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Let's just go on the record about the pukes, shall we?


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you mean like last season?

poke fans exited this place faster than a weight watchers meeting, after a pastry truck overturned.


The point is, these "on the record" claims by Tr1 arent concrete and can and will be easily manipulated in the season. First it's going be be "the pukes will fall early and hard" and if they dont, it'll be "wait til december." And if they qualify for the playoffs, it'll be "You homer puke fans actually think youll win a playoff game!?" And if they do and heck say they win the NFC, and lose in the SB, it'll just be "I told you they were choke artists!!!!! cant get it done when it counts!!!"

So if Dallas doesnt win the SB, Tr1 is going to be "right." Heck, id be willing to bet IF Dallas won the SB the new line would be something like this.."The NFL had a down and weak year, this win was a fluke. It shouldnt even count as number six, the refs handed them every single playoff game. I mean did you see every Dallas olineman get away with holding all game long?"

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BLC doesn't deal in facts...especially the point you made.

You complain about facts?

How funny...

Some might also say the pukes will miss Canty and that Roy has lost a step on that fragile frame...or that their secondary generally sucks, as evidenced in the battle for #2 CB...or that Hamlin is playing the way he did in Seattle.

Canty is a decent player, but to say that he was an integral part to the defense is preposterous.

So battling for the #2 CB position is evidence that the position sucks?

So, what about battles happening in Skins camp? Like the #2 WR position? Does that mean your WR's suck?

You logic is sorely lacking.

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You've only been a member since April lol...

In fact, you said this back in April when you first joined up:

Now, how exactly is it that you "just learned about Extremeskins a couple of months ago", yet you ALSO claim to have "seen the most irreleveant stats thrown out" in the ATN forum "a couple of YEARS" ago? lol...You obviously forgot your own bull**** story when you created this screen name.

Hey, lookie!

Another lurker has shown up!

Let me guess, you've been reading for a long time, but now you just needed to pipe in.


HTTR! ;)


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I would bet the house that 80-90% of Skins fans would LOVE if Romo sits to pee was the QB here - just wont say it because of the blind homerism and hate of the CowTurds.

Actually I'd hate the turnovers, but I like the guts and touchdown passes from Romo sits to pee. At least he tries.

I believe everyone read your initial post saying the same thing.

We try to ignore redundancy...and, obviously no one is interested in what you think.

So, please, stop these pathetic pleas.

Actually, I'm interested in what he says because he speaks the truth.

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The point is, these "on the record" claims by Tr1 arent concrete and can and will be easily manipulated in the season. First it's going be be "the pukes will fall early and hard" and if they dont, it'll be "wait til december." And if they qualify for the playoffs, it'll be "You homer puke fans actually think youll win a playoff game!?" And if they do and heck say they win the NFC, and lose in the SB, it'll just be "I told you they were choke artists!!!!! cant get it done when it counts!!!"

So if Dallas doesnt win the SB, Tr1 is going to be "right." Heck, id be willing to bet IF Dallas won the SB the new line would be something like this.."The NFL had a down and weak year, this win was a fluke. It shouldnt even count as number six, the refs handed them every single playoff game. I mean did you see every Dallas olineman get away with holding all game long?"

Didn't tr1 say the Cowboys would go 7-9?...How is that NOT "concrete"?

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At least he tries.

That's what I like about Romo sits to pee. Always looking downfield to make a play. Hopefully this year he throttles it back a little and takes what the defense gives him.

But, if we need 7 yards for a first down I sure as hell don't want him to throw a pass for 4 yards.

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Didn't tr1 say the Cowboys would go 7-9?...How is that NOT "concrete"?

Was he right the year before exactly predicting their record? or the year before? or the year before that? Even a blind squirrel finds a nut. Hell, guess I'm a regular nostradamus since I predicted the Skins to be 8-8 last year. Sign me up for Mr. ATN!!

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You've only been a member since April lol...

In fact, you said this back in April when you first joined up:

Now, how exactly is it that you "just learned about Extremeskins a couple of months ago", yet you ALSO claim to have "seen the most irreleveant stats thrown out" in the ATN forum "a couple of YEARS" ago? lol...You obviously forgot your own bull**** story when you created this screen name.

Poke fans ...... can't hate them,

they try sooooo hard

sadly, they just aren't very bright

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Was he right the year before exactly predicting their record?


or the year before?

Doubt it.

or the year before that?

Wouldn't know.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut. Hell, guess I'm a regular nostradamus since I predicted the Skins to be 8-8 last year. Sign me up for Mr. ATN!!

