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Per ESPN: Many Skins Arent Giving Effort


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Ron Jaworski says in his article for the Redskins that many of the redskins arent giving much effort: "I watch the coach's tape each week for all the teams and see all 22 players on every play. Many Redskins players do not give a maximum effort."

Does anyone else agree with this? Which players do you think he is talking about? I honestly dont feel its an effort thing. The defense is flying around the ball and the offense looks like they are trying but maybe Im missing something.

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The blocks are lethargic especially from Mike "I just got paid, I'm counting my paycheck in Walla Walla" Sellers. That is one HUGE thing I am noticing. I have also noticed that Ladell Betts seems to run out of bounds way early on runs like he's almost trying to not get a first down. I also notice that the offense looks as though they don't believe in what they are doing. In a sport that is 90% psychological and mental, this is a death sentence.

So in short, I see it. However, on D and occasionally on special teams we are playing very hard.

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Ron Jaworski says

I disagree.

I do think the team is giving a *good* effort on the field, but I do not blame them for not having that extra fire that great teams play with. When they need an extra foot, they're not pushing for it on every play in every situation and I don't blame them for that. That extra foot is something you push for when you see a win in your grasp. I don't blame this team for not thinking that way. Maybe I blame coaching for some of it and a few veterans who should be leaders for some of it... This is not a "game of inches" for the Redskins this season. It's a game of personnel. That's why when you see the team out on the field, they just don't really look pumped and excited to be there.

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"I watch the coach's tape each week for all the teams and see all 22 players on every play. Many Redskins players do not give a maximum effort."

Which players do you think he is talking about?

Since he brought up the point of the coaches tape that shows everyone on the field, I'm guessing it's the players we don't see on tv angles like WR's and DB's. I'll go with Malcolm Kelly seeing he was demoted recently, Fred Davis and DeAngelo Hall.

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The blocks are lethargic especially from Mike "I just got paid, I'm counting my paycheck in Walla Walla" Sellers. That is one HUGE thing I am noticing. I have also noticed that Ladell Betts seems to run out of bounds way early on runs like he's almost trying to not get a first down. I also notice that the offense looks as though they don't believe in what they are doing. In a sport that is 90% psychological and mental, this is a death sentence.

So in short, I see it. However, on D and occasionally on special teams we are playing very hard.

Couldn't have said it better myself. So I won't even try. Sellers is totally showing nothing this season.

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Unless Jaws has some kind of adgenda I have no reason to disagree. He has more experience, expertise than I do.

Jaws knows his stuff. I've seen people on here in the past say he doesn't know what he's talking about...and if someone says that, you can pretty much assume THAT person actually has no idea what they are talking about.

Jaws is an NFL guru when he starts breaking down tape.

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I think I have said this in other threads, but I don't think Moss goes 100% either. I've seen him give up on a few plays this season, that if he stuck his nose down and went hard, he could have made a difference.

There was one game earlier this season where the broadcast even pointed out his lack of effort on the given play. The game escapes me now.

I know to some it is blasphemous to talk down about Moss, but I just don't like his effort this year.

As far as DHall not giving effort, I think he is. He is just a terrible tackler and he was overrated to begin with.

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The blocks are lethargic especially from Mike "I just got paid, I'm counting my paycheck in Walla Walla" Sellers. That is one HUGE thing I am noticing. I have also noticed that Ladell Betts seems to run out of bounds way early on runs like he's almost trying to not get a first down. I also notice that the offense looks as though they don't believe in what they are doing. In a sport that is 90% psychological and mental, this is a death sentence.

So in short, I see it. However, on D and occasionally on special teams we are playing very hard.

It's like what G. Williams said in that article posted yesterday:

"It was same with the Redskins -- you got to go from being a scout team defense to a real defense, and so much of it is attitude," Williams said. "I think Rex [Ryan] has done a great job of that in New York [with the Jets]. You got to go in and coach with an attitude first. They see that in yourself and that kind of filters down through the players, and the players play a little bit better than they are because they're playing with confidence as opposed to playing with paralysis. You can't be afraid to make a mistake."

Which is why he stood before the Saints that first day and vowed to do his best to get rid of anyone on the defense who didn't want to be a part of the conditioning program. But as much as he did it to make them uncomfortable -- to create the tension they seemed to crave -- he also did it as a test. He wanted to see if anyone dared to challenge his edict, not as an affront to his ego but rather out of a lack of commitment.

No one stayed away.

Attendance, he noted, was 100 percent.

"These guys have done everything I've asked them," he said. "I haven't made them do anything. They've wanted to do that. And it's so critical. When they want it more than you want it, you've got a chance to change it. If they don't want it more than you, now is the difficulty of coaching and teaching because you want it more than them. These guys showed me I have to ramp up, and I have to elevate what I teach them because they want it more."

Meanwhile Zorn was keeping guys out just to save them for the season. This offense is soft, out of shape, and expect everything to fail. It starts with Zorn and JC just makes it much worse no fire and attitude that he's doing everything he needs to, even after being benched he sounded like Darrellgreenie while missing the entire point.

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I see it mostly in lineman on the backside of a run play with their hands on their hips long before the play is over. It seems like a lot of guys that aren't directly involved in the play are not finishing plays. Your hands should NEVER be on your hips unless it is the fourth quarter and you are a lineman. Your taught in High School to never put your hands on your hips because it shows that your tired. I see WR's, Portis all the time, and all our lineman with their hands on their hips all the time

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I agree that many players are not giving their maximum effort ... just watching the plays leaves one scratching their head .... the most common comment from analysts is always "poor execution" ... not bad play calling... altho I think there is bad play calling in that the next play call is predicitable....which probably leads to "poor execution".

On the other hand, why should they put out? If you are a young upcoming future Pro Bowl prospect, you will not be rewarded for your performance...see AP, etc.

If you are over the hill but have a credential, you get a big payday with "gar-n-teed" payments, so why risk yourself putting out when you get paid just for appearances...see almost all FA acquisitions.

CP takes time off; AH takes time off.... so who is the role model for commitment on this team???

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Not to hate on JC, but, I think you see guys really give it their all when they have a QB they have come to believe in. Each individual can make the difference when you have that guy at QB.

Defensively, I can't see the secondary too much, but we know they give cushion and play kinda loose.

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