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WTOP: 19yr old killed by his own pit bulls


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So, are the owners held criminally responsible for the deaths of these people ?

some have been yes. I also know a police officer whose German Shepherd got out of its kennel and bit a lady jogging by the house. The officer was charged with neglect and sued in civil court. The dog was put down.

For the poster who said Pits aren't allowed in the apartments, most apartments won't let you have Rotties or Shepherds either.

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Sure you can blame the owner but well treated family pets sometimes go nuts and, let's be clear, these breeds of dogs were created for the purpose of attacking and maiming.

I am often approached aggressively by dogs while minding my own business running in a public park. Sometimes the dog owners are apologetic but most often their first reaction is to proclaim that the dog "doesn't normally behave like this". I don't give a **** about what the dog normally does. The owners usually get offended when I request that they keep their ****ing dog under control. In their view it's excusable to threaten someone with an animal but not to have some one swear at them as a result.

Dog owners often refuse to accept responsibility too when their animal attacks. My wife was bitten by a dog while running and the owners ran away with the dog leaving her bleeding. Another runner I know who was bitten actually had the dog owner claim that the runner must have behaved in a threatening manner.

So to dog owners out there, I'll decide what threatening behavior is and next time I experience it from your dog the knife on my key chain will be employed. :)

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The amount of idiots that own Pits is by far greater than the number of responsible owners that have them as pets. I see these 15 year old gangsta looking idiots walking pits all of time, I just shake my head and anxiously await the ban on Pitbulls in Hagerstown.

I'm not sure how you quantify your claim just based of what you've seen.

I don't really disagree with you - and also think breeds such as pits should require some sort of mandatory training or owner screening for them to own one.

My point is - there are more good dogs out there than bad, and often it's just as much the humans fault.

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When I'm bitten I don't care who's fault it is. I don't think it's reasonable that people should face such threats.

I guess all dogs should be banned then.

As long as there are dogs there will be bad owners and the occasional bad dog - I'm not sure how you go about not facing such threats without getting rid of all dogs.

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I am often approached aggressively by dogs while minding my own business running in a public park. Sometimes the dog owners are apologetic but most often their first reaction is to proclaim that the dog "doesn't normally behave like this". I don't give a **** about what the dog normally does. The owners usually get offended when I request that they keep their ****ing dog under control. In their view it's excusable to threaten someone with an animal but not to have some one swear at them as a result.

Maybe the dog owners aren't so offended at you asking them to keep their dog's under control, but rather it's the way you ask it that is offensive. If you do it anywhere close to the way you described it, well you sound like a smug individual who's under the impression that the park is soley for the use of you, and other humans, and that any dogs using it need to steer clear of you.

You know, you don't have to be an ass because you're approached by a dog for christ sakes. I mean if you're scared, that's one thing. But there's no need to get nasty about it with people who are out exercising their dogs.

And these frequent, aggresive approaches by dogs obviously haven't shaken you up all that much. Otherwise i guess you would have shelled out for that tread mill instead of having to associate with the heathens and their mutts in the public park......right?


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I guess all dogs should be banned then.

As long as there are dogs there will be bad owners and the occasional bad dog - I'm not sure how you go about not facing such threats without getting rid of all dogs.

A few thoughts ...

  • Owners keep their ****ing dogs under control and on a leash when in public. If you are walking your dog and you see someone approaching you move out of their path so that your animal can't threaten them.
  • I'm prepared to face down the threat of a small dog 'cause even if it attacks the injuries won't be live threatening. It's the pits and the other dogs that were bred to be weapons that should be permanently muzzled.

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The APBT is a breed that is loyal to friends and family, and is generally friendly towards strangers. People have been known to be afraid of them because of their bad reputations. Nonetheless, an APBT can be a very congenial pet. Proper training can make the dog obedient and have a high desire to please. Without proper guidance, though, the breed can become dominant and destructive. According to the UKC, "aggressive behavior toward humans is uncharacteristic of the breed and highly undesirable."[6] A study done by the CDC showed that "pit bull type" dogs accounted for the majority of dog related fatalities in the United States between 1979 and 1996, though the study admits some limitations in its data. These attacks were proven to be by pit bulls that were highly under socialized. [7]

The American Temperament Testing Society shows a pass percentage of 84.3% for American Pit Bull Terriers.[8] Still, a firm, even hand and early obedience training are best. They generally have a lot of energy and high prey drive ; they need exercise and stimulation in order to channel their energy properly and not become frustrated, bored, and destructive.

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A few thoughts ...

  • Owners keep their ****ing dogs under control and on a leash when in public. If you are walking your dog and you see someone approaching you move out of their path so that your animal can't threaten them.
  • I'm prepared to face down the threat of a small dog 'cause even if it attacks the injuries won't be live threatening. It's the pits and the other dogs that were bred to be weapons that should be permanently muzzled.

Fair enough, I agree with the first and the second I don't think any properly trained and socialized dog could be considered a "weapon".

Although if all dogs are leashed you shouldn't have them running up to you anyway so #1 would pretty much solve all problems.

