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Let's just go on the record about the pukes, shall we?


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thread isnt about campbell, and it defined HIM, not the team.

how can you say the cowboys are going 7-9? id like to hear your breakdown as to how the best pass rush and one of the best passing games with a two headed running attack is going to lose 9 games.

Thread isn't about Campbell, but that didn't stop you from talking about him. The entire team played like crap in the Bengals game, and if you say 1 game doesn't define a team, then certainly it doesn't define a player either.

The Cowboys still have the same OL issues. I like their run game, but it can be stopped. Romo sits to pee to Witten can be shut down by a good defense, and w/o TO they just won't have that explosiveness in the offense that overwhlemed teams and bailed them out of tough spots last season.

I think the Cowboys will beat the easier teams on their schedule, but will fall short and they wind up right around the .500 mark.

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Thread isn't about Campbell, but that didn't stop you from talking about him. The entire team played like crap in the Bengals game, and if you say 1 game doesn't define a team, then certainly it doesn't define a player either.

The Cowboys still have the same OL issues. I like their run game, but it can be stopped. Romo sits to pee to Witten can be shut down by a good defense, and w/o TO they just won't have that explosiveness in the offense that overwhlemed teams and bailed them out of tough spots last season.

I think the Cowboys will beat the easier teams on their schedule, but will fall short and they wind up right around the .500 mark.

roy williams gets severely underestimated around here and every where else. the guy put up 1300 yards with kitna, 800 in 12 games the season after that, then he had a chad 85 season. if Romo sits to pee is throwing to him a lot, hes gonna put up big numbers. he might not be TO, but hes getting treated like hes james thrash.

felix and barber are both nasty, remember felix was out most of the season after being a monster when he played. and their pass rush will mask the problems in the secondary.

11-5 with no injuries to major players.

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As much as hate to say it, I think the Boys are going to be alot better than everyone thinks.

I say 10-6.

There running backs are playmakers, and Crayton and Hurd while arent great are a little underrated. Witten is the best tightend in football in my opinoin. There defense has an elite passrush with Ware, and Ratliff's efforts alone. There secondary will lose them some games, but there pass rush will help.

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As much as hate to say it, I think the Boys are going to be alot better than everyone thinks.

I say 10-6.

There running backs are playmakers, and Crayton and Hurd while arent great are a little underrated. Witten is the best tightend in football in my opinoin. There defense has an elite passrush with Ware, and Ratliff's efforts alone. There secondary will lose them some games, but there pass rush will help.

Agree with the 10-6 assessment.

I think the combination of RW, the young receivers, TE's (emergence of Bennet), and the stable of young RB's will more than makeup for the absence of TO. The young WR's are making plays as well.

People seem to forget that last year TO had his moments, but was completely shutdown once the blueprint on how to stop TO was found. Even when that happened Romo sits to pee would still force the ball to him.

Defenses can't key off of one guy anymore. They have to respect the TE's and watch for the back slipping out into open spaces. Teams that don't have LB's that can cover are going to have headaches. LB's can't run with the TE's and DB's are too small against them. No LB is going to be able to hang with F Jones.

Things that have me worried:

1) Oline issues. If one of them goes down - it's gonna get ugly.

2) DB's. Sens is an immediate upgrade compared to the other RW. If TNew can stay healthy and the young DB's that have showed promise can step up it might be okay.

3) LB depth is a concern as well.

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how can you say the cowboys are going 7-9? id like to hear your breakdown as to how the best pass rush and one of the best passing games with a two headed running attack is going to lose 9 games.


See you at the end of December.

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This year, Jerruh, the GM-Owner-HC, has decided that getting rid of the 'bad attitudes' will reap tremendous dividends on the field.

Yes, despite getting rid of a guy who accounted for about 40% of their offense and a majority of their TD's, Jerruh decided to let him go.

Then, Jerruh, the brilliant owner that he is, decided he would NOT spend any money for any free agents out there (personally, I don't think he had the resources to spring for anyone talented...but that's for another thread.) No, Jerruh decided that replacing a fossil lb with another re-tread was all the team really needed...and that Canty fella? Well, Jerruh must have known he'd get hurt.

And, finally, Jerruh went into draft day, full guns ablazin'! Yes, so what if he'd traded away his #1...he had a stable full of late picks that he KNEW would develop into gems. But, as training camp has shown, those 'gems' look like a bunch of fodder...especially when you notice special teams play.

Yes, when the pukes go down hard and early, please remember that you read it here first.


So what exactly are you going on the record about? You didnt go on the record on anything in this post, all fluff.

Can we get a record prediction?

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So what exactly are you going on the record about? You didnt go on the record on anything in this post, all fluff.

Can we get a record prediction?

Try to read the whole thread, and, then come back and apologize.

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Actully I think there is a real possibility the Cowboys finsh anywhere between 6-10 to 10-6 . I think I will plump for 7-9 . Why ?

For all the hype of the big rushing game people mentioning Barber, Choice and Jones I will wait and see . I think The Cowboys O line is decent in pass protection but not physical enough in the run game . I still remember the first skins game last year and the OL looked weak and not up for a fight ..

Passing wise ... I worry about Romo sits to pee without TO . Say all you want about TO, but he makes QBs look better ... he added almost 4% points (compleations) to McNabbs numbers in 04, it remains to see how much of an impact he will have on Romo sits to pee .. also remember 05 was one of McNabbs worst years even leading upto the injury .... Witten will get alot of attention from the opposing D, I still think he will be an impact player but he will not be as available as he has in previous years . Which leaves the fun bunch of Huard, Crayton and Williams ... Just doesn't strike the fear ...

