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Dennis Miller:"Having a Washington Redskins Helmet phone on their desk is A LOT worse


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I think he is hilarious,even on issues I may not agree with. I try to catch him on O'Reilly, and tonight, in the middle of his tirade about the Ft Hood incident, they are discussing how to react to Muslims in the workplace and Dennis replies,

"If you ask the guy next to you to borrow a stapler and he says, 'here great Satan', You gotta flag that to HR. I know its not the most egregious workplace crime, like saying to some woman your hair looks nice, or having a Washington Redskins Helmet phone on their desk is A LOT worse."


Its at about 3:20/8:05 in the video. It totally caught me off guard, but the way he threw it in there was pretty funny. I think at this point in the season if I don't laugh I just might cry.

The last part he goes on about Barney Frank, and I thought I was going to fall off the couch laughing.

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The guy is the king of cerebral humor.
Good Description

I always thought that Dennis wasn't speaking to his audience....he was speaking to a body of intelligencia

Call this title a defense mechanism, I claim that because during his talk show I got about half his jokes...the other half went over my head

I think his Skins helmet thing was about PC in the workplace (REDskins)

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Ten years ago, I thought he was the funniest guy on the planet.

Today, I think he is the biggest douchebag on the planet.

He used to at least break up his bizarre hipster intellectual language with real sentences. Now, it's just relentless. Just say I was talking to this guy....you don't always need to use the word "cat" instead of "guy," Mr. Keroauc.

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Miller was okay until 9/11 and he switched from quasi-libertarian to quasi-authoritarian.

He still makes fun of everyone, regardless of what political group they are in. No one is immune, not even Bill.

I think some people are just too uptight these days.

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I think those who don't find him funny, just don't understand the big words he is using.:silly:

half of what makes his rants funny, is just that- but at the same time its not funny if you don't know what it means.


There are times when I'm laughing so hard at what he says and knowing that some people will not understand it. Reminds me a lot of the "Far Side" cartoons in that respect.

A show with Miller and Stossel would be priceless - the exchange between these two would be awesome to watch.

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Dennis Miller is very similar to a history professor that absolutely believes himself to be hilarious in front of a class that disagrees. The guy isn't funny and when his comedy stopped paying the bills he went right wing to take advantage of the easy money other out of work entertainers have played to great personal gain.

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I lol at people who think Dennis MIller is right wing. You must not pay attention to what he says. He makes fun of EVERYONE! Bush, Cheney, Palin as well as Obama, Pelosi and Barney Frank.

I guess they would think it was funny if he created fake news stories lauging and hoping someone famous he disagreed with would die. Because laughing about someone dying and/or making jokes about hoping they die is real humor:doh:

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I lol at people who think Dennis MIller is right wing. You must not pay attention to what he says. He makes fun of EVERYONE! Bush, Cheney, Palin as well as Obama, Pelosi and Barney Frank.

I guess they would think it was funny if he created fake news stories lauging and hoping someone famous he disagreed with would die. Because laughing about someone dying and/or making jokes about hoping they die is real humor:doh:

Psssst, Lori - some people don't have a sense of humor. I wonder how many people caught the Ralph Reed comment. :D

The "set the clocks back" tax was priceless too.

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