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The APBT is a breed that is loyal to friends and family, and is generally friendly towards strangers. People have been known to be afraid of them because of their bad reputations. Nonetheless, an APBT can be a very congenial pet. Proper training can make the dog obedient and have a high desire to please. Without proper guidance, though, the breed can become dominant and destructive. According to the UKC, "aggressive behavior toward humans is uncharacteristic of the breed and highly undesirable."[6] A study done by the CDC showed that "pit bull type" dogs accounted for the majority of dog related fatalities in the United States between 1979 and 1996, though the study admits some limitations in its data. These attacks were proven to be by pit bulls that were highly under socialized. [7]

The American Temperament Testing Society shows a pass percentage of 84.3% for American Pit Bull Terriers.[8] Still, a firm, even hand and early obedience training are best. They generally have a lot of energy and high prey drive ; they need exercise and stimulation in order to channel their energy properly and not become frustrated, bored, and destructive.

hmmm, high prey drive, you mean they find enjoyment out of killing stuff?

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I've been around pit bulls all of my life. My uncles breed them, I have friends that have owned them, and my ex used to have one. I have never seen anyone/any animal attacked.

Ignorant/malicious owners cause the majority of these kinds of attacks. That being said, I do believe any animal (or human for that matter) can snap for seemingly random things. Pit Bulls are bred for damage, so when it happens to happen with them, it has tragic outcomes.

Stupid/ignorant people drive cars and cause accidents every day. I don't want to ban cars.

Stupid/ignorant people leave their guns sitting around loaded and people accidentally get shot. I don't want to ban guns.

Stupid/ignorant people neglect pit bulls who get lose and hurt people. I don't want to ban the dog.

More regulation is fine, and I'm all for a strict licensing for owners of potentially dangerous breeds. I'm also all for owners whose dogs get away and attack being prosecuted as if they themselves were the attackers, as well as for animal neglect. Banning the breed is not the answer.

I'm planning on getting a few dogs in the next month or so. I love pit bulls. I am not going to get one though, as I realize they are a huge commitment, and if I neglect that commitment it can have deadly consequences.

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hmmm, high prey drive, you mean they find enjoyment out of killing stuff?

They're ****ing animals! What do you expect? It's called INSTINCT. You have to train them to break them of certain instincts such as that one.

jesus christ. how many times has this been said already?

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Fair enough, I agree with the first and the second I don't think any properly trained and socialized dog could be considered a "weapon".

Although if all dogs are leashed you shouldn't have them running up to you anyway so #1 would pretty much solve all problems.

Police use thier dogs as weapons all of the time, people that have gaurd dogs, could possibly use thier dog as a weapon.

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hmmm, high prey drive, you mean they find enjoyment out of killing stuff?

What carnivorous animal isn't?

Simply highlighting one line out of that paragraph to say "look they're bad animals" is a weak argument in my opinion.

No one is denying they can be dangerous, but people fail to see they can also be nice, obedient, loving pets.

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Police use thier dogs as weapons all of the time, people that have gaurd dogs, could possibly use thier dog as a weapon.

I think it was fairly obvious I meant the 99% of dogs that are trained with the intention of being a companion animal.

Of course if you train a dog to attack or to be aggressive it could be considered a weapon.

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Maybe the dog owners aren't so offended at you asking them to keep their dog's under control, but rather it's the way you ask it that is offensive. If you do it anywhere close to the way you described it, well you sound like a smug individual who's under the impression that the park is soley for the use of you, and other humans, and that any dogs using it need to steer clear of you.

That's idiotic. How about people using the park share it, that means don't threaten or attack other people minding their own business.

Is it too much to ask not to have a dog charge at you?

Should they be OK with me charging at them snarling. :D

You know, you don't have to be an ass because you're approached by a dog for christ sakes. I mean if you're scared, that's one thing. But there's no need to get nasty about it with people who are out exercising their dogs.

I'm running and an animal runs toward me snarling. I should ignore it and hope it doesn't attack? Why should I have to take evasive action because someone doesn't control their dog. Should I only be offended when the dog actually draws blood?

And these frequent, aggresive approaches by dogs obviously haven't shaken you up all that much. Otherwise i guess you would have shelled out for that tread mill instead of having to associate with the heathens and their mutts in the public park......right?

I shouldn't go into a park because dog owners can't control their animals? No, me like other runners have had enough and many now carry mace or other ways to protect themselves from irresponsible dog owners and their animals.

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They're ****ing animals! What do you expect? It's called INSTINCT. You have to train them to break them of certain instincts such as that one.

jesus christ. how many times has this been said already?

My dog doesn't see another dog, get all amped up and need to be held back because it wants to kill the other dog. Most of the time, she sees the other dog and goes about her business, she really isn't interested.

Cats on the other hand, she loves to chase cats out of the yard, fortunately if she caught one, she would probably lick it to death.

In the case with my dog being attacked by a pit, that dog would stand up on the fence and stare at my dog all of the time. I didn't think anything of it until after the little huzzy jumped the fence and my dog had 100+ stitches in her back 1/4.

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My dog doesn't see another dog, get all amped up and need to be held back because it wants to kill the other dog. Most of the time, she sees the other dog and goes about her business, she really isn't interested.

Cats on the other hand, she loves to chase cats out of the yard, fortunately if she caught one, she would probably lick it to death.

In the case with my dog being attacked by a pit, that dog would stand up on the fence and stare at my dog all of the time. I didn't think anything of it until after the little huzzy jumped the fence and my dog had 100+ stitches in her back 1/4.

My neighbor had a black lab that tried to attack my puppy for no reason.

That particular lab was probably not socialized very well and very well might have come from some shady breeder.

Again, the fault was directly or indirectly with the humans.

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