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Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech


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I'm going to stay the hell out of this ever-so-predictable thread, other than to say this one thing.

I salute you, USS Redskins. You are someone who does not like the President, yet you read his speech objectively and in context. I think everyone else in this thread just came in to push their prior agenda. Good job.

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I think its a fine speech from a man that has done nothing to deserve this award.

Sucks he was put in this position by those morons who gave it to him in the first place. He cant turn it down and he looks like a tool for accepting an award for being in office 9 days.

I do applaud him for making the best of an awkward situation.


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I didnt ask anyone to do anything at all, no legwork needed.

anyone with half a brain can see the similarities *that explains why you think they exist, anyone with a minimal degree of intellectual honesty would acknowledge it (at least a little, see Burgold's post).

Anyone with a shred of intellectual honesty can see that Obama is speaking the truth.

"Yet the world must remember that it was not simply international institutions – not just treaties and declarations – that brought stability to a post-World War II world. Whatever mistakes we have made, the plain fact is this: the United States of America has helped underwrite global security for more than six decades with the blood of our citizens and the strength of our arms. The service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform has promoted peace and prosperity from Germany to Korea, and enabled democracy to take hold in places like the Balkans. We have borne this burden not because we seek to impose our will. We have done so out of enlightened self-interest – because we seek a better future for our children and grandchildren, and we believe that their lives will be better if other peoples’ children and grandchildren can live in freedom and prosperity."

Your problem is that this does not fit with your silly, ideological, isolationist, myth.

* = my comment

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I too heard a lot of Bush in Obama's speech to justify the troop surge in Afghanistan. Not sure that could be escaped, but there was a freaky parallel... you could almost see Cheney and Rove pulling the strings.

Or... Maybe.... just maybe... NEITHER ONE is a bad guy and both are/were trying to do their best to protect the nation in their roll as commander in chief.

Maybe, just maybe... reality is the constant that both presidents are forced to deal with. :doh:

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Or... Maybe.... just maybe... NEITHER ONE is a bad guy and both are/were trying to do their best to protect the nation in their roll as commander in chief.

Maybe, just maybe... reality is the constant that both presidents are forced to deal with. :doh:

Oh, I think both Bush and Obama are trying to do what they believe is best and neither is a bad guy.

Now Cheney... [insert foreboding music]

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Oh, I think both Bush and Obama are trying to do what they believe is best and neither is a bad guy.

Now Cheney... [insert foreboding music]

I think this is the whole point of the discussion

I stated in the previous thread that I disagree with the Afghan decision but thought that the President made a logical speech as to his reasons why at West Point and has my support (even if I have my doubts about the plan, but hey its just me)

The whole "debate" in this thread is, does the current President sound like the previous President?

When discussing the wars, yes, they both do sound very similar

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I think this is the whole point of the discussion

I stated in the previous thread that I disagree with the Afghan decision but thought that the President made a logical speech as to his reasons why at West Point and has my support (even if I have my doubts about the plan, but hey its just me)

The whole "debate" in this thread is, does the current President sound like the previous President?

When discussing the wars, yes, they both do sound very similar

It seems to be escaping many in this thread.

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I'm going to stay the hell out of this ever-so-predictable thread, other than to say this one thing.

I salute you, USS Redskins. You are someone who does not like the President, yet you read his speech objectively and in context. I think everyone else in this thread just came in to push their prior agenda. Good job.

Thanks, Predicto. Very nice of you to say. For a leftie, you rock!

And for the record, I do try to stay as moderate as possible but sometimes these forums can bring the worst out in a person...

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who accused him of lying? I'm certain the only contention in this thread was whether he was speaking like Bush or not.

Your silly temper tantrums are hysterical!:hysterical:

No. what is hysterical is A) your "intellect" and B) your childish comment.

You accusing me of having a tantrum is nothing more than an ad hominem attack on me to try to make me look bad and deflect attention away from the stupidity of your posts. Just as your silly comparison of Obama and Bush is a distraction from the actual content of the speech.

You don't like anything that might suggest we need to be engaged with the rest of the world in any other way but trade. You are too locked into your ideology to see reality slapping you in your face. Anything deeper than the quote "Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto." is beyond your comprehension. The idea that the world is a far more complex and dangerous place than Jefferson could have imagined and that the United States can't live in utopian isolation just bounces off your ideological armor.

Well here's another quote you can compare to Bush:

"As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also."

Think you can tell me who said that?

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No. what is hysterical is A) your "intellect" and B) your childish comment.

You accusing me of having a tantrum is nothing more than an ad hominem attack on me to try to make me look bad and deflect attention away from the stupidity of your posts. Just as your silly comparison of Obama and Bush is a distraction from the actual content of the speech.

You don't like anything that might suggest we need to be engaged with the rest of the world in any other way but trade. You are too locked into your ideology to see reality slapping you in your face. Anything deeper than the quote "Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto." is beyond your comprehension. The idea that the world is a far more complex and dangerous place than Jefferson could have imagined and that the United States can't live in utopian isolation just bounces off your ideological armor.

Well here's another quote you can compare to Bush:

"As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also."

Think you can tell me who said that?

awwww! wittle mike in a tantwum!:hysterical: Again, you are the one who somehow spun the thread into claiming that someone accused Obama of lying. You came in all half ****ed and whiney without reading the thread.

You deserve ridicule.

Obama = Bush in foreign policy

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I think this is the whole point of the discussion

I stated in the previous thread that I disagree with the Afghan decision but thought that the President made a logical speech as to his reasons why at West Point and has my support (even if I have my doubts about the plan, but hey its just me)

The whole "debate" in this thread is, does the current President sound like the previous President?

When discussing the wars, yes, they both do sound very similar

I don't think Bush was a bad guy, not at all. I agree he thought he was doing what was best for the country and even the world.

My biggest complaint about Bush is, now and forever, that he didn't provide the type of logical and well-thought examinations you mentioned. Its not that he didn't want to; he was just not competent enough to be President. He did (at least for the first 7 years of his Presidency) have a sort of arrogance about him, but even that I think he needed for the good of the country and the world to show he was strong.

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Seriously. WTF is wrong with you. Are you some kind of child? Is it a mental defect?

aww, he's still mad. :)

It's awesome that you cant see that you came in all barnstorming, posted something that didnt relate to any of the thread conversation (your spouting on about ideology, etc) and then cant even acknowledge that you were off in your perception.

The best part is that you actually agree with us who are saying he's sounding a lot like Bush!

You crack me up! The temper tantrums and overall "Look at me, I'm angry!!!" posts from you really help make things more fun here.

You're my favorite angry attention whore.:)

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