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Fake FG for TD


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Surprised I didn't see a thread on this already...hopefully I didn't miss it or possibly was answered by Zorn after the game.

One, I can tell you that when I saw the Skins call timeout after showing the formation change there was no way I thought they'd fake it. First, I didn't think it would be a good idea when it was 4th and 20...let along after the TO. Secondly, I hoped we'd see Suisham hit a long FG since he's been pretty consistent lately.

When they came back out after the timeout, did anyone seriously consider they would fake it? When I saw the shift again, I figured....as the Broncos must have done... that we were doing a pooch punt.

That made me think.....could we possibly have called timeout to make them plan for it and be ready for the pooch punt? There didn't seem to be any reason to call timeout the first time. If we hadn't called timeout, would they have just sat back...covered people...and let a pooch punt fall with no one back?

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There didn't seem to be any reason to call timeout the first time.

Zorn said he called time out because the Skins only had 10 men on the field.

Also, one of the Broncos players (can't remember who) said that after the time out, the Broncos players thought they heard our coaches yelling out "Let's just punt here!", so when the shifting took place, they might have thought it really was going to be a punt lol...

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Watching it I said to myself this is why we lose games. Stupid stuff like this where Zorn wants to show he is out thinking the D.

/you would have an easier time convincing me that Dogs lick their butts to ward away demons, than to tell me that play would work.

//So glad to be shocked!!!

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That had to be one of the most improbable plays I've ever seen. It's 4th & 20 which seems to make a fake pretty unlikely. We took a time-out after we showed the shift and then we run it anyway?!?

Well, there's no arguing with success. I say Smith should get a start at QB - he's got a TD on his only pass attempt and one on his only rushing attempt :P .

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My first thought was: I wonder if Zorn or Danny draws up the ST trick plays.

But I also considered whether the timeout could have been part of the trick. Think about it:

We line up with ten men, show the shift, and call a timeout.

We line up with eleven men, show the shift, and pass out of pooch punt formation.

Even though I came to the realization that, no, the timeout was not an intentional part of the play, it was still the most epic setup in all of trick play history. If we ran that without the TO and confusion, then the Broncos probably stop us. But by screwing up, we got in their heads. :/

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As soon as they started lining up after the timeout, I starting shouting at the tv that it was a fake, lol.

I think a bunch of people were saying that Hunter should be QB during the game thread...although I'm sure most were joking...not sure if I was when I said it myself. ;)

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It was a good call, the ffg to the fp got them thinking it was going to a be a fake, when i saw it i thought "this is going to be a fake but 4th and 20?" the roll right was great, none of the deffense was even trying to put pressure on Hunter because they didnt know what to do 4th and 20 you dont want to have too many guys rush in and he dumps it for a 10 yard pass and theres nothing but him and the return guy to beat. The return guy bit as smith rolled right, he rolled left which was a huge mistake being that hes the last line of defense. Had he stayed where he was or had too much pressure I am sure smith would have pooched it. But its one of those situations where you go what the heck are they doing its 4th and 20?? And thats what Denver was thinking. A good throw a little under it but having mike sellers being not the fastest guy in the world was the perfect combo.

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Coach em up Danny Smith!

Fake field goal, fake punt, pump and go... uh... backside TE wheel route... uh... I'm lost.

Lets pretend we didn't have to call a timeout to get it right for a second. That was an amazing play design. Designed to free up Mike Sellers on the backside with the roll out and the pump fake.

Bet Suisham had fun going out into a route too.

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After careful consideration, I have decided to expand my trick play conspiracy.

Earlier I said I pondered the possibility of whether the 10 men on the field and the subsequent timeout were part of the trick.

Now I am wondering if the possibility of Hunter being IR'd was part of the trick, too.

I mean, we supposedly didn't even know whether Hunter was a go until late in the week.

Why would Denver suppose we had time to practice a trick play when we didn't even know if our guy could punt correctly.

So, I guess this means that this particular trick play started way back when Hunter originally tweaked his hammy.

That's dedication to the sell.

I know this is all ridiculous...but it makes you wonder.

Or...it makes me wonder. :/

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