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www.yahoo.com:Backdoor taxes to hit middle class


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You really think Obama's people censored that story?

oh dear, LOL.

Didn't you know, the liberals control the media!

Has anyone mentioned what taxes exactly will hit the middle class that Obama didn't say would happen? I think he clearly stated that taxes on those earning 250k or more would increase.

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Its simply amazing to me that people are complaining about the "out of control deficit and debt" and also saying that we need to lower taxes.

Its simply amazing to me that people are complaining about the "out of control deficit and debt" and also saying that we need to lower taxes.

Its simply amazing to me that people are complaining about the "out of control deficit and debt" and also saying that we need to lower taxes.

Its simply amazing to me that people are complaining about the "out of control deficit and debt" and also saying that we need to lower taxes.

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This one picture sums up the dilemma faced by the Government.


not saying I am for or against abortion, just throwing out a thought...

If the government paid for abortions, wouldn't it save money down the road? It's not like enough other people wouldn't have children to carry on the America society.

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not saying I am for or against abortion, just throwing out a thought...

If the government paid for abortions, wouldn't it save money down the road? It's not like enough other people wouldn't have children to carry on the America society.

Better yet, abort those without insurance!!!!


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It's fairly simple. Cut or raise. No one wants to cut, so we MUST raise.

I mean, now I understand why we are in the economic mess we are in.

Actually we need to do both. Cut spending and raise taxes. A ton of both. The hole is too big for just either/or.

Anyone who tells you different is lying to you, telling you what you want to hear in order to get your vote.

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I agree that health care costs are out of control. That needs to be fixed by limiting frivolus malpractice lawsuits and by not spending thousands of dollars so grandma can spend a few extra days on a ventalator. Or paying for liver treatment for a chronic alcoholic. It's cruel but its life (or death, in this case.).

I'm pointing out the hypocricy of someone (see California) saying on one hand we need to help people who can't take care of themselves and give illegal immigrants health care. But then protest a war that took out the man who gassed all the Kurds. NewsFlash: They could not help themselves from that!

Well, considering more than 45 states currently have tort reform laws, I'm not sure what you'd expect to happen... or why you would even consider that a real answer at this point. Since the early 2000's the number of malpractice lawsuits has declined, but premiums paid by doctors continue to rise (to the delight of their insurance companies who have convinced the AMA that they are on "the same team").

Meanwhile, those states with aggressive tort reform laws, have seen a decline in overall health care quality. I wonder why deciding to immunize a group of people from any accountability would result in poor quality of a service. :whoknows:

Of course, the real goal of tort reform is not to lower premiums for doctors, or to provide better care for patients (i.e. the goal of health care reform), the goal is to improve the profits of insurance companies and big business.

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You really think Obama's people censored that story?

oh dear, LOL.

You really think this Administration hasn't made threats in regards to media/reporter access with President Obama and other Admin officials?

I guess you forgot about that little thing with this Admin and Foxnews.


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Raising taxes is exactly what is going to guarantee that we have a double-dip in this economy now.

Small business accounts for 80% of new jobs.

It employs over 50% of workers.

We need tax rebates, and large ones. Not tax increases, and handouts to banks.

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Raising taxes is exactly what is going to guarantee that we have a double-dip in this economy now.

Small business accounts for 80% of new jobs.

It employs over 50% of workers.

We need tax rebates, and large ones. Not tax increases, and handouts to banks.

That's great. No one's talking rasing taxes on small businesses.... not even the article that was original posted.

Happier now?

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That's great. No one's talking rasing taxes on small businesses.... not even the article that was original posted.

Happier now?

The boneheads in office right now are going to raise and create new taxes on banks, small businesses and families with gross incomes of over 250k.

$2 trillion in new taxes.

Punishing those three sectors above is suicide for our economy.

This will destroy economies worldwide.

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You really think this Administration hasn't made threats in regards to media/reporter access with President Obama and other Admin officials?

I guess you forgot about that little thing with this Admin and Foxnews.


:laugh: Oh, I didn't notice that FoxNews has stopped attacking the President every chance they get. When did that happen?

Everytime a story gets pulled, it must be wicked censorship by Obama. The fact that there are one million other stories published every day saying even worse things doesn't demonstrate the idiocy of this belief.

Paranoid fools believe whatever they want to believe, no matter how stupid it is.

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The boneheads in office right now are going to raise and create new taxes on banks, small businesses and families with gross incomes of over 250k.

