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www.yahoo.com:Backdoor taxes to hit middle class


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Actually much worse if ya look at debt.

Debt must be used wisely to generate income or you simply dig a deeper hole.

That's true, and I'm hoping whoever's in charge of "freddie and Fannie" (or whatever government agency they may end up becoming), understands that. My idea could work with the right people in place, and just as easily be an epic fail if run by a bunch of bow-tie wearing alligators. I'm not crazy, twa, but I am kinda curious where you stand on the issue.

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  • 7 months later...
People want the government to do more and more for them: pay for their health insurance if they don't have any, pay their mortgage if they can't afford it any more, bail out this, bail out that...

Guess what, it take more money to do those things. Of course we have to pay more taxes.

Found this, thought it was interesting:


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The Bush tax cuts are as big a culprit of the current debt we have as anything else Congress has done in the last 30 years.

Its simply amazing to me that people are complaining about the "out of control deficit and debt" and also saying that we need to lower taxes.

If what you say in the first sentence is correct.... We would've seen more debt prior to 2008... I agree with your premise.. A true conservative wants low taxes AND small Government (or at least focused Government)... Call it limited Government.

I disagree with the premise that tax cuts are a handout to the wealthy... The money does not belong to Government... Earnings are confiscated by the Government from the people. Therefore, a tax cut limits what the Government collects, but it isn't the same as the Government creating programs to redistribute other people's money.

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If what you say in the first sentence is correct.... We would've seen more debt prior to 2008... I agree with your premise.. A true conservative wants low taxes AND small Government (or at least focused Government)... Call it limited Government.

I disagree with the premise that tax cuts are a handout to the wealthy... The money does not belong to Government... Earnings are confiscated by the Government from the people. Therefore, a tax cut limits what the Government collects, but it isn't the same as the Government creating programs to redistribute other people's money.

We did see more debt. Our overall debt worsened and worsened throughtout Bush's tenure as the war costs, 1 of which was unnecessary and built on misinformation but not enough spoke out against it because it was on the coattails of 9/11 and anybody who didn't go along got labeled a "non-patriot" like a new Red Scare, skyrocketed. The economy may not have shown the full impact until '07-'08, but the debt certainly was piling up before '08.

But I guess that's what you get when people elect a President they "could have a beer with" instead of someone they respect for more than just their part affiliation.

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