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Ask me what it is like living with 6 women and being the only guy


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Explain #3 a bit more.

Good question.

They all talk about getting banged out all the time and how they love to do nasty stuff. By that, I mean stuff I would even think of. So, in sexual terms women are by far more freaky than men. The hard part for men is bringing it out of the women.

Also, women secretly love to a get dutch oven:) (if its from someone they like, of course)

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That's nasty. My wife is a white tornado. Our house looks like Mr Clean lives with us. Especially the bathroom and kitchen.

Mine too. I think she's OCD. My wife can sense a crumb on the counter from a thousand yards away, and will break land speed records to clean it up.

In ten years I've heard her fart ONCE, and she immediately swore that she didn't, to the point of anger. So fine, she didn't. Must have been the wind in the trees.

My ex on the other hand... excellent at keeping the carpet clean. Sure it was only because her clothes were always all over the floor, but it did keep the dust of the rugs.

Same for the countertops. Squeaky clean, protected by layer upon layer of dirty dishes.

I can't tell you how happy I was to discover that I wasn't really a pig after she left. The house has been clean ever since.


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I live with two girls now. One's cool, one's moody. I get stuck doing everything around the house just b/c I'm a guy. I wouldn't say girls are cleaner then guys necessarily, but they do have nicer stuff (furniture, house furnishings, etc...)

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At times, it is.

One is form outside of London, another is from Calgary, one from N. Italy, two from Germany (who I like the best), and one from NYC.

Its quite an experience.

Calgary in Australia? Sounds like she's got the right idea while I'm freezing my @$$ off here

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Are you gay? Not that I care or have an opinion about that but I can't see me surviving living with 6 women because depending on how they looked I'd be trying to do the monkey dance with all of them and that would get messy. That would be a hell of an accomplishment, Jack Tripper only had 2 hot women to try and get with. If you could have 6...damn

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Are you gay? Not that I care or have an opinion about that but I can't see me surviving living with 6 women because depending on how they looked I'd be trying to do the monkey dance with all of them and that would get messy. That would be a hell of an accomplishment, Jack Tripper only had 2 hot women to try and get with. If you could have 6...damn

I like to plow women. So, no I am not gay. And what the hell is the monkey dance? I have a mental picture of why that would get messy.

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In school I lived with 4 girls and another guy. It was interesting. Girls are so damn dramatic. We would often have loud arguments...everything usually got resolved, but it was annoying. And yes, they were incredibly messy. Kitchen was always filthy, as was the living room. Their bathrooms and bedrooms were gross as well.

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So when you walk into the kitchen in the morning and poor yourself a bowl of lucky charms, that's gotta be a bit akward to see some random dude hanging out who just slept with your roomate. And then a third dude walks into the room, still sweating from a morning session.

Then one of them asks if they can have a bowl of your lucky charms.

I mean, that's gotta be weird.

Or what about when one of your roomates makes a gigantic doody that stinks up the house and clogs up the toilet? Do you make eye contact with her after something like that?

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So when you walk into the kitchen in the morning and poor yourself a bowl of lucky charms, that's gotta be a bit akward to see some random dude hanging out who just slept with your roomate. And then a third dude walks into the room, still sweating from a morning session.

Then one of them asks if they can have a bowl of your lucky charms.

I mean, that's gotta be weird.

Or what about when one of your roomates makes a gigantic doody that stinks up the house and clogs up the toilet? Do you make eye contact with her after something like that?

That has only happened once and it was some creep who said all the right things while she was at surf camp. This girl is lacking in common sense and logic, yet she is one of the sweetest and best intentioned girl I have ever met. I care about her a lot, she is a sweetheart.

Talking with her is hilarious, but I refrain myself from laughing. Because I understand that she probably won't understand why i'm laughing. Anyway, she is a girly girl, but she is fun to be around.

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They all talk about getting banged out all the time and how they love to do nasty stuff. By that, I mean stuff I would even think of. So, in sexual terms women are by far more freaky than men. The hard part for men is bringing it out of the women.

Like taking it in the rear? :silly:

Don't know if i could ever get my girl to do that

Also, women secretly love to a get dutch oven:) (if its from someone they like, of course)

What makes you say that? They have admitted it?

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I like to plow women. So, no I am not gay. And what the hell is the monkey dance? I have a mental picture of why that would get messy.

Are the chics ugly? I mean how do you not try and jump them all? I know that's what I'd do but my wife wouldn't let me live with 5 other women, she knows better

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Are the chics ugly? I mean how do you not try and jump them all? I know that's what I'd do but my wife wouldn't let me live with 5 other women, she knows better

I would sleep with only 2 out of the 7. (2 7 is the worst possible odds and always negative EV)

Just to make sure: by sleeping you must mean someone you share a bed with and no one snores right?

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I would sleep with only 2 out of the 7. (2 7 is the worst possible odds and always negative EV)

Then they gotta be hags. I could live with 5 ugly chics but wouldn't like it. Why do you live with so many ugly girls? Like others have already said here, most women are much nastier then men. That sounds like hell to me.

Just to make sure: by sleeping you must mean someone you share a bed with and no one snores right?

Hell nah, I mean







and so forth

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They all talk about getting banged out all the time and how they love to do nasty stuff. By that, I mean stuff I would even think of. So, in sexual terms women are by far more freaky than men. The hard part for men is bringing it out of the women.

I hope this isn't news to most here. I've known this since highschool. Common sense really, women have sex drives but are taught to hide them because society treats women that don't very poorly. Because of this getting them to reveal the inner freak takes a little skill because if they really like you they fear that you will judge them... especially when you consider that all men think they are champions in the bedroom and recoil in horror when the realize their woman is the more advanced player.
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