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Ted Nugent Interview on 2nd Amendment


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What part the video did you disagree with?

The points he raises, I agree with. But he's disrespectful to people who simply disagree with him on a policy issue. That's a no-no for people who want to act like grownups. If you like, take Reagan as a model - he'd never do this in a million years.

It's like watching John McEnroe talk about tennis. You know he's right in what he's saying, and he presents his case eloquently, but you can still tell that he needs to be slapped around a little bit. ;)

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NICE!!!:D I have a 629 6 inch that looks just like that

Mine is 8 3/8" :D


And if i have to shoot someone with this im gonna be pissed, so they will get both barrels ;)

That's a beautiful shotgun. Do you bird-hunt? Shoot sporting clays or skeet?

Hopefully, that pic is one you took off of the webs, otherwise, (if you intend to defend yourself with it), you're SOL. By the time you open the case, assemble it, and chamber the rounds, it may be a tad too late.

I'm in the same boat. I have lot of guns, but they're all locked up in a gun safe. If I actually needed one to defend my "castle", by the time I ran to the Redskins room, opened the safe and grabbed a pistol, it would be too late.

Since our youngest son is now off to college, I've toyed around with the idea of keeping a pistol or shotgun in our bedroom. The problem with that is that our grandson visits us and occasionaly spends the night. I'm not willing to take that chance. He doesn't come over too often, so I suppose that I could stick a pistol, or shotgun under the bed and lock 'em up when he comes over, but you just never know.

We'll take our chances with the dog.

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I guess they will argue they would rather have the MA soccer mom dead then the carjacker. Maybe they would try to understand the guy raping their child and pay for his counseling. Maybe that the second amendment is only for militias and that law abiding free men do not have the right to own firearms and defend their family.

That little pinch interviewing him was at a loss for words but I bet when someone is breaking into his house he will speed dial The Nuge.



A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.[1] To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by substituting a superficially similar proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.[1] [2]

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You won't find many on the left posting on this one.

Ted did go on a rant toward the end(although, I agreed with it all)..but the first point he made about the right to bear arms is completely correct IMO.

BS - I love the Nuge, I love my guns and love my entitlements! :D

That's a sweet shotgun SC. I've been giving my 1100 a workout lately on the dove but I'm just waiting on the day to get a over under.

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Nugent is a moron and his political arguments are so stupid that this thread frustrates me. Do people seriously think he's making sound arguments? Did anyone even listen to the beginning? "Let's pretend brave families didn't leave tyrants and slave driver's of europe so that they could practice the religion of their choice and speak out without being murdered." There is so much inaccuracy in the opening to his rant that right off the bat your realize that you are going to get 5th grade logic to match his 5th grade understanding of American history. I wonder if the guy believes the story about George Washington and the cherry tree too?

The 2nd amendment is not clear. Let me say that again because I would rather have adult discussions than try to warp reality into what we'd like it to be. The 2nd amendment is not clear on your individual right to arm yourself with the weaponry of your choice. If it was clear we wouldn't be debating it.

I personally am all for gun rights. I've argued in many threads on this site that you have a right to defend your life. But imagine that you live in a condo... you want your neighbor using this as a self defense weapon:


That's obviously a exaggerated case to prove a point. Limits are needed and education is needed. Personally I don't think you should come anywhere near a gun unless you can prove that you've been taught to use it safely. Forgive me for not trusting the average person but I see the average person drive and that to me is enough evidence that dangerous objects in the hands of average people with poor training is a bad idea.

Laws should be different based on the areas for which they are written. What works in the sticks may not work in the city and vica versa. You should ultimately however be allowed some firearms to defend your home and you should be allowed to shoot anyone that invades your home. (or slice the **** with a samurai sword if you prefer)

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That's firearm deaths. Do you have one that compares it to violent crime or murders in general? That would be the (more) relevant comparison. This one doesn't tell us anything other than in order to get shot by a gun, there must be a gun around. I knew that. :silly:


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That's firearm deaths. Do you have one that compares it to violent crime or murders in general? That would be the (more) relevant comparison. This one doesn't tell us anything other than in order to get shot by a gun, there must be a gun around. I knew that. :silly:


I'm not sure what you're asking, but to my point about having a gun in the home greatly increases the risk to your family's well being:

  • A 1997 study that examined the risk factors for violent death for women in the home found that when there were one or more guns in the home, the risk of suicide among women increased nearly five times and the risk of homicide increased more than three times. The increased risk of homicide associated with firearms was attributable to homicides at the hands of a spouse, intimate acquaintance, or close relative.

  • Having a gun in the home makes it three times more likely that you or someone you care about will be murdered by a family member or intimate partner.

  • A firearm in the home may be a key factor in the escalation of nonfatal spousal abuse to homicide. In a study of family and intimate assaults for the city of Atlanta, Georgia, in 1984, firearm-associated family and intimate assaults were 12 times more likely to result in death than non-firearm associated assaults between family and intimates.

Some references:

  1. James E. Bailey, MD, MPH, et al., "Risk Factors for Violence Death of Women in the Home," Archives of Internal Medicine 157, no. 7 (1997): 777-782.

  2. Arthur Kellermann, MD, MPH, et al., "Gun Ownership as a Risk Factor for Homicide in the Home," New England Journal of Medicine 329, no. 15 (1993): 1084-1091.

  3. Linda Saltzman, PhD, et al., "Weapon Involvement and Injury Outcomes in Family and Intimate Assaults," JAMA 267, no. 22 (1992): 3043-3047.

  4. Arthur Kellermann, MD, MPH, et al., "Firearms and Family Violence," Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America 17 (August 1999): 699-716, citing Ernest N. Jouriles et al., "Knives, Guns, and Interparent Violence: Relations with Child Behavior Problems," Journal of Family Psychology 12, no. 2 (1998): 178-194.

It's nice to have a hobby (gun-ownership) you love, and current interpretation of the law says it's your constitutional right. But Ted Nugent's argument that owning guns makes your family safer is questionable.

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I think what zoony was getting at is because there are so few guns in the UK it would be fair to compare overall violence than gun related violence.

Well my response did talk to that point - violent situations that have access to guns are more likely to end up deadly (hardly a surprising conclusion) :)

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My point is that the presence of firearms in the home on the premise of defending yourself against the possibility of an intruder, is proven to increase the risk to your family members:

"... when there were one or more guns in the home, the risk of suicide among women increased nearly five times and the risk of homicide increased more than three times. The increased risk of homicide associated with firearms was attributable to homicides at the hands of a spouse, intimate acquaintance, or close relative."

"Having a gun in the home makes it three times more likely that you or someone you care about will be murdered by a family member or intimate partner."

"A firearm in the home may be a key factor in the escalation of nonfatal spousal abuse to homicide. In a study of family and intimate assaults for the city of Atlanta, Georgia, in 1984, firearm-associated family and intimate assaults were 12 times more likely to result in death than non-firearm associated assaults between family and intimates."

Unless you are arguing that average citizens who own guns are inherently more violent people that those who don't, I'm not understanding your point.

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Unless you are arguing that average citizens who own guns are inherently more violent people that those who don't, I'm not understanding your point.

That. And that in countries where they don't have firearms they may be just as violent (the percentage of violent people must be similar?) just not with guns.

It makes sense, someone who is inclined towards violence is going to want a weapon.

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