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Dating a single parent....


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Dating a single mother is tough, no doubt about it.

For all of the great things....like taking the kid to nice places that he has yet to experience, spending money on him, or doing fun things with him, there are miserable things as well.

Dealing with the ex-husband thing sucks. Especially when the ex is a deadbeat, and can't pay for anything for the kid.

You may find yourself going from a nice, high standard financially speaking, life as a bachelor.....to taking 5 kids and the gf for a night of bowling.

And then birthday parties....dinners.....all sorts of stuff.

I'm not sure I would do it again.

damn... guess you've done this a lot. My 1st time actually "being with" a woman that already has a child, the rest of the "encounters" were slightly different for all the right reasons.

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You may find yourself going from a nice, high standard financially speaking, life as a bachelor.....to taking 5 kids and the gf for a night of bowling.

And then birthday parties....dinners.....all sorts of stuff.

Not to mention speech therapy to work on their lisps. Damn kids. ****.......

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I gotta say you are coming off like a real douchebag here. I cannot believe you come on here to bash a 3 year old kid. Think about it for a minute :doh:

You know honestly I feel worse about how I feel about the kid, it really does suck and I am overboard on here about just ****ting on him with my thoughts and oppinions of him, mainly because ITS ONLINE! Im cool to the little dude.. just saying.

I vented, I feel better...

You guys for the most part are right, provided you can actually read and not draw conclusions of how many kids I have, or are waiting on...

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WTF are you talking about- you said you have a kid who will be 3 in Nov. You are dating a woman with a 3 yr odl and you just posted that you have a kid a couple months off.

I think his statement "a couple months off" meant "my 3 year old and her 3 year old are a couple months apart in age". Not "And I'm expecting another one any month now".

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I, for one, think everyone needs to calm down in regards to this. The OP needs to understand the age difference between 3 and 30 and the people responding to need to stop calling the OP an *******.

To the OP: Look man, your original post was harsh. Really harsh. I have not been in your situation, but man, it's a 3 year old child.

To the people replying to his original post: Maybe try to not insult the man and help him understand that a 30 year old man IN A RELATIONSHIP with a woman that has the child should know his role. He is not the kids father, but again 3 to 30.

To the OP again: Dude, do you realize that this child will be so much different in two years than now? He's 3! When he's 5 you'll be able to carry on a conversation with him and be amazed at how much his brain has developed. Again, he is 3 years old. If you cannot get past him being annoying, please end the relationship.

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damn... guess you've done this a lot. My 1st time actually "being with" a woman that already has a child, the rest of the "encounters" were slightly different for all the right reasons.

Only twice.

And everyone's situation is different. The situation I am in now--not easy.

People like to spend their money on different things. Houses....save it...whatever.

I spend a lot of my money on eating at the best restaurants, as often as possible.

I like to eat out 5 nights a week--at pretty expensive places. When I am not in a relationship, 6 weeks a night is the norm.

Now, 5 nights a week, I have to decide between eating at the best places by myself while they eat at home, or bringing the gf and her kid with me. Of course, I bring the gf and the kid every single time.

The same with resorts. I like to travel to nice places. Now, I pay for 3--or if it is his bday, and he wants a friend to come--I pay for four.

A guy making a decent 6 figure salary for example, can quickly find himself living like he makes 50k. Or a 50k single guy before, may now live like he makes 20k a year.

It's difficult. When you date a single mother.....you are dating the kid too. That is part of the deal.

Just don't blame the kid. What you are describing is not his fault. And good luck, whatever you decide.

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I think his statement "a couple months off" meant "my 3 year old and her 3 year old are a couple months apart in age". Not "And I'm expecting another one any month now".

and that's all one had to say isn't it? But I stand by my "too many baby momma and daddy's" comment. That is a general statement.


I bet the kid has red hair

Its a ginger!!!!

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man, you sound compassionate :rolleyes:

He did come off sounding callous, but I am sure it isn't easy for either one of them. He has a single kid too. She is making sacrifices as well.

