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Per ESPN: Many Skins Arent Giving Effort


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From my vantage last week. I think there is some halfing it going on. They seem to go all out in the first quarter, but if the opponent lands a blow they fold and just sort of fall apart. It explains all the missed tackles, dropped passes, and poor execution.

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What sport are you talking about? Golf? 10% Physical, 90% mental?

ya, what i mean is the mental aspect of KNOWING YOUR PLAYS (MENTAL) AND BELIEVING YOU CAN EXECUTE (PSYCHOLOGICAL). It was actually something that HOFer John Mackie told me about. Got anything else there smartass?

You would be surprised how much of the game comes down to mental ability. That's what seperates the Robert Gallery's of the league with the Joe Jacoby's. It is not just physical ability. Any jerk with a weightset can get big. It takes a BRAIN to tell that body to do it properly - otherwise you get Flozelle Adams.

Also, I don;t think golf requires anywhere near as much mental ability as football. In golf you put a ball in a hole with nobody trying to distract you or stop you. In football you have to remember a play, try to execute it properly while 300 pounders try to kill you. I would say football takes way more mental focus. Anything else?

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It's like what G. Williams said in that article posted yesterday:

"It was same with the Redskins -- you got to go from being a scout team defense to a real defense, and so much of it is attitude," Williams said. "I think Rex [Ryan] has done a great job of that in New York [with the Jets]. You got to go in and coach with an attitude first. They see that in yourself and that kind of filters down through the players, and the players play a little bit better than they are because they're playing with confidence as opposed to playing with paralysis. You can't be afraid to make a mistake."

Which is why he stood before the Saints that first day and vowed to do his best to get rid of anyone on the defense who didn't want to be a part of the conditioning program. But as much as he did it to make them uncomfortable -- to create the tension they seemed to crave -- he also did it as a test. He wanted to see if anyone dared to challenge his edict, not as an affront to his ego but rather out of a lack of commitment.

No one stayed away.

Attendance, he noted, was 100 percent.

"These guys have done everything I've asked them," he said. "I haven't made them do anything. They've wanted to do that. And it's so critical. When they want it more than you want it, you've got a chance to change it. If they don't want it more than you, now is the difficulty of coaching and teaching because you want it more than them. These guys showed me I have to ramp up, and I have to elevate what I teach them because they want it more."

Meanwhile Zorn was keeping guys out just to save them for the season. This offense is soft, out of shape, and expect everything to fail. It starts with Zorn and JC just makes it much worse no fire and attitude that he's doing everything he needs to, even after being benched he sounded like Darrellgreenie while missing the entire point.

and we have a winner....it's too bad we have an owner and vp that didn't see GW as a head coach for our team...imagine where we would be right now with GW as head and Saunders calling the plays!!!! Damn!

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I have a strange feeling Devin Thomas is finally going to have a big game. That diving catch out of bounds last week was nice and hopefully this week campbell can actually hit him in the field when he breaks loose.

Jason Candle will never make a throw like that..count on it...the second he threw it, I knew it was going out of bounds....he long ball accuracy just plain stinks!

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I think Zorn lost most of the team last year about the time Portis was calling him the genius. He threw EL under the bus in one post game interview. Zorn was not a very good coach after we started losing last year, at least in his interviews.

I do think he has gotten better this year, I do not recall him blaming individuals players this year.

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I think that's true, Kilmer. The team keeps saying the right thing about rallying behind Zorn, but from the first game it just hasn't been apparent on the field. They aren't fighting for him, pushing for that extra yard, diving, diving, jumping, or making any sorts of difficult catches.

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I see it mostly in lineman on the backside of a run play with their hands on their hips long before the play is over. It seems like a lot of guys that aren't directly involved in the play are not finishing plays. Your hands should NEVER be on your hips unless it is the fourth quarter and you are a lineman. Your taught in High School to never put your hands on your hips because it shows that your tired. I see WR's, Portis all the time, and all our lineman with their hands on their hips all the time

Not only that but watch a play where Heyer gets blown up like tecmo bowl popcorn and JC is sacked, nobody goes over to help him up, that would require too much energy.

They are all out of shape.

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The problem all starts from the top.

Imagine being a rookie for the Skins, and this is what you see with the team:

Arch sucks....who cares? He is paid big.

The other 10 FAs before him suck....who cares? They all get paid.

Portis does what he wants to. Why should I do anything but the minimum?

All the position coaches suck. Stan Hixon has a job. All I need to do is blend in, say I believe in the team, and I get paid.

It is a disease. It is called losing. It is contagious.

There has never been accountability with this team under Dan.