$2 trillion in new taxes.

Punishing those three sectors above is suicide for our economy.

This will destroy economies worldwide.

I thought you just said, a couple pages back, that all you wanted was for them to be honest about raising taxes.

Which is it?

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I thought you just said, a couple pages back, that all you wanted was for them to be honest about raising taxes.

Which is it?

Of course, raising taxes right now is suicide.

It will be the downfall of the global economy.

But if you are going to follow that path.....at least don't lie about it.

Just stand up, and tell the truth: "Yes, taxes are going up for the middle class."

That would be change.

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Of course, raising taxes right now is suicide.

It will be the downfall of the global economy.

But if you are going to follow that path.....at least don't lie about it.

Just stand up, and tell the truth: "Yes, taxes are going up for the middle class."

That would be change.

Don't worry, Obama's going to hyperinflate the market right after he raises taxes.

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Raising taxes is exactly what is going to guarantee that we have a double-dip in this economy now.

Small business accounts for 80% of new jobs.

It employs over 50% of workers.

We need tax rebates, and large ones. Not tax increases, and handouts to banks.

YES! We need a budget that might raise taxes on some larger corps, but help the small busniess. Say with allowing the SBA to give loans up to 5 million as opposed to 2 million.

Or perhaps a 5k tax credit for every new employee hired by Small busniess!

How about useing some of the funds the big banks have paid back to give to smaller banks if they use it to give credit to small busniess!

Oh...wait... THATS ALL IN THERE!!!

Tell you what- Why not go back, read what the budget says, and come back when you know what you are talking about.


Small businesses. The spending plan would increase the Small Business Administration's 2011 budget by upwards of 20 percent. At the same time, it would also push up from $2 million to $5 million the maximum size of the SBA's signature 7(a) loans, which are given to startups and existing businesses.

Meanwhile, community banks would get access to $30 billion to lend out to small businesses. The money would come from the funds that Wall Street firms have paid back to the government in the aftermath of the $700 billion bank bailout.

[see Obama Courts Small-Business Owners.]

Elsewhere in the budget, small businesses get a number of tax benefits, including breaks for companies that hire new workers. These measures, along with the others, keep up the tone that Obama set in the State of the Union, when he made small businesses a priority.

"It appears that there's certainly a good amount of emphasis being placed on small businesses in this budget," says Molly Brogan, a spokesperson for the National Small Business Association. "I think overall it came out pretty well."

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to the OP, gotta pay for those wars you voted for somehow. suck it up and get another job if you have to. :shark: <---tax shark is after theibear :ols:

So your saying the Harvard Graduate knowing lied? AND nobody at that time say Burgold or Larry or Predicto said it was an obvious lie..

Or it just doesn't matter that he lied, because were supposed to say they all lie.. in the campaign that we reward them with a victory for?

I don't need another job.. i'm just struggling to keep mine...

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So your saying the Harvard Graduate knowing lied? AND nobody at that time say Burgold or Larry or Predicto said it was an obvious lie..

Or it just doesn't matter that he lied, because were supposed to say they all lie.. in the campaign that we reward them with a victory for?

As is often the case, I don't understand what you are saying Thiebear. Sorry.

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As is often the case, I don't understand what you are saying Thiebear. Sorry.

Perhaps I can help. I speak Thiebear. :)

So your saying the Harvard Graduate knowing lied? AND nobody at that time say Burgold or Larry or Predicto said it was an obvious lie..

"I see, DeanCollins. You are proposing that President Obama is forced to raise taxes on the middle class because of the two wars that he inherited from President Bush. Perhaps this is plausible, but given that he had this information during campaign season, is it not then your position that President Obama, who as a graduate of Harvard is clearly intelligent enough to correctly analyze the situation, lied about his ability and willingness to cut taxes to the middle class? And if so, then why did none of the posters on Extremeskins that are known as liberals, such as Predicto and Larry and Burgold, acknowledge that this was an obvious lie by President Obama?"

Or it just doesn't matter that he lied, because were supposed to say they all lie.. in the campaign that we reward them with a victory for?

"Or is it instead your position that President Obama's apparent lie is irrelevant or perhaps even praisworthy, because every politician lies on the campaign trail, and in fact such lying is indeed necessary to win an election?

I don't need another job.. i'm just struggling to keep mine...

"I am not in need of the additional employment you suggested to assist me in paying any increased taxes, though in the current economic situation, I am working hard to stay employed."

I hope this helps. :)

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