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Top 5 most hated Dallas Cowboys of all time


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1. Emmitt Smith

2. Michael Irvin (although I actually like him as an analyst...he's funny)

3. Troy Aikman

4. Romeo

5. T.O.

I hated Emmitt Smith so much, because of the OL he got to run behind. Tell me how nice Barry Sanders' stats would have been if they switched teams.

You could not even fathom how much I agree with you, and how happy I am that you posted in this thread. I had friends who were Emmitt fans, they would go on and on about him. But as Mike Wilbon once said, "He wasn't even the best RB of his generation"! Barry Sanders was ****ing insane. He had Emmitt's O-Line? Multiple 2,000 yards season. Hell, when he retired he was still in his prime (slowing down though), and he was a season and a half from the all time rushing record. He would have destroyed that record.

I always remember before they instituted the "must keep helment on" rule, E. Smith would score touchdowns, then take off his helmet and talk trash to the camera. I swear I wanted to throw something at the damn TV set.

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How can Emmitt Smith not be in many top fives? This man killed the redskins in so many ways in the 90s! He is by far my most hated cowboy.


1. E. Smith

2.Troy Aikman

3. Alvin Harper

4. Michael Ervin = straight crackhead!

5. Roger staubach- never saw him play but I bet I'd hate Roger.

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I dont really consider T.O a cow puke.

Us Skins fans should love T.O he hates them as much as we do. He broke them apart and made them :chair:

Yeah, except they are not :chair: They are a better team without him than they were with him.

And all the while he languishes in Buffalo, looking horrible.:hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

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Landry - since my childhood. To this day, anybody who wears a hat like his - I hate.

Staubach - 21 points was never enough of a lead with #12 on the field. **** him.

Sanders - I actually hate him more as a Redskin. When I think of him, I see Snyder.

Owens - How could a Redskins fan not hate TO? He was on two hated teams.

Ismail - It was opening day, a beautiful, perfect Sunday, and we had a 21-point lead against Dallas. Then... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/redskins/longterm/1999/gamerep/week1/redskins13.htm

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1. Michael Irvin- Hated his stupid first down stretch and any TD celebration and his pushing off that he got away with.

2. Emmitt Smith- Didn't hate the person, just the player. I liked how he played the game, but I hate how he always killed us.

3. Bill Bates- Short on talent, long on ego.

4. Butch Johnson- Again, short on talent, long on ego. And when he did that stupid guns a blazin bit in the endzone, I felt like breaking his fingers.

5. Harvey Martin- Biggest trash talking, goonie looking peice of human excrement ever. Him throwing the funural wreath in the Redskins locker room was as low as you get.

Hon Mention- Tony Romo sits to pee- Backward hat wearing, goofing grinning butt wipe.

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Each to their own, but how can anyone "hate" Coach Landry?

He was, God rest, the mirror image Texas version of our own great Coach, and more so man, Joe Gibbs. A quiet, humble, family guy who wasn't ashamed to openly admit, in the macho World of sports, the part his faith played in defining him in everything he did; and one heck of an innovative football mind and Coach to boot.

Again, each to their own, but as much as I hate the Crygirls as much as the next man, I've nothing but the utmost respect for both Tom Landry the football coach, and more so Tom Landry the MAN.

As to picking five ..... phew, toughie. As was mentioned earlier in the thread, can't we have anyone with that darn star on the side of their helmets? :silly:

Shoot, let's go with:

1. There aint' no I in team, but there SURE as Hell is in Deion!

For robbing us blind in the Danny fantasy football years, he get's top billing.

2. Michael Irvin: Colombia's favourite Cowboy, and every woman's worst nightmare. (Unless the black and blue look is your thing.).

3. Randy White, just because, well, he was Randy White, and that's the way it should be. Had he been a 'Skin, we'd of idolised him. One of the toughest SOB's to ever suit up, and one HELL of a player. But he wasn't, and he played for them. And he was Randy frigging White. :mad: How'd that '83 Championship game at RFK work out for you Randy man? :D

4. ME-O. Super ego supreme, which in Big D is saying something.

5. The crypt keeper that owns the team. From day one when he **** all over Coach Landry he's been headed to Hell in a hand basket. I just wish we didn't have as bigger megalomaniac in charge trying to out do him.

