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Let's just go on the record about the pukes, shall we?


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Was this your attempt at being positive? lol :rotflmao:

Realistic. Impossible for us to do any better than that with our offensive line.

2nd round playoff game would be huge around here.

And yes, seeing the FO pull the trigger on JC would be a huge positive.

Just depends how you look at it.

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Anyone here see the irony in this post?

Hmm my guess is the Portis part,

1. It is stupid to build a offense around Portis but it is imperative that Portis not be ran 2 mil times in order to advance in the playoffs.


2. It is stupid to build an offense around Portis but they don't value lines (agree with that part though).


3. Pull JC by week 5 or that our season is based on when the QB is pulled in a post where he is defending fandom. (However lots of Fans hope for JC to fail, for some reason).

My three entries in the Irony spotting contest.

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Realistic. Impossible for us to do any better than that with our offensive line.

2nd round playoff game would be huge around here.

And yes, seeing the FO pull the trigger on JC would be a huge positive.

Just depends how you look at it.

Ok realistically (perhaps the wrong forum for this discussion)

Who do you think will led this team in the future. Personally I have some hope for Chase, little for Colt, and none for TC. I happen to think JC is the best QB on this roster at this time. Our QB of the future is not on the roster yet and will be the pick of our new coach next year.

Here's to hoping I am wrong, but realistically that is how I see it.

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Realistic. Impossible for us to do any better than that with our offensive line.

2nd round playoff game would be huge around here.

And yes, seeing the FO pull the trigger on JC would be a huge positive.

Just depends how you look at it.

Yeah, but tr1 said:

I'm still waiting for him to say ANYTHING positive about the Skins.

To which you replied:


Let's see.....

So apparently you were attempting to list some positives about the Redskins...but the negativity--I'm sorry, "realism"--couldn't help but rear its head instead, it seems.

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Ok realistically (perhaps the wrong forum for this discussion)

Who do you think will led this team in the future. Personally I have some hope for Chase, little for Colt, and none for TC. I happen to think JC is the best QB on this roster at this time. Our QB of the future is not on the roster yet and will be the pick of our new coach next year.

Here's to hoping I am wrong, but realistically that is how I see it.

For this season only? I feel very comfortable with TC.

In the future, hopefully Chase or Colt can come through. We really need one of them to.

While I would love Sam Bradford, our top picks next season will need to be o-linemen.

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I've already bet a decent amount that the cowboys win less than nine games in 2009.

Worst case scenario I push because there is NO WAY they win 10 games.

I think that is a good bet. The absence of TO is going to cost them at least two to three games over last year.

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Yeah, but tr1 said:

To which you replied:

So apparently you were attempting to list some positives about the Redskins...but the negativity--I'm sorry, "realism"--couldn't help but rear its head instead, it seems.

I said we look the best we have in ten years.

Can even advance into the second round of the playoffs.

People would kill for that around here. Extremely positive.

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Oh, and this, since you added it to your post while I was responding:

And yes, seeing the FO pull the trigger on JC would be a huge positive.

Just depends how you look at it.

No...listing "positives" about the team means you list positive things the team is actually doing. It does NOT mean listing all the things you want the team to do. The team is not pulling the trigger on JC...so your comment can not be seen as listing a "positive" about the Redskins.

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Oh, and this, since you added it to your post while I was responding:

No...listing "positives" about the team means you list positive things the team is actually doing. It does NOT mean listing all the things you want the team to do. The team is not pulling the trigger on JC...so your comment can not be seen as listing a "positive" about the Redskins.

Well the team has already tried to replace him. That is a big positive.

They went after Cutler. That at least shows they recognize an area that can be improved.

Very postive start. Now let's see if they follow through.

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I said we look the best we have in ten years.

Yeah, but only after slamming the team as having "no chance of doing anything over the last five years"...strange how you're completely unable to simply say the team looks the best it has in the last 10 years. Apparently you need qualifiers for anything positive you have to say lol...can't just say something positive and let it stand on its own, not you. That would shut down your circuits.

