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NewLeader.com: Legislator: Disabled kids are God's punishment


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I would like to know how the heck this guy claims to know it's a punishment from God specifically for having an abortion?

Either there is a passage in the Bible somewhere that says "Thou shalt not ... and if you do, the punishment is you'll have children with disabilities"

Or he's had a special revelation from God Himself that has revealed this truth.

My guess is he's just hateful and pulled this from his ass.

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He wasn't talking about all disabled kids, he was attempting to make a correlation to some sort of information he has that says a child born to a mother who previously had an abortion has a higher likelihood of being disabled in some way, and filling in the gaps with "because god said so".

Not that it makes that statement any less idiotic.

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Right wing religious nut saying right wing religious nut things. No surprises here. This is the political segment that blamed 9/11 on feminists. oh... and Palin won't say anything about this. These are the "real Americans" she talks about all the time.

I predict this kind of nonsense getting worse now that the religious loon that would have us believe he turned moderate has been elected governor. It's in his interest to make a hard right move in the current political climate so there is no need to wear the mask any longer.

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"In the Old Testament, the first born of every being, animal and man, was dedicated to the Lord. There's a special punishment Christians would suggest." Marshall was among more than 20 people, mostly Christian pastors and clergy, who gathered for the press conference in the General Assembly Building.


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Pretty impressive efficiency of words:offense...

Mothers who've aborted

Good Christians


Developmentally disabled

Developmentally disabled's mothers

If only he'd said the second child after an abortion would turn out gay, and the third an illegal immigrant

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Why? It continues to be a very successful political stance to take.

An unfortunate reality, especially in the Shenandoah Valley (where I live), an area which seems to have been forgotten by time and progress.

Northern Virginia will probably dominate the state in a few years. That will help things out a bit, though there will always be this sort of politician from these parts and a few others.

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