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What would it take for you to stop being a Redskins Fan?


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My love of this team has already dwindled since Synder bought the team. I still watch the games, but have given up my season tix. I also don't live and die with the team the way I used to. The pride of being a Skins fan has diminished under Synder's ownership. Very sad what has happened to this once proud organization.

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They have lost a lot from me over the years. I have dumped my season tickets and dont even watch all the games on tv anymore. When I first moved to FLA I would fly up for all the games. Then I started giving away my tickets or selling them for face to friends. Then I just dumped them and they have been so ****ty I dont even make too much of an effort to find a bar to watch anymore. The whole sueing the fans has just about done me in on this team. Ill always love them and want them to win but with Danny owning them and turning it into such an ugly business and not about winning and tradition but all about the money and nothing else.... I just have had about enough of it. May slowly start liking the Fins down here in Maimi. Cant believe they would sue their fans in these times when they supposedly have a 10 yr waiting list and make the most money of all NFL teams already.

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Dan Synder is arrogant and self centered

My mom, who grew up in San Fran rooted for the 49ers, moved to DC in the late 70's by 1985 she was a die hard skins fan. Loved RFK and loved Joe Gibbs. She told me today that she finds it harder and harder to like the skins ever since Snyder took over.

I was pissed off when I read that story. I mean...what is doing to these fans is just evil. Aren't there thousands of people just hoping they get a call? So just give them a call!

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I think its pitiful some of you post that you would cease to be a fan if they moved out of town. That tells me right there that you don't like the team. Its just the home team so you root for them because you don't want to be an outcast. With that kind of thinking all the cities that don't have a "home team" should just not watch football at all.

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I think its pitiful some of you post that you would cease to be a fan if they moved out of town. That tells me right there that you don't like the team. Its just the home team so you root for them because you don't want to be an outcast. With that kind of thinking all the cities that don't have a "home team" should just not watch football at all.

Exactly!! No true fan would say that. Who do the people in LA root for again?

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I think a more appropriate question would be "What would it take to stop giving this team your hard earned money?" I think all of us here could never be anything else but a skins fan. But I can certainly stop giving them money. Who needs to go to these over priced games for a perinnial 8-8 team and make the owner more money? Who needs to support an owner who seems to only respect the fans wallet most of all? As much as I love my team, but cant support them financially. Fans should wise. The owner isnt going anywhere but things will only change when they start losing money. Would I feel this way if we were going to championship games??? NOOO!!! When you are a winner you can get away with a lot more. But we are not winners. Havent been since our last superbowl. Hit the man where it hurts. HTTR.

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