On D I would be concerned about the secondary . The Other Williams is gone which is a plus and a minus as what you gain in pass defence you loose in haveing that imposing force over the middle . Cutting Henry i think came a year too soon because now you are an injury away from Sandrick and Jenkins starting . Newman was on the cusp of being the best in the NFL but has proven to be an injury concern .

In terms of the LBs Ware is a beast, and a two way player, he is good againt the pass and the run ... what concerns me is what is around him ... With Elis gone Spenser has to really step it up and are they really thinking Carp can be a starter ?

The line is a push from last season .. I thnk Cantry was better than Olshansky and he will be a better 4-3 DT than a 3-4 End but for Phillips scheme maybe Olshansky would be a good move ....

OVerall I think the Cowboys window is closing ... they need to replenish the Oline, key spots in the D and possibly the WR ... I still think the Williams trade was just too rich ...

With that said the Cowboys and the Skins could be fighting out for last placer or first place . I think the NFCE is wild and strong and it is all about who makes best use of opportunities ..

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would someone explain to me how they won 13 games 2 seasons ago? and how they even won 9 games with romos hand injury? i know theyre so terrible and talentless and all that, but would someone like to tell me exactly why the same group minus TO won 13 games 2 years ago, and 9 games last year is going to go 7-9? is TO going to make THAT much of a difference?

if youre just predicting theyll suck cause youre a skins homer, thats fine, just please let me know.

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BLC - The haters and homers for any team will find a way to dislike a certain player or team and in the same time like their players or their teams chances anyway they can do it - even if it is pure opinion. For example I have seen the most irrelevant stats thrown out about QBs in the ATN - especially a couple years back when comparing Romo sits to pee to Campbell. I would bet the house that 80-90% of Skins fans would LOVE if Romo sits to pee was the QB here - just wont say it because of the blind homerism and hate of the CowTurds. Most Eagle fans said " no way " to Vick - but I think after week 8 when he is the starting QB and running for two TDs and throwing for 1 - they will forget that and think he is great. Basic principle of winning cures the hate for players - and hate for certain teams ( or things) severely clouds pure judgement - part of life.

Why do you think Tr1 writes or posts here - it makes him feel better about himself. Like a false prophet - gathering anything CowTurds related and trying to stir the pot with no real stats to back any of the hate up with. Personally i think the boys are a better all around team than us - can we beat them twice this year sure - but i am not gonna let my love of my team cloud my true understanding of all the working parts that make successful teams successful. Their record come January is another story - hey will have to show me that they can even win in December before I make any calls on playoffs. HTTR

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would someone explain to me how they won 13 games 2 seasons ago? and how they even won 9 games with romos hand injury? i know theyre so terrible and talentless and all that, but would someone like to tell me exactly why the same group minus TO won 13 games 2 years ago, and 9 games last year is going to go 7-9? is TO going to make THAT much of a difference?

if youre just predicting theyll suck cause youre a skins homer, thats fine, just please let me know.

I believe everyone read your initial post saying the same thing.

We try to ignore redundancy...and, obviously no one is interested in what you think.

So, please, stop these pathetic pleas.

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Why do you think Tr1 writes or posts here - it makes him feel better about himself. Like a false prophet - gathering anything CowTurds related and trying to stir the pot with no real stats to back any of the hate up with.

Hey, lookie!

Another lurker has shown up!

Let me guess, you've been reading for a long time, but now you just needed to pipe in.


HTTR! ;)

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would someone explain to me how they won 13 games 2 seasons ago? and how they even won 9 games with romos hand injury? i know theyre so terrible and talentless and all that, but would someone like to tell me exactly why the same group minus TO won 13 games 2 years ago, and 9 games last year is going to go 7-9? is TO going to make THAT much of a difference?

if youre just predicting theyll suck cause youre a skins homer, thats fine, just please let me know.

So they've been on a downward slope and just lost one of their star players, but it is a stretch to say they could lose two more games?

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So they've been on a downward slope and just lost one of their star players, but it is a stretch to say they could lose two more games?

BLC doesn't deal in facts...especially the point you made.

Some might also say the pukes will miss Canty and that Roy has lost a step on that fragile frame...or that their secondary generally sucks, as evidenced in the battle for #2 CB...or that Hamlin is playing the way he did in Seattle.

But, BLC is about to change the subject to JC.



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For example I have seen the most irrelevant stats thrown out about QBs in the ATN - especially a couple years back...

You've only been a member since April lol...

In fact, you said this back in April when you first joined up:

Longtime Skins fan here, just learned about Extreme Skins blog/forum a couple of months ago from my next door neighbor. I have been coming on here to view posts and see what it is all about for those couple of months and have seen some really non informed and very opinionated people that post in the ATN forum - one in particular is Tr1.

Now, how exactly is it that you "just learned about Extremeskins a couple of months ago", yet you ALSO claim to have "seen the most irreleveant stats thrown out" in the ATN forum "a couple of YEARS" ago? lol...You obviously forgot your own bull**** story when you created this screen name.

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So they've been on a downward slope and just lost one of their star players, but it is a stretch to say they could lose two more games?

They got rid of an aging star whose production dropped during the latter half of the season. A star who caused nothing but problems in the locker room. A star that promoted in-fighting between integral parts of the offense.

They got rid of a few bums that were on defense. Most notably Roy 'can't cover for crap' Williams.

They have rising young players (i.e. F Jones and M Bennett) that will add a new dimension to the offense.

Romo sits to pee missed 3 games with an injury.

It isn't a stretch, however, to say that they MAY lose a couple more games. But, it also isn't a stretch to say that they may WIN a few more games.

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