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Would You Take McNabb on the Skins? (Merged & M.E.T.)


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I'll pass too. And it mystifies me that there's so much love here for McNabb. I also have seen most of his games lately, my wife is an Eagles fan (her only fault) so we catch those games as well on Sunday... he's got to have the weakest arm on any 33 year old I've ever seen. Consistently misses open receivers and/or lands the ball at their feet.

Not to mention the prior point that can't be ignored - he can't win in the clutch.

Skins need to try to do better. Hopefully they will.

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I'll pass too. And it mystifies me that there's so much love here for McNabb. I also have seen most of his games lately, my wife is an Eagles fan (her only fault) so we catch those games as well on Sunday... he's got to have the weakest arm on any 33 year old I've ever seen. Consistently misses open receivers and/or lands the ball at their feet.

Not to mention the prior point that can't be ignored - he can't win in the clutch.

Skins need to try to do better. Hopefully they will.

216TD to 100Int

compare that ratio to any QB you want. He's better or close on that ratio to just about anyone.

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I think McNabb is great quarterback who is incapable of performing in the clutch. We'd never win a super bowl with McNabb. To me, it would be a waste of time, despite the fact that it would seem to be an upgrade during the regular season.

But.... How great would it be to win a Superbowl with McNabb? That would just about kill their fanbase.

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Id rather have Kevin Kolb!

Eagles want to get younger at QB.

I´d take McNabb and draft a QB in the first. This would be the ideal situation. If Shanny made Plummer into a star with McNabb who can light teams up with his arm at time he will do well. Only thing would be what to do with the offensive line ¿?

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YES, not as a SAVIOR but as a stop gap. Even at his age, can get around the pocket and extend plays. Would feel more comfortable getting a QB in draft to groom. He knows the EAST and would be motivated to still play in this division and against the Eagles (see... Favre v/s GB)

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If you're realistically thinking of McNabb as a potential pick-up in the offseason (let alone him making us a 12 win team next year), you might want to tune into the Eagles/Girls game right now. :rotflmao: Seriously, McChoke is stinking up the game. Only problem is, it's like a train wreck. I just have to keep watching. :D :eaglesuck

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