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Our offense still scares nobody until we get big WR


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Thomas and Kelly are both performing very well in camp. I think the WR problem is solved, assuming they stay healthy. Thomas is working opposite Moss as the #2 at the moment, with ARE moving to the slot. Kelly comes in to spell either Moss or Thomas.

Both look explosive, quick, and big. I like what we have right now.

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We don't scare many teams because of our poor offense. Frankly, our offense is offensive.

When you can't put up on, an average, more than 28 points ... most NFL teams will not be scared of you.

We don't have big play capabilities, and have yet to demonstrate that we can come back from a significant deficit.

Most teams focus in on 3 of our offensive players ... Santana, Clinton and Chris. With them out of the picture our offense is absolutely impotent. If you look at all the high powered offensive teams -- most of them have 5 or more playmakers on the field. The combinations could be 3 WRs, 1 TE, 1 RB; or 2 WRs, 2 TE, 1 RB, or 3 WRs, 1 TE, and 2 RBs...

That spreads the field, reduces the pass rush, and keeps the defense honest. For a number of games we did not have more 3 playmakers on the field.

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Kelly is tall, his knees were bad last year, Thomas was lost last year, both of them are doing lightyears better from all reports, especially Thomas who Zorn said is going to be at the #2 spot unless he really can't handle it (which isn't the impression everyone seems to be getting)

Honestly, this is the first time in a long long long long long time I can remember one of our WRs (our draft pick) playing well enough to actually earn a starting spot instead of just being handed it because we have no other choice. I think Thomas is going to play fantastic this year because of all the hard work he's put in during the offseason. Even Moss said that he'd improved a lot, EVERYONE HAS, reporters, bloggers, players, coaches, and fans who've been to TC first hand.

Not that I'm doubting you, but do you have a link(s) for what you said about Thomas' improvement?
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I am loving the defense and the potential is there for a #1 ranking but I hate to say that if, and I say if, the O-line holds up with the additions of Williams, Bridges, Dockery, healthy Samuels and and Thomas, I still doubt seriously that Kelly with his bad knees and Thomas with his lack of football experience can be counted on to be the big possession type WR that we need that will make defensive coordinators have to game plan for. So, here is my question...why can't we make a play for Boldin or I am wondering if Brandon Marshall is still unhappy in Denver and why not a trade for him? Thoughts........

I'm confident that Thomas will capture our WR2 position before the regular season begins. Kelly is not far behind.

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Either way, that tall receiver isn't what is killing our offense. What we really need is an RT and C who are good. Until our o-line improves you won't see our offense become as great as it could be. Portis could probably push for 1800 yards if the middle of our o-line didn't consistently get pushed back.

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Try any link about skins training camp. ANY link. They are all glowing on ether Thomas or Kelly.:point2sky

Quoted for emphasis.

SERIOUSLY. I don't post that much, but to ask for a link regarding Devin Thomas' improvement over the course of this offseason and TC? PLEASE. Like polywog said, um... READ ANY NUMBER OF ARTICLES OR VIDEOS POSTED ON REDSKINS.COM and all kinds of articles posted in Redskins Breaking News at our own beloved Extremeskins. I can barely turn the computer on without seeing another good report about DT, AND MK for that matter.

Oh and also, CRAWL OUT FROM UNDER YOUR ROCK people. Going by what we are seeing in our 2nd rounders' second year improvements, chances are good we are set at receiver with people we... OMG.... DRAFTED.

Now the O-Line... um I'm just hoping it's a matter of needing time together, which is fairly typical. Ish. *Must... resist... hitting... panic button* :silly:


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We don't scare many teams because of our poor offense. Frankly, our offense is offensive.

When you can't put up on, an average, more than 28 points ... most NFL teams will not be scared of you.

Dude, the average scoring for a team in the NFL per game last year was 22 points/game. With the defense we have, if score 22 points a game, teams will be very afraid of us. People like you dont understand that there is another side of the football field and it actually might be more important. It's called defense.

Most teams focus in on 3 of our offensive players ... Santana, Clinton and Chris. With them out of the picture our offense is absolutely impotent. If you look at all the high powered offensive teams -- most of them have 5 or more playmakers on the field. The combinations could be 3 WRs, 1 TE, 1 RB; or 2 WRs, 2 TE, 1 RB, or 3 WRs, 1 TE, and 2 RBs...

Really? Name some of those teams? Most teams DO NOT have anything close to that kind of firepower.

That spreads the field, reduces the pass rush, and keeps the defense honest. For a number of games we did not have more 3 playmakers on the field.

That should change this year. Thomas looks to be ready to step up and Kelly should get better as the year progresses. Davis looks to be having a strong camp. Aldridge is flashing.

Our problem looks to be the O-line.......again. Untill we get that shored up it's wont matter what we have in anything else.

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If you want the offense to improve...I hate to say it...I'm really sorry...I really am...but Michael Vick. :saber:

Sorry, but our offense would take a nosedive with Vick. People really need to stay off the crack pipe around here.

