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Let's just go on the record about the pukes, shall we?


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Well, like I said to Califan, predicting the Pokes to lose in December is like predicting the sun to rise in the east. And how did Philly get into this?

Philly mention was to give a little more credence to his predicting ability.

funny how you keep mentioning the Dec. collapse as easy.... but ignore the other not so easy ones he nailed

:secret: tr1 started proclaiming Romo sits to pee's choking abilities before it was common knowledge.

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Calif007 -

You dumba** - I did only start my account 2 months ago and started posting - but have you heard of ARCHIVES. I did my homework before starting to spout off like some ES and especially ATN members do.

Now that's funny.

see ya. :ciao:

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Calif007 -

You dumba** -I did only start my account 2 months ago and started posting - but have you heard of ARCHIVES. I did my homework before starting to spout off like some ES and especially ATN members do.

1) Apparently part of your "homework" didn't include reading the message board rules lol...either that, or you purposefully want to get banned.

2) April wasn't "2 months ago"...it was 4 months ago.

3) Are you REALLY claiming that you went back and read the archives before posting?? :rotflmao:...Everyone raise your hands if you actually believe this.

I take it that since your very first post was a thread you created calling out tr1 and insulting him...that after doing all that "homework" that you felt THAT was the best way to introduce yourself to this board? lol...(not to mention the absolute against-the-rules action of creating a "call-out" thread).

Apparently you need better study habits.

I went back and reviewed old posts from about a year to year 1/2 ago ( OK so not exactly 2 years ) - who cares.

Why a year and a half ago? Why not just 6 months ago?...5 months ago?...Nobody needs to go back to two thousand-stinkin-seven in order to get an idea of who tr1 is and what he thinks. Hell, just go back a week and a half ago lol...

And how odd is it that you seem to have instantly become obsessed with tr1?...You have next to zero posts...but your very first post is about tr1...your very first thread is about tr1...and you went and "did your homework" on tr1 by researching archives from the last 2 years. But of course you're just a good ol' Skins fan who just "happened" to stumble upon Extremeskins about 6 months ago because a friend told you about it...yet you had not made a single post in the forum that is actually dedicated TO the Redskins, the Stadium forum.

Oh, yeah, how could I ever doubt you and NOT take you at your word lol :doh:

I am not some Cowboys fan in disguise - you lose on that one too

I never said you WERE a Cowboys' fan, so how exactly do I "lose on that one, too"? lol...bubba said you were. I, in fact, said I thought you were more likely to be an "alias" of a Skins' fan. Whew, this is getting too easy lol...

I siad in my first post that I dont get here much to post , I run a business, and posting on the web is not on the top of my many things I need to do during my busy day

But apparently researching the archives ranks near the top of your list, eh? ;) It takes about 1/50th the time to simply post a thought or two about the Skins in the Stadium forum than it does to "do your homework" and research views and opinions from TWO YEARS AGO (lol!!)...

I read and will post more as the season actually unfolds. i am not one to make statements based on only opion and I single out Tr1 only because I like the ATN and he seems to post the most and I notice he has the strongest opinions - with not much to back it up other than one liners and bad ones at that.

Hmm, for someone who doesn't "get here much to post" because they "run a business" and posting on the web is not "on the top of" their many things they need to do during their "busy day", you have become fixated on tr1 to a very creepy degree. If you are truly as busy a person as you claim and being here is not a very high priority, then you should honestly not give a rat's ass what tr1 says or doesn't say. I would think you'd view your precious time available to come to ES as too valuable to spend talking about and researching a poster who you have absolutely no respect for. That you've done just that...well, it's unhealthy, let's just put it that way.

I guess you got me then!!! Maybe you should quite your job at the local San Bernindino's Wendys and become a detective. Try welcoming new posters and not trying to make yourself look like you are something special in here. This is a website - any knucklehead ( and that includes me) can post crappy uneducated statements and stir the pot to get thier rocks off - so go at it if that makes your day.