With an honourable mention for Clint fricking Longly, who ruined my first Thanksgiving on this Earth. Ok, I was like 2 weeks or so old, but it's all relative when it comes to THEM! :mad: (Smiles sweetly at the Texan. Love ya' kiddo, even if you are one of THEM! ;)).


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fdarugar my profile is messed up regarding my age. My then 8 year old wanted to join ES, I knew he was way too young and wanted to monitor it so we agreed to share an account and I split our b-days. Like the dog, it became my account but I don't know how to change the age now. I was a kid for alot of this.

Interesting list, one that makes me wonder why you would hate a player:

Irvin--Hall of Fame receiver, also flamboyant but very, very good. Off the field stuff may have contributed to this selection

For me, Irvin’s off field criminal stuff is reason number 3.

The Number 1 reason was keeping Monk out of the Hall of fame, as many actual voters [insanely] thought Irvin needed to go in first (any Google of art monk Irvin hall of fame will demonstrate how very real this unfairness was.)

…And number 2 goes to the 1988 season.

As Super Bowl Champs they were the seventh team in NFL history to enter a season as the defending Super Bowl champions and miss the playoffs at 7-9 [horrific defense]. In week 14 they met the Cowboys (who finished 3-13 and “fired” Landry in a pure class move after the season) the skins were 7-7. Irvin gets 3 TDs and it is over for the skins until 1990 … but the truth is even if the skins had won they wouldn’t have made the playoffs but that was not clear at the time.

… what did Irvin say of it? The below from here


I know this is beginning to seem like a 4th and Long: marathon but I found these radio commercials being run in other NFL East cities to be entertaining and thought I'd share:

In Philadelphia:

IRVIN: Hey, Eagles fans! I'm Michael Irvin. Remember me? Michael Irvin from the Cowboys? Sure you do. And I remember you ... as you cheered my career-ending neck injury in the fifth game of the '99 season. But no hard feelings, Philly ... just know that with my new show Fourth and Long is coming to Spike TV. Twelve football hopefuls will compete for a shot at making the Dallas Cowboys. Look at this way ... I'm giving ya someone new to boo.

In New York:

IRVIN: Hey Giants fans! Remember Eric Moore? Probably not. You picked him one spot ahead of me in the '88 draft. You remember me though, or at least your DB's do ... Michael Irvin, Hall of Famer with three rings? And I'm just here to tell you about my new show Fourth and Long on Spike TV ...

In Washington:

IRVIN: Hey Redskins fans. This is Michael Irvin and I have some fond memories of playing in DC. Like when I ruined your playoff hopes in '88 by scoring 3 touchdowns in one game. Well now I got another present for you - my new show Fourth and Long on Spike TV...

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Irvin hands down....so effing ****y....a lot of the old school I actually respect...including Emmitt(though he reached for his stats and talks worse than W.) and Aikman is a great analyst.....you can't hate Landry as he was so damn soft spoken and innovative...he was great for the game.

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I agree with a couple of people in this thread. While I can understand the dislike for Irvin, Randy White et. al., I just can not fathom anyone hating Tom Landry. If there were ever a more decent man, I am not aware of him.

And, you know what? Even though I am a Cowboys fan, I feel the same way about Joe Gibbs. Dislike what he did against my chosen team on the field at times? Absolutely. Abhor his lack of intelligence when choosing a team to coach for? You bet. ;);)

But hate the man? No way. Gibbs always struck me as a stand up guy and a very good man. Landry and he were cut from the same mold and, to me, that is a very good thing.

The NFL could use more people like the two of them, in my opinion. Hell, the whole world could use more people like the two of them.

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I agree with a couple of people in this thread. While I can understand the dislike for Irvin, Randy White et. al., I just can not fathom anyone hating Tom Landry. If there were ever a more decent man, I am not aware of him.

We're not talking about "as a man." We're talking about as a Dallas Cowboy.

It's not a choice, it's an emotion.

Oh, btw, don't forget this quote by Landy after the Redskins won the SB (paraphrasing):

"1982 will always be known as the season with an asterisk."

**** him.

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