Of course, NONE of what you just said had anything whatsoever to do with my post lol...the other person said that tr1's predictions aren't "concrete"...I proved otherwise. Whether or not he ends up being right or wrong is somewhere around one million percent irrelevant. I'm guessing that, since you couldn't argue against the point I was making, you decided to bring up some other irrelevant point that I wasn't even making, and argue that instead...way to go. :applause:

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Poke fans ...... can't hate them,

they try sooooo hard

sadly, they just aren't very bright

The sad thing is, I'm not sure that person is really a Cowboys' fan lol...I could easily see a few of our more, ah, "realistic" Skins fans making up another screen name in order to make it look like someone is backing up their own asinine opinions.

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Doubt it.

Wouldn't know.

Of course, NONE of what you just said had anything whatsoever to do with my post lol...the other person said that tr1's predictions aren't "concrete"...I proved otherwise. Whether or not he ends up being right or wrong is somewhere around one million percent irrelevant. I'm guessing that, since you couldn't argue against the point I was making, you decided to bring up some other irrelevant point that I wasn't even making, and argue that instead...way to go. :applause:

Well, him predicting the Cowboys to falter in December is like saying the sun will rise in the east every morning. Is that relevant enough?

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Well, him predicting the Cowboys to falter in December is like saying the sun will rise in the east every morning. Is that relevant enough?

What about him predicting the Cowboys will go 7-9? Is that "concrete" enough for you to agree I was right? Or will that one and ONLY point of my post once again be ignored in favor of arguing some other point I wasn't even close to making?

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for the record tr1

predicted 9-7 no playoffs last season

Romo sits to pee stinking it up in Dec

the year before?

the pokes would win at least 10 games, and lose first round of the playoffs.... Romo sits to pee stinking it up in Dec

and Philly missing the playoffs

the year before?

I don't remember

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for the record tr1

predicted 9-7 no playoffs last season

Romo sits to pee stinking it up in Dec

the year before?

the pokes would win at least 10 games, and lose first round of the playoffs.... Romo sits to pee stinking it up in Dec

and Philly missing the playoffs

the year before?

I don't remember

Impressive. I have low expectations for Dallas too, but I must admit I was taken aback slightly by the Cowboys pre-season performance, but I have too much faith in Jerry Jones. Somehow it will all fall apart... that and you know, it's preseason.

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for the record tr1

predicted 9-7 no playoffs last season

Romo sits to pee stinking it up in Dec

the year before?

the pokes would win at least 10 games, and lose first round of the playoffs.... Romo sits to pee stinking it up in Dec

and Philly missing the playoffs

the year before?

I don't remember

care to inform me of his skins predictions those years?

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What about him predicting the Cowboys will go 7-9? Is that "concrete" enough for you to agree I was right? Or will that one and ONLY point of my post once again be ignored in favor of arguing some other point I wasn't even close to making?

I just don't consider one out of the blue prediction to be "concrete." Like I said, anyone can do it. Sorry to ruffle your feathers, Califan, it was not my intention to stir the pot with you because I've always respected your knowledge as a fan and I didn't think I'd see you supporting an agenda like this. I know what his intentions are towards Dallass fans as I've been here long enough to see it, but when other Redskin fans are being put down as unknowledgable about football, it ruffles my feathers. :cheers:

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for the record tr1

predicted 9-7 no playoffs last season

Romo sits to pee stinking it up in Dec

the year before?

the pokes would win at least 10 games, and lose first round of the playoffs.... Romo sits to pee stinking it up in Dec

and Philly missing the playoffs

the year before?

I don't remember

Well, like I said to Califan, predicting the Pokes to lose in December is like predicting the sun to rise in the east. And how did Philly get into this?

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Calif007 -

You dumba** - I did only start my account 2 months ago and started posting - but have you heard of ARCHIVES. I did my homework before starting to spout off like some ES and especially ATN members do. I went back and reviewed old posts from about a year to year 1/2 ago ( OK so not exactly 2 years ) - who cares. I am not some Cowboys fan in disguise - you lose on that one too, I siad in my first post that I dont get here much to post , I run a business, and posting on the web is not on the top of my many things I need to do during my busy day - I read and will post more as the season actually unfolds. i am not one to make statements based on only opion and I single out Tr1 only because I like the ATN and he seems to post the most and I notice he has the strongest opinions - with not much to back it up other than one liners and bad ones at that.

I guess you got me then!!! Maybe you should quite your job at the local San Bernindino's Wendys and become a detective. Try welcoming new posters and not trying to make yourself look like you are something special in here. This is a website - any knucklehead ( and that includes me) can post crappy uneducated statements and stir the pot to get thier rocks off - so go at it if that makes your day.

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