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Our offense still scares nobody until we get big WR


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I am loving the defense and the potential is there for a #1 ranking but I hate to say that if, and I say if, the O-line holds up with the additions of Williams, Bridges, Dockery, healthy Samuels and and Thomas, I still doubt seriously that Kelly with his bad knees and Thomas with his lack of football experience can be counted on to be the big possession type WR that we need that will make defensive coordinators have to game plan for. So, here is my question...why can't we make a play for Boldin or I am wondering if Brandon Marshall is still unhappy in Denver and why not a trade for him? Thoughts........

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Doubt Boldin is going anywhere... Don't want any part of B Marshall.... I would like to just see our rookie WR's get on the field and be given as much slack as JC.. Just wish they would be given the chance to fail before they keep riding the pine and bad attitudes develop...

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We have the perfect size WR's now, Kelly is our big target, Moss is our speed reciever, ARE can still pass as good as our QB's and Cooley is still dangerous. Hopefully Thomas will break out this year as well, but the 3 best recievers to be on the field at the same time was not big receivers, and I am talking about the Posse. 2 small and fast receivers with Monk as our large, and we all seen the damage they did. We just need our Line and QB to step it up and we will be just fine.

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Here's my opinion, our offense looked really establish early on in the season because of the play of the o-line...i think that once we establish a offensive line then we will be scary. Santana Moss's numbers were up during the early games and it was our offense that beat the cowboys and eagles in the first couple of weeks. Our wide receivers played well because Campbell had time....i think that we are good at wide receiver

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I guess I am just hopeful for a revamped offense because watching last years "O" was absolutely dreadful and boring. If the defense does pan out to be dominant like I think they will, would hate to waste it for an offense that spent too much looking at each other after yet another 3 and out with no clue.

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Man, it's the 4th day of training camp. Can't we at least wait until a couple preseason games until we make these kinds of judgments?

Based on the 4 days of camp I'd say the WR's from reports are the least of the Offensive worries. The Skins should be scouring the wire for OL.

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Agree...O-line worries the hell out of me I just think another move will happen before the break of camp for O-line or WR especially if Kelly has knee problems yet again...Anthony Mix possibly I wouldn't even mind Plax if he can clean up his act..he made the Giants offense very formidable but he has bigger issues right now.

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I completely disagree with this post. We have a ton of talent at wide receiver ... it just takes receivers time. Thomas Kelly and Davis are all big ... plus Moss Cooley and El ... we have no problems at wide recevier ... we have to find ways to get them the ball, that will be our problem.

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I still doubt seriously that Kelly with his bad knees and Thomas with his lack of football experience can be counted on to be the big possession type WR that we need that will make defensive coordinators have to game plan for. So, here is my question...why can't we make a play for Boldin or I am wondering if Brandon Marshall is still unhappy in Denver and why not a trade for him? Thoughts........

The only way Thomas is going to get that football experience that will make DC's plan for him, is by playing the games. If we go out and get Boldin or Marshall we might as well just give up on DT and MK. It would be different if Kelly was the guy we were hinging our bets, sure then the knee thing is a concern. But right now he's doing well. I'd rather us see what we've got. I think they have the potential to do something major.

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I am loving the defense and the potential is there for a #1 ranking but I hate to say that if, and I say if, the O-line holds up with the additions of Williams, Bridges, Dockery, healthy Samuels and and Thomas, I still doubt seriously that Kelly with his bad knees and Thomas with his lack of football experience can be counted on to be the big possession type WR that we need that will make defensive coordinators have to game plan for. So, here is my question...why can't we make a play for Boldin or I am wondering if Brandon Marshall is still unhappy in Denver and why not a trade for him? Thoughts........

You have to realize that developing talent is a key intstrument in becoming a legit contender.

Marshall and Boldin were both drafted too. In fact, Marshall took a little while to pan out. So did Roddy White.

Both Kelly and Thomas look either very good or at least promising throughout camp. Give them at least this year and next before scrapping our prospects and trading the farm for other team's developed talent.

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First, Devin Thomas is actually taller than Boldin.

Second, who ever said size actually made a difference at WR. Talk to Steve Smith in Carolina or our very own Moss. We're looking for a WR who can pair up with Moss, not a WR who can do it by himself. I think you're over thinking this a bit, especially on the 4th day of Training Camp.

Kelly is tall, his knees were bad last year, Thomas was lost last year, both of them are doing lightyears better from all reports, especially Thomas who Zorn said is going to be at the #2 spot unless he really can't handle it (which isn't the impression everyone seems to be getting) plus we've got Cooley, Fred Davis, El in the slot (goodness knows what the Patriots would have done if they hadn't had a 5'9" shifty quick guy in the slot by the name of Wes Welker), and then at the fifth WR spot we've got our pick of what we need most to finish out the WR corp. We can either have small, shifty, speed (Keith Eloi, or Marques Hagans) or we can have some size and speed (Trent Shelton, Roydell Williams, or Marko Mitchell at 6'4"). If we don't give these guys a chance (and stop trading our 1st rounders away, which is what we'd have to do to get Boldin or Marshall) then we're never going to solve our problems.

Honestly, this is the first time in a long long long long long time I can remember one of our WRs (our draft pick) playing well enough to actually earn a starting spot instead of just being handed it because we have no other choice. I think Thomas is going to play fantastic this year because of all the hard work he's put in during the offseason. Even Moss said that he'd improved a lot, EVERYONE HAS, reporters, bloggers, players, coaches, and fans who've been to TC first hand. So, in long, stop worrying.

If only we could get Manute Bole, maybe we'd have enough size then........

I agree with everyone who said we shouldn't be worrying about WR at this point, instead spend your time buying tissues just in case we have to cry all season at how our OLine is awful. I hope not.

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I am loving the defense and the potential is there for a #1 ranking but I hate to say that if, and I say if, the O-line holds up with the additions of Williams, Bridges, Dockery, healthy Samuels and and Thomas, I still doubt seriously that Kelly with his bad knees and Thomas with his lack of football experience can be counted on to be the big possession type WR that we need that will make defensive coordinators have to game plan for. So, here is my question...why can't we make a play for Boldin or I am wondering if Brandon Marshall is still unhappy in Denver and why not a trade for him? Thoughts........

Take a deep breath and relax. Repeat after me...We are stacked at receiver. We don't want anymore over-priced free agents too eat up our draft pics. Young is better than old, at least in football. :dallasuck

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The offensive line is our biggest worry. but if they pan out we should be good. portis, betts, and hopefully some of rock will provide a good run attack. Cooley is Mr. First Down and then we need to let Santana lose to go deep and get his usual 15 yd screen plays. We just need pound the ball down the field and let the defense do their thing.

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Second the O-line. And our QB. Our #1 receiver isn't bad, and we made enough high draft picks recently that SOMEBODY should step up as our #2 this year. (Or Vinny REALLY should be fired immediately). With a quarterback that can make quick decisions and an O-Line that doesn't fall apart halfway thru the season, we could do some damage this year. (could have last year with those changes, darnit!)

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