Not that I'm doubting you, but do you have a link(s) for what you said about Thomas' improvement?

Seriously, have you even bothered ready ANYTHING that has been posted? Thomas has nothing but GLOWING reviews. Kelly still looks like he is thinking too much at times, but is still makeing alot of plays.

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Seriously, have you even bothered ready ANYTHING that has been posted? Thomas has nothing but GLOWING reviews. Kelly still looks like he is thinking too much at times, but is still makeing alot of plays.
Please don't take that tone with me. I haven't been all that active on ES recently, and when I do come on ES, I rarely read anything other than what's on the boards. The poster to whom I responded mentioned the good things being said about Thomas in various "reports." I simply requested that they link me to some of these reports. Everything I've heard about the skins suggests that, if our Oline holds up, we could be dangerous.
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Quoted for emphasis.

SERIOUSLY. I don't post that much, but to ask for a link regarding Devin Thomas' improvement over the course of this offseason and TC? PLEASE. Like polywog said, um... READ ANY NUMBER OF ARTICLES OR VIDEOS POSTED ON REDSKINS.COM and all kinds of articles posted in Redskins Breaking News at our own beloved Extremeskins. I can barely turn the computer on without seeing another good report about DT, AND MK for that matter.

Oh and also, CRAWL OUT FROM UNDER YOUR ROCK people. Going by what we are seeing in our 2nd rounders' second year improvements, chances are good we are set at receiver with people we... OMG.... DRAFTED.

See my post above.
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Well, I think if you give these youngsters more reps and more time they will clearly show people why they were drafted when they were. These kids have the potential to come in and contribute. The real question for us I believe is the health of the O-Line, we need a healthy line and everything else should take care of it. I will continue to remain optimistic.

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'Still' implies that the Redskins don't have an outside WR threat in camp. Why not wait until we see what the 3 or 4 receivers on the roster do in the preseason before pressing the panic button?

It's just as important to see the OL come together over the next 4 weeks.

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Our problem looks to be the O-line.......again. Untill we get that shored up it's wont matter what we have in anything else.

Truer words have never been spoken. This has been our proverbial 'achilles heel' for 5 out of the last 7 seasons, 2005 - 2006 nothwithstanding.

OL problems seem to drag down the rest of the squad...whether it's a hurried QB, a crowded RB, or, because of those two areas of deficiency, a winded D, due to the fact that they are on the field most of time, as the O cannot sustain drives due to poor OL performance.

Bottom line:

OL performs = EVERYONE is happy. (FO, Coaching Staff, Players, Fans.....EVERYONE).

OL doesn't perform = everyone bitter.


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I don't think the WR position is a problem at this point. Consider the NE Pats when they won all of their SB's. How many star receivers did they have? They had a good offensive line though. Give a QB time in the pocket and he will more than likely make a good throw to an open receiver.

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First, Devin Thomas is actually taller than Boldin.

Second, who ever said size actually made a difference at WR. Talk to Steve Smith in Carolina or our very own Moss. We're looking for a WR who can pair up with Moss, not a WR who can do it by himself. I think you're over thinking this a bit, especially on the 4th day of Training Camp.

Kelly is tall, his knees were bad last year, Thomas was lost last year, both of them are doing lightyears better from all reports, especially Thomas who Zorn said is going to be at the #2 spot unless he really can't handle it (which isn't the impression everyone seems to be getting) plus we've got Cooley, Fred Davis, El in the slot (goodness knows what the Patriots would have done if they hadn't had a 5'9" shifty quick guy in the slot by the name of Wes Welker), and then at the fifth WR spot we've got our pick of what we need most to finish out the WR corp. We can either have small, shifty, speed (Keith Eloi, or Marques Hagans) or we can have some size and speed (Trent Shelton, Roydell Williams, or Marko Mitchell at 6'4"). If we don't give these guys a chance (and stop trading our 1st rounders away, which is what we'd have to do to get Boldin or Marshall) then we're never going to solve our problems.

Honestly, this is the first time in a long long long long long time I can remember one of our WRs (our draft pick) playing well enough to actually earn a starting spot instead of just being handed it because we have no other choice. I think Thomas is going to play fantastic this year because of all the hard work he's put in during the offseason. Even Moss said that he'd improved a lot, EVERYONE HAS, reporters, bloggers, players, coaches, and fans who've been to TC first hand. So, in long, stop worrying.

If only we could get Manute Bole, maybe we'd have enough size then........

I agree with everyone who said we shouldn't be worrying about WR at this point, instead spend your time buying tissues just in case we have to cry all season at how our OLine is awful. I hope not.

Good points we just need someone that makes a defensive coordinator say "wow, he is a major threat and we need to game plan for him" cuz the way I see it we don't have that on this offense

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If the skins offense could get 20 points a game every game then we would be legitimate superbowl contenders every year. Our offense doesnt need to scare people to be effective. It needs to control clock, minimize mistakes, and get 20 points a game.

If the offense does that then we will go 11-5 and win the division. If it cant we are looking at 9-7 and out of the playoffs.

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