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My Band Got Scammed This Weekend - Embarassing Story!


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I wanted to fill you in on the horrible experience that happened to me and my bandmates this weekend. We play in a hip hop/classic rock group called "ARTELESS" Our myspace page is listed here


Anyway, we had a show planned for last Friday night on U street in NW DC. Unfortunatley, we were scammed into being booked at a non existant venue called the "Empyrean Skyloft". The promoter contacted us through Craigslist and promised us this rooftop venue including a night of fashion shows, food and alcohol, and a showcase of local talent which we were supposed to be a part of. We were in contact with her for weeks leading up to the show, had signed a contract detailing our performance, and had assembled a guest list of over 100 of our fans to come into DC and attend this upscale event.

As we arrived for soundcheck, less than an hour before the show, the promoter, who calls herself "Robin Watkins" (known email addresses include bobbiealease@aol.com and lahdi1@aol.com) called us and informed us that the venue had been double booked, and the event was now being held an hour away at a crappy hotel bar in College Park, MD called E.J.'s Landing. Having been to E.J.'s for past performances, we immediatley knew that not only was this tiny hotel bar not large enough to hold all of the events promised, but extremely unlikely to be an attractive destination for 100+ individuals in swanky upscale attire looking for an evening out in DC. She also had the audacity to tell us that the ticket prices for the event were to remain at $20 each and we were to split any intake from attendees with her 50/50. Needless to say, because of the complete lack of time and professionalism displayed, we knew that we wouldn't be able to play our show and would have to contact our guests and explain the embarrassing situation.

Upon recieving the phone call, we went to the original spot and learned that not only was the "Empyrean Skyloft" not double booked, but did not exist at all. Our band was forced to spend the rest of the evening calling all those on the guest list (most of whom were already in the city on the way to the show) and inform them that the show we had promised them was not happening. This woman has absolutley ruined our band's credibility as many of the attendees were friends, coworkers, and other artists we were hoping to meet and perform for for the first time. While I suppose we should take comfort in the fact that so many people were willing to call off work, book babysitters, and drive into DC to see us play, it is small consolation and I would not blame many of them for not wanting to come out and support us again.

The story doesn't end there. After finally contacting everyone and heading back home, the next day the band recieved numerous chain emails from the same promoter, claiming that another event (still called the "Empyrean Skyloft) was again being moved to another location in DC (Busboys and Poets). It is now very clear that this is an ongoing scam that this woman pulls in order to book performers, get people to commit to attending an expensive, upscale event, and then switching the venues at the last minute.

I wanted to let you all know about this phony promoter in the hopes that we can bring attention to this woman and stop her from ruining the credibility of any more local bands. We would love to find a way to get back at her by playing an established venue and showing her what an amazing opportunity she missed by screwing us over. We would really appreciate any help anyone could offer in terms of getting the word out on this scam artist and bringing her to justice. For now, ARTELESS has no choice but to lick our wounds and keep trying to find places to play, although this debacle has certainly set us back in terms of credibility and it may be a while before we muster up the courage to ask people to come support us again. Thanks for the time guys and I hope I can keep this from happening to anyone else.

If you guys know of any upcoming events we would love to be considered, or any information regarding similar stories, please contact me at:




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I wanted to let you all know about this phony promoter in the hopes that we can bring attention to this woman and stop her from ruining the credibility of any more local bands.

Sorry to hear of your problems. If you can actually find out more about this person, I would consider a lawsuit or contacting the Better Business Bureau.

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i guess it didn't cross your mind to look up the venue's website ahead of time?

According to the woman it was the rooftop of the ellington apts on u st. None of us live in dc so we werent able to go visit the place beforehand. Obviously hindsight is 20/20 but the contract, flyer and ad promoting the event all looked legitimate to us. :doh:

Luckily, we do have a lawyer looking over the contract we signed and should be able to pursue them. Just wanted to warn everyone else and wondering if anyone else has heard anything about this?

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What is this ladies motivation for doing this? I don't see what she had to gain in running her "scam" ...