Can even advance into the second round of the playoffs.

People would kill for that around here. Extremely positive.

Hold on...first you said the Skins have had "no chance" of "doing anything" over the last 5 years...then say we have a chance this year of making it into the second round of the playoffs.

Have you forgotten that we already made it into the second round of the playoffs within the last 5 years? lol :doh:...Maybe you were thinking of the Cowboys? ;)

Why exactly would making it to the second round of the playoffs THIS year qualify as a positive, as a sign that we're "doing anything", and as something people would "kill" for...but doing so in 2005 is brushed off as irrelevant?

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As for the actual topic of this thread LoL...Does anyone REALLY see the combo of Tony "Never Saw A Game I Couldn't Choke Away" Romo sits to pee and Wade "My Teams Always Get Progressively Worse" Phillips suddenly getting their collective **** together and winning in the playoffs this year?...Really? lol

I remember when I said that Marty Schottenheimer would not win in the playoffs, even with his 14-2 Chargers team....because the man just does NOT win in the postseason. What was he, something like 5-13 at the time? Phillips is the same way...and Romo sits to pee appears to be heading down that path as well. Romo sits to pee might actually win playoff games on a different team with a better coach and better owner. I don't see Phillips doing much of anything, though.

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Yeah, but only after slamming the team as having "no chance of doing anything over the last five years"...strange how you're completely unable to simply say the team looks the best it has in the last 10 years. Apparently you need qualifiers for anything positive you have to say lol...can't just say something positive and let it stand on its own, not you. That would shut down your circuits.

Why exactly would making it to the second round of the playoffs THIS year qualify as a positive, as a sign that we're "doing anything", and as something people would "kill" for...but doing so in 2005 is brushed off as irrelevant?

The beginning was an explanation of why some may have believed I was cynical over the last five years. It was obvious that we had no chance, because we had no lines. We had zero chance of competing for the division, or making the Superbowl. Before the seasons even began, we were out.

And it was right every single year.

Making the second round in a tough division would be a huge accomplishment. Especially with our qb up in the air. And it would teach Vinny that lines are important.

Everyone is picking us to finish last once again. The majority of ES'ers would be extremely happy with a second round playoff game.

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As for the actual topic of this thread LoL...Does anyone REALLY see the combo of Tony "Never Saw A Game I Couldn't Choke Away" Romo sits to pee and Wade "My Teams Always Get Progressively Worse" Phillips suddenly getting their collective **** together and winning in the playoffs this year?...Really? lol

I agree, I don't see them improving over last years 9-7. They do have talent, but they better run the ball more than pass because Roy ain't TO. And the Jerr can keep selling the fans on Austin and Herd but I gotta see it to beleive it first. Clayton I think is good, but they really have no clear cut number one. Romo sits to pee regresses this year with the Coach's infighting. There, on topic.

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The beginning was an explanation of why some may have believed I was cynical over the last five years. It was obvious that we had no chance, because we had no lines. We had zero chance of competing for the division, or making the Superbowl. Before the seasons even began, we were out.

And it was right every single year.

Making the second round in a tough division would be a huge accomplishment. Especially with our qb up in the air. And it would teach Vinny that lines are important.

Everyone is picking us to finish last once again. The majority of ES'ers would be extremely happy with a second round playoff game.

the entire 2005 season, the OL from 2005, Chad Rinehart, Derrick Dockery, and our DL now all say hi

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Interesting to see you say that, seeing as nearly every thread where you mention Campbell you bring up the Bengals game and act as if that game did define the team.

** Pukes go 7-9

thread isnt about campbell, and it defined HIM, not the team.

how can you say the cowboys are going 7-9? id like to hear your breakdown as to how the best pass rush and one of the best passing games with a two headed running attack is going to lose 9 games.

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