskins, but if we can lighten the mood with this kind of material then I will get through these dark times.

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As a bears fan I can say Grossman is a fun quarterback to watch, and much better then the general NFL consensus of him. Tons of talent. He actually is very accurate for the deep and mid-deep patterns (20-30 yards). He has a fast and compact throwing motion and his deep ball is supposedly more catchable than most because he gets so much air under it that it literally "drops" into spots. Also he was very well liked by his teamates(Mushin Muhammid and Berrien in particular where instrumental in getting him in over Orton who bears receivers couldn't get anything out of) the "mental midget" comment came from Ron Rivera (DC who moved from Chicago to San Diego after SB). Is considered a hard worker and an all around nice guy and teamate.

His problems are well know. Too aggresive, not especially smart or good at reading defenses. Injury prone. Poor size and mobility. Very momentum based, tends to self destruct when things go bad early.

All in all he is a very good backup and I think even a potentially good starter in this league behind a good line. He will definelty push campbell if not replace him and he will be a fan favorite once he throws a few 60 yd TDs n pre-season (like he did in Texas last season).

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There are as many times to use faggot at their are ******, chink, spic and a whole bunch of other wonderful terms, people use that insult subgroups, because some folks can't think hard enough to use a better one.

What do you want from me? I find it offensive and I'll say so.

Why isn't chink and spic not edited out, but ****** is???

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Why isn't chink and spic not edited out, but ****** is???

Simple - he is a hypocrite. Sure faggot and gay and ***** is very offensive but other hateful insults like chink and spic well thats 100% OK because I mean yeah they can be hateful insults but who cares right?:silly:

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using the word fa**ot is awful and only meant as a derogatory term for a group. Sure it makes me laugh but shouldnt be used as it offends ppl.

What doesn't offend people now? I mean damn if your balls itch and you scratch them thats offensive - if you wear a funny shirt that you get at say spencer's that's offensive. People are so worried about being politically correct and making sure they don't step on any toes. We are in AMERICA! Freedom of speech baby! I don't care if it offends you - grow a pair of balls! That gay and faggot stuff worked perfectly in that article. It wasn't derogatory or offensive towards actual homosexuals he was just saying throwing curl routes is for faggots and 5 yard dump offs are well gay

Just like in COD glitchers are faggots and those that just camp or use ONLY Akimbo shottys are gay

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There are as many times to use faggot at their are ******, chink, spic and a whole bunch of other wonderful terms, people use that insult subgroups, because some folks can't think hard enough to use a better one.

What do you want from me? I find it offensive and I'll say so.

Life is too short to get yourself worked up about things like this. Seriously.


Watch that, I guarantee you find it at least mildly amusing, and then maybe you'll understand a little more why you really don't have to feel so offended. It doesn't have to be hateful or particularly derogatory to homosexuals.

The town rejoices and celebrates, and the episode cuts to an ending title card with an updated definition:

Fag (făg) n.

1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.

2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.

As for Grossman, we've all seen the best of him, and we've seen the worst of him. On average, he's probably no better or worse than Campbell, just with higher highs and lower lows. (In before someone says "Grossman made a Super Bowl"; our roster AS A WHOLE sucks too much for that to be a reality, so keep that crap elsewhere). Hopefully we take Okung at 4 and then can have an open competition between all three QBs currently on the roster.


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What doesn't offend people now? I mean damn if your balls itch and you scratch them thats offensive - if you wear a funny shirt that you get at say spencer's that's offensive. People are so worried about being politically correct and making sure they don't step on any toes. We are in AMERICA! Freedom of speech baby! I don't care if it offends you - grow a pair of balls! That gay and faggot stuff worked perfectly in that article. It wasn't derogatory or offensive towards actual homosexuals he was just saying throwing curl routes is for faggots and 5 yard dump offs are well gay

Heh that was a great post Kingspadee, especially since as I was reading it, I was picturing someone like I dunno, Larry the Cable Guy saying it LOL can you picture it? Man I think he needs a clean shirt.

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