I'm pretty confused as well. My best guess is that she hires herself out as a contractor/promoter for small venues in dc, promising them that she'll get people in the door. Then she drums up alot of potential guests with false "upscale" events with high cover charges and then switch the venue at the last minute in the hopes that people will just go to the new location. Then she still charges the same price as the old event and gets half the money from whoever shows up. It definitley doesn't seem to be a foolproof plan, but pretty shady stuff. I'm only speculating though. . .

And yeah, she's actually friends with us on facebook and a "fan" of our facebook page, because we were in contact with her so much leading up to the show. I've refrained from writing anything on her wall because I don't want facebook to ban my account

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Did you call the police? Did you call a lawyer?

Seems like she has broken the law and could be liable for a lawsuit.

Seriously. If the OP can find information on this person, it seems like something can be done. I find it hard to believe that there aren't any legal repercussions for the scam she is pulling.

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Good luck proving it. Lesson learned if it looks too good to be true then it is. I would just drop the issue. If you sue you'll probably win. But your dealing with a hustler who will skip out on any sort of restitution. And then your stuck with a legal bill. Just learn from the mistake and move on.

Destion call the police? I'm sure the cops are gonna put their best detectives on the case. Come on man there are wayyyyy bigger fish to fry in DC then some scam artist that uses craigslist to prey on folks. I mean hell theres a disclaimer at the top of the page warning people of hustlers.

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Who is the promoter/agent for the band (even if its one of you): HE/SHE is supposed to coordinate the event and ensure everything is good.

No excuse for not researching a gig and showing up within the hour.

Live and learn.

Again hindsight is 20/20. we do not have a manager and researched the venue as best we could prior to the event. Auditioned, met with promoters, had a lawyer look over the contract, etc. but obviously with all of us holding down fulltime jobs it was difficult to catch until it was too late. What we are finding out now is that alot of other "events", comments, and venue bookings that she's using as references are nothing more than smokescreens. Obviously we could have been smarter, but judging by the mailing list were included on this has been pulled on a bunch of other people as well. Just trying to give a heads up so others don't suffer the same fate.

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Good luck proving it. Lesson learned if it looks too good to be true then it is. I would just drop the issue. If you sue you'll probably win. But your dealing with a hustler who will skip out on any sort of restitution. And then your stuck with a legal bill. Just learn from the mistake and move on.

Destion call the police? I'm sure the cops are gonna put their best detectives on the case. Come on man there are wayyyyy bigger fish to fry in DC then some scam artist that uses craigslist to prey on folks. I mean hell theres a disclaimer at the top of the page warning people of hustlers.

I think it is worth pursuing just to drive her out of town, at the least. I just don't like the idea that this woman is scamming people and getting away with it.

I don't know what kind of laws cover this sort of thing, but I am curious to know if she could be held liable in some fashion.

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I'm pretty confused as well. My best guess is that she hires herself out as a contractor/promoter for small venues in dc, promising them that she'll get people in the door. Then she drums up alot of potential guests with false "upscale" events with high cover charges and then switch the venue at the last minute in the hopes that people will just go to the new location. Then she still charges the same price as the old event and gets half the money from whoever shows up. It definitley doesn't seem to be a foolproof plan, but pretty shady stuff. I'm only speculating though. . .
One possible explanation. She could also work for the other place, getting bands and patrons to go somewhere they would not necessarily play if not scammed. Then getting a cut from the bar and cover charge.
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So you signed a contract to play at a venue you've never heard of or been to?

I work at a place in PA and we book bands from all over the country.

You've never heard of us and it's the oldest continually owned, continually running live music venue in the country.

What's your point?

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I work at a place in PA and we book bands from all over the country.

You've never heard of us and it's the oldest continually owned, continually running live music venue in the country.

What's your point?

The point is if you had tried to book them then odds are good the band should research your venue. Find out details, etc. They did most of their due diligance with a contract and asking a lawyer but forgot a certain part which I am sure they will not forget again.

I also don't see where the scam part comes in. I.e. how does the scammer make $$ off of this. Did you have to buy tickets to sell or something?

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