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ya, what i mean is the mental aspect of KNOWING YOUR PLAYS (MENTAL) AND BELIEVING YOU CAN EXECUTE (PSYCHOLOGICAL). It was actually something that HOFer John Mackie told me about. Got anything else there smartass?

You would be surprised how much of the game comes down to mental ability. That's what seperates the Robert Gallery's of the league with the Joe Jacoby's. It is not just physical ability. Any jerk with a weightset can get big. It takes a BRAIN to tell that body to do it properly - otherwise you get Flozelle Adams.

Also, I don;t think golf requires anywhere near as much mental ability as football. In golf you put a ball in a hole with nobody trying to distract you or stop you. In football you have to remember a play, try to execute it properly while 300 pounders try to kill you. I would say football takes way more mental focus. Anything else?

I don't care who told you 90% of the game is mental, that's bull****. Yes, any moron can state that you need to know your assignments, play with confidence, etc. Fact of the matter is football is a PHYSICAL GAME! Aside from the QB, if you are thinking too much while your on the field you are not making plays. The OLine must know their assignment. Does that mean when they get there they are going to put their man on their ass? The LB knows he must blitz the A Gap. Does they mean he's going through there with an attitude or hesitant because he's thinking the 300 lb guard may slide or Portis might launch himself at him? So there you go SMARTASS! Theres my explanation why your 90% mental statement is just that.... a mental statement! Apparently you've never played organized football at any level.

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I don't care who told you 90% of the game is mental, that's bull****. Yes, any moron can state that you need to know your assignments, play with confidence, etc. Fact of the matter is football is a PHYSICAL GAME! Aside from the QB, if you are thinking too much while your on the field you are not making plays. The OLine must know their assignment. Does that mean when they get there they are going to put their man on their ass? The LB knows he must blitz the A Gap. Does they mean he's going through there with an attitude or hesitant because he's thinking the 300 lb guard may slide or Portis might launch himself at him? So there you go SMARTASS! Theres my explanation why your 90% mental statement is just that.... a mental statement! Apparently you've never played organized football at any level.

Ya, but I'm pretty sure that John Mackie knows more about winning in the NFL than you do in your HS JV team. Why do they spend HOURS WATCHING FILM THEN? Is it so they can train their muscles or their minds? Think about it!Your explanation is bull****, mine comes from a guy who won rings and is in Canton. I don't care about your meaningless high school career that you still obsess about like Al Bundy.

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Ya, but I'm pretty sure that John Mackie knows more about winning in the NFL than you do in your HS JV team. Why do they spend HOURS WATCHING FILM THEN?

No disrespect to John Mackey. You def misinterpreted his message. I guarantee if you told Ray Lewis, London Fletcher, Troy Polamalu or any player for that matter that the game they play is 90% mental the would laugh in your face.

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sorry pet pieve here, the man's first name is Antwaan. His last name is Randle El. Get it? He is not named Randle El. Sorry, like i said it is a pet pieve and I hear announcers do it. I'm an ******* and I will go back and crawl under the rock from whence I came.

By the way it's pet peeve ;)

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No disrespect to John Mackey. You def misinterpreted his message. I guarantee if you told Ray Lewis, London Fletcher, Troy Polamalu or any player for that matter that the game they play is 90% mental the would laugh in your face.

It would be cool though. Imagine how good this team would be if half the defensive players had telekinesis!

I do think there is a large mental component. That part surfaces probably more in practice, film study, and preparation. By the time you get to the field you have to react... but if you are reacting knowng the tendencies you do react better.

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It would be cool though. Imagine how good this team would be if half the defensive players had telekinesis!

I do think there is a large mental component. That part surfaces probably more in practice, film study, and preparation. By the time you get to the field you have to react... but if you are reacting knowng the tendencies you do react better.

Exactly lol. Teams spend hours evaluating film for a reason. But knowing teams tendencies is not going to make the play for you. Not disagreeing with the importance of the mental aspect of the game. I'm just not going to overvalue it.

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Many Redskins players do not give a maximum effort.

This has been a problem for a long time. In the past, Carlos Rogers was a major offender on giving up on plays...though this season, I haven't noticed him much. Landry hits the WRs, but he will only try to arm tackle the RBs and TEs. Albert isn't conditioned, but he is better than the beginning of the season. Betts doesn't run hard and run over people like he did in 2007. The WRs are not running routes hard and getting open. Sellers isn't blocking like he used to do. The offensive line are not being physical. The RBs are missing their blocks. And Campbell hasn't progressed so it's obvious from lack of effort and preparation.

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D Hall has made plays, but certain ones like that awful attempt at tackling Delomme make me think he's not always giving his all. And Sellers has been absolute crap lead blocking. They probably are not giving their all--thats part of the overpaid, no-accountability atmosphere that Snyder has created.

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