I used to sit there with my jaw open when I would hear beautiful women say something like "the second any man finds out that I have a kid, he runs."

Now? As a general rule, I would strongly suggest that anyone thinking about dating a single parent think very, very long about it before doing so.

Extra mouths to feed.

Extra dishes to do.

Extra things to buy.

You get to do fewer things that you enjoy.

Extra pet peeves arise with another person. And that kid's friends everytime they are over.

Extra crap to pick up around the house.

Extra trips to the hospital and Doctor.

Those are huge sacrifices. And for what?

For a kid that is never going to think of you as his real Father?

Unless that person is absolutely incredible, and makes you extremely happy--it isn't a good situation.

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touchy subject you quoted huh? lol

folks dived right your throat on this one son! :hysterical:

I don't know the kid but but you are entitled to your opinion. Kids are people too (I wonder what the response would be if he were 13 instead of 3). Though its questionable to hate a kid b/c of a lisp, I take your words as just that and not a reflection of how you treat him.

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In my experience, a parent will always put their child first so if you can't accept the child, you best forget it.

I dated a guy with a 3 year old kid (absolutely adorably btw) and we remained friends after we broke up. He then proceeded to date this huge ***** who pretty much ignored his son...needless to say he got rid of her pretty quickly. Just sayin...if this kid is going to bother you so much then you might wanna rethink the relationship.

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it's an internet board, what i speak of here or to who (within the limits of the law) are as irrelevant as the words you speak.

i'm cool to the kid, i wouldn't act towards a child in a negative way.. venting here is harmless, if you don't see it as such you're an idiot but then again most people here veg out on the boards 24/7 and take this place WAY to serious so dating in general is probably something most of you are unfamiliar with.

Actually, this statement makes a hell of a lot of sense. This board is somewhat like a nintendo game, and most of the dudes on here get no *****, unless lefty counts. You are talking to a bunch of dorito eating star wars watching, never played football in their lives fan boys. But there's a chance you might actually receive a thought on here that helps you. Throw enough **** on the wall here and something is bound to stick. Why not, it's cheaper than therapy, plus you're also speaking to a group that holds a 9mm to their individuals mouths everynight between world of warcraft sessions. If anyone knows about therapy, it them....

Anyways, to your original question. You have to realize that the kid is not going anywhere, so either hope that he gets less annoying, or do something about it. Try to teach him something, like how to not be a complete dork. Maybe even mold him in your image (or in someone else's, if you're a unsatisfied with your own). If that fails, leave.

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Actually, this statement makes a hell of a lot of sense. This board is somewhat like a nintendo game, and most of the dudes on here get no *****, unless lefty counts. You are talking to a bunch of dorito eating star wars watching, never played football in their lives fan boys. But there's a chance you might actually receive a thought on here that helps you. Throw enough **** on the wall here and something is bound to stick. Why not, it's cheaper than therapy, plus you're also speaking to a group that holds a 9mm to their individuals mouths everynight between world of warcraft sessions. If anyone knows about therapy, it them....

:rolleyes: If you say so. Feel better about yourself now?

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Actually, this statement makes a hell of a lot of sense. This board is somewhat like a nintendo game, and most of the dudes on here get no *****, unless lefty counts. You are talking to a bunch of dorito eating star wars watching, never played football in their lives fan boys. But there's a chance you might actually receive a thought on here that helps you. Throw enough **** on the wall here and something is bound to stick. Why not, it's cheaper than therapy, plus you're also speaking to a group that holds a 9mm to their individuals mouths everynight between world of warcraft sessions. If anyone knows about therapy, it them....

Anyways, to your original question. You have to realize that the kid is not going anywhere, so either hope that he gets less annoying, or do something about it. Try to teach him something, like how to not be a complete dork. Maybe even mold him in your image (or in someone else's, if you're a unsatisfied with your own). If that fails, leave.

Funny a clown on this board with the sig he has posts trys to talk smack.

Come on player you just crush a lot. :hysterical:

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