I was gonna respond to this part as well...but it's so severely idiotic that I think I'll let it stand on its own lol :cool:...

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Philly mention was to give a little more credence to his predicting ability.

funny how you keep mentioning the Dec. collapse as easy.... but ignore the other not so easy ones he nailed

:secret: tr1 started proclaiming Romo sits to pee's choking abilities before it was common knowledge.

During the 2006 regular season?
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During the 2006 regular season?

in his college years! ;)

Exact date I can't tell you, but I know poke fans constantly harassing him, calling him hater/fool etc over Romo sits to pee when he was still everyones darling in the media

tr1 has been right on target about a lot things Poke related

Carpenter/Spencer both being a bust

Flo-Slo contract year was a mirage

MBIII not a lead back

recognizing Ratliff's contributions before most

Jerrah's financial issues and not being able to sell naming rights

RoyBoy Williams liabilities in pass coverage

Getting Witten in the third, the steal of his draft class


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The sad thing is, I'm not sure that person is really a Cowboys' fan lol...I could easily see a few of our more, ah, "realistic" Skins fans making up another screen name in order to make it look like someone is backing up their own asinine opinions.

I bet I know who he is/was previously

Zoony nailed him on his big horse tale about being "new to the board" bs

the user name beginning with...

"skins(something number related)"

... was a huge giveaway, twice before he was banned using similar user name.

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care to inform me of his skins predictions those years?

Gee, are the Skins mentioned in the thread title? Are we supposed to talk about the Skins in ATN? Do I have to post in the Stadium as much as I post in ATN?

Read the rules.

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During the 2006 regular season?

Here's what tr1 was saying back in December of 2006:

Sorry, puke pals, I just don't see it happening.

Pukes struggled with the Giants...the team in total collapse, and manage to sqeeze out a victory.

I think NO will cause you fits.

The Saints went on to demolish the Cowboys...

...and we now know the reason Billy didn't switch to Romo sits to pee at the beginning of the season:

A look at Romo sits to pee's first five games as the starter, and the past two:

W-L Cmp-Att. Pct. Yds. TD-Int. Rating

First five starts 4-1 109-153 71.2 1,394 10-2 115.8

Last two starts 1-1 36-67 53.7 506 1-4 58.4*

* The TD should have been a pick... :laugh:

Romo sits to pee had the same kind of success many new qbs do...there's no book on them. After a few weeks, he's been figured out: Keep him in the pocket...he's better throwing while scrambling when he can get a bit more time. I thought the d tackles in his peripheral vision distracted him.

This doesn't bode well for the puke franchise.

He ain't no Aikman...not even close.

[Edit for puke fans: Yes, the Skins suck this year. Carry on.]

I think it's obvious now that they'll have to.

Romo sits to pee is good back-up material, but will not be a franchise qb.

There's a reason he sat on the bench for four years.

Just think...next year the pukes could have a new qb and a new coach.

Only a SB victory will change that projection...and it's very unlikely.

Got a new coach, but not a new QB lol...

Considering the fickleness of the puke fans, I think the doom will set in.

They'll likely be tied for first place with two losses in a row...and considering Parcell's recent late season record for nose dives, they'll likely give up hope.

...it's been shown that Romo sits to pee can't handle taking on the responsiblility for winning on his own.

1) The Cowboys did indeed have two losses in a row to end the season...however, they ended up in 2nd place, not tied for 1st lol :yes:

2) tr1 already claiming that Romo sits to pee can't handle winning a game on his own late in the season...this was before the two season-ending losses and before the bobbled snap in the playoffs.

Pukes haven't won a playoff game in ten years...make it eleven.

We know how that went lol :D

And, yes, he got roundly ridiculed by many of the regulars here in the ATN, primarily rival fans...and they wasted no time calling him out when he said he liked the Falcons over the Cowboys, and the Cowboys won. Most of those same posters, however, disappeared instantly when all his other predictions in 2006 came to bare fruit.

