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Grandfather and pregnant woman tasered in Prince William County at Baptism Party


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The Taser is becoming all too common now. They need to chill out with that stuff. It has become a legal way for them to "attack" people more freely.

Here's another link:


Maybe we need a thread called "Tasers Gone Wild!" and we can just post them when they come out every week or so.

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Yeah, I want to see how this plays out. If it went down like the family is saying, this doesn't look good for PWC at all. I hope that there is some piece of information missing that will come out, but taken for face value there are some officers who need to be let go.

I support the use of tasers, but a taser should be a tool used to safely end a possibly imminent violent situation, not just because a person argues with or doesn't immediately comply with an officer's request.

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The Taser is becoming all too common now. They need to chill out with that stuff. It has become a legal way for them to "attack" people more freely.

Simply a result of suits and injuries related to subduing people and forcing compliance.

The chilling out would be a good idea on all sides,as well as refraining from noncompliance with lawful orders from police.

I suspect there is much more to the story as usual.

Stugein, how many times should the cops allow people to refuse instruction/directions from the cops?

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Stugein, how many times should the cops allow people to refuse instruction/directions from the cops?

The answer is "The same number of times as the officer would allow them to refuse instruction before striking and/or tackling the subject to subdue them or force compliance". The taser is meant to be an effective substitute to physical confrontation, with lowered risk of injury to the subject and the officer. Not as a replacement for calm, measured negotiation with a subject.

If, with no taser present, physical force was necessary in this case to secure the safety of the public or the officers themselves; or physically subduing the subject was required to ensure compliance with a lawful order, I am in complete support of the tasering. Hands down, no questions. However, if it is not a situation where physical force would've otherwise been used, then the use of the taser should be considered inappropriate.

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Looks like the pregnant woman is getting deported, too.

This isn't a bad thing, Eddie Rodriguez should be charged with harboring an illegal alien if she lived at the location.

When it's all said and done, she shouldn't have put her hand on a cop.

Asta La Vista Senorita :)

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There is definitely more to this story. Officers don't just go around tasering people for fun. It's probably one of the last things they want to do considering all of the paperwork, investigation, and other consequences that result from an incident. I'll side with the officers on this one, especially since there was a language barrier and that someone mentioned that they were here illegally.

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Nice answer Stugein,similar to my own opinion.

From my understanding they rejected directives three times...time to force compliance.:D

That is at least one more chance than I ever got from a cop

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Nice answer Stugein,similar to my own opinion.

From my understanding they rejected directives three times...time to force compliance.:D

That is at least one more chance than I ever got from a cop

It was a baptism organized by a church group, and an elderly man and a PREGNANT women was tasered. NOTHING good can come of this, especially when you start tasering old men and impregnated women.

Tasering is really getting out of hand.

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There is definitely more to this story. Officers don't just go around tasering people for fun.

I wouldn't say that, judging by the rapid ease in which some cops use this device. How many stories have we heard in which something similiar happens? And I have seen more than one video in which a citizen is suddenly tasered with little provocation.

Cops are here to protect and serve, not to catch an attitude and whip out their "non-lethal" device that can actually cause death.

It's probably one of the last things they want to do considering all of the paperwork, investigation, and other consequences that result from an incident. I'll side with the officers on this one, especially since there was a language barrier and that someone mentioned that they were here illegally.

If that were true, then we probably wouldn't be hearing about so many tasering incidents. If you've somehow missed all of these stories, just Google it for yourself.

And I don't care if they were here illegally -- some of you folks are acting as if it's alright to use unnecessary force due to their lack of citizenship. :doh:

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It was a baptism organized by a church group, and an elderly man and a PREGNANT women was tasered. NOTHING good can come of this, especially when you start tasering old men and a impregnated women.

Tasering is really getting out of hand.

Please,I was raised in church...We fight and obviously are capable of being obstinate asses.:D

The old man is barely older than I...would you prefer a beatdown or for the cops to simply walk away?

Perhaps it is ignoring cops lawful directions that is getting out of hand instead?

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Please,I was raised in church...We fight and obviously are capable of being obstinate asses.:D

The old man is barely older than I...would you prefer a beatdown or for the cops to simply walk away?

Perhaps it is ignoring cops lawful directions that is getting out of hand instead?

It might be that the media just blows it out of proportion, but tasers have killed people. They shouldn't be used except in extreme circumstances. A baptism party doesn't seem like an extreme circumstance to me.

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Please,I was raised in church...We fight and obviously are capable of being obstinate asses.:D

The old man is barely older than I...would you prefer a beatdown or for the cops to simply walk away?

Perhaps it is ignoring cops lawful directions that is getting out of hand instead?

Yeah, grandpa doesn't really mean elderly -- that is true. I am not that much younger than him, so that's probably my bad. LOL.

I was tear gassed one time at a party with no provocation from the cops. It was in Oregon, at an outdoor party. The police came, told the partiers to turn off the band (which they did), everyone stood around wandering what to do next, and, before I know it, tear gas canisters were flung into the crowd. BLAP! EverAll the kids scattered in panic, wondering what the hell was going on.

Some people even stopped retreating, started sito sing the national anthem, and they got tear gassed too. (Because, after all, that sure is a provocative action.)

The next day, people in the town paper were saying the exact same thing. "Oh, they should have followed the directives of the police." Sorry to say that there were NO directives. They just used the gas with little reason.

Remember that rave in Utah a few years ago, where the cops stormed in and started to beat people?

Everyone that cops do is not justified, and we have plenty of examples to demonstrate this.

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From my understanding they rejected directives three times...time to force compliance.:D

Did I miss that in the story somewhere?

I thought it said he produced his ID when requested.

It will be interesting to see the IAD findings.

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