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What are you doing this evening?


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Finishing up papers for "incompletes" I had to take in my courses last quarter on top of working on final papers for my courses this quarter that are due in a couple weeks as well as a rough draft of my thesis that is due in a couple weeks too. I'm bitter at life right now. I'm going to bed soon.

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Wanted to go to Speed Street...STUPID Weather has ruined that plan.

Staying in now and watching the Celtics/Orlando game.

Always thought that the sport was uninspired and boring until I visited my cousin one Memorial Day weekend and he took me to Speed Street. I'm still not into it but after that weekend I have a newfound appreciation for all of the extracurriculars associated with it.

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Some rain and colder temps coming through this part of the state as we speak. Supposed to get bit nasty tonight and early tomorrow. So I'm committing a long overdue act of neatness on the condo,(still catching up after last week's trip South),watching t.v.,working on some more pics and then being generally lazy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Decompressing from graduation weekend.

Watching "The Bachelorette" and making fun of the dudes.

Very likely drinking some champagne.

Bottom line: Not doing a DAMN THING related to school and not feeling guilty about it...for once in the past two and a half years.

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