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Well, like I said to Califan, predicting the Pokes to lose in December is like predicting the sun to rise in the east. And how did Philly get into this?

I predicted the Eagles to take a nose dive in 2005, when they were coming off their SB year.

Funny, back then I rarely posted about the pukes, because they sucked...

Oh, and the true irony of ATN is that Philly fans thought I only posted about the Eagles...but, I'd only expect the newly registered lurkers to remember that...;)

BTW, I think you're one of the better posters on ES.

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So I guess you are saying that they no longer do. :thumbsup:

I mentioned a few things before (Canty, dbs, TN), but the pukes have a LOT of issues:

-- Ellis. Oh, I know, puke fans pooh-pooh his loss, but the guy came to play, even in his limited role last year. His replacement(s) are inadequate...and, Where had a good year in 2007 bcause of Ellis' play. There was a thread about Where's effectiveness when Ellis was out due to injury. And, last year, Ratliff was the major reason Ellis had numbers...but I don't think Ratliff can repeat that performance. In fact, he and the rest of the defense wore down at the end of the year. It'll happen again.

There's a lot more, should I continue, or are you bored?

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When the pukes were rolling in the early Fall a couple of years ago and everyone was jumping on the bandwagon TR stood firm and predicted the fall. I have to say TR got far more posts and comments from puke fans laughing at him. Nothing compared to what he gets now.

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Give me a break. If someone is going to make 500 predictions about a team, they are bound to get a few right. He is no fortune teller.


dude you are the typical poke fan

scoff at what you don't want to believe.


tr1 get gets more posts chastising him more than any 10 posters combined (including me), he has poke fan witch hunts trying to prove him wrong every season.... but always the same results

1. they laugh and scoff

2. make excuses

3. try to twist what he said to suit their needs

4. get quiet

5. disappear until the next season

is he 100%? no but he's a good 5/6 to 1 right over being wrong

Trust me. :rolleyes:

:hysterical: riiiiiight!

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Thanks Califan and bubba, if only I could predict the stock market as well as I do with the pukes...

well the market has been like Romo sits to pee's play

1. start of strong

2. big gaudy numbers,

3. get people believing it's going last

4. then take a nose dive leaving millions confused and broken.

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Here's what tr1 was saying back in December of 2006:

The Saints went on to demolish the Cowboys...

even further back than the week before.

In pre-season Parcells game planned and tried to spank his former student in their pre-season matchup.

the teacher smarter than the pupil syndrome

tr1 pointed out it was going to come back to haunt them, they showed too much to the Saints, and Payton already knew a lot. and the pre-season spanking will only fuel a reversal of fortune come the regular season

the Saints routed the pokes, completely owning Romo sits to pee. if not for a fluke tipped pass TD that should have been an Int except the DB had a big cast on his hand, his QBR would have been 0, it was under 50 even with the td and extra 70+ yards he got on the fluke pass tip.

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even further back than the week before.

In pre-season Parcells game planned and tried to spank his former student in their pre-season matchup.

the teacher smarter than the pupil syndrome

tr1 pointed out it was going to come back to haunt them, they showed too much to the Saints, and Payton already knew a lot. and the pre-season spanking will only fuel a reversal of fortune come the regular season

the Saints routed the pokes, completely owning Romo sits to pee. if not for a fluke tipped pass TD that should have been an Int except the DB had a big cast on his hand, his QBR would have been 0, it was under 50 even with the td and extra 70+ yards he got on the fluke pass tip.

tr1 definitely hits the nail on the head FAR more often than his critics want to believe :yes:...

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well the market has been like Romo sits to pee's play

1. start of strong

2. big gaudy numbers,

3. get people believing it's going last

4. then take a nose drive leaving millions confused and broken.

:rotflmao: That is hilarious! :rotflmao:

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enough of the insults

if you had done your homework you would have read the board rules as well

obviously you didn't

There should be a disclaimer with your above statement.

You can't insult Skins fans.

Rivals you can do all day long. As evidenced in the ATN.

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