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Whitlock: This is why athletes should never marry


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I've never understood why a college or professional athlete would get married.

They enter into the institution of lying/marriage with as much chance of remaining sexually faithful as I do entering a Wendy's and adhering to my diet.

Their constant travel, discretionary income, peer-pressure influence and celebrity status expose them to women eager to please, adept at sleaze and scarred by emotional, mental and physical disease.

Generally speaking, an athlete's girlfriend convinces him to walk down that aisle with heavy doses of pleasing and sleazing, and once he says, "I do," she spits out a kid or two and promptly says, "I only please and sleaze on your birthday and once per exotic vacation. I'm a mother and wife."

I bring all this up because people are looking for the big-picture lesson in the Steve McNair and Arturo Gatti murder/tragedies.

McNair, 36, was shot by his 20-year-old mistress, Sahel Kazemi, a waitress at Dave & Buster's. Gatti, 37, was allegedly strangled by his 23-year-old wife, Amanda Rodrigues, a former dancer at Scores.

I'm not dismissing the smaller, more obvious lessons: 1.McNair needed to keep his butt at home with his wife and kids; 2. Middle-aged, millionaire men shouldn't romance 20-year-old children who are looking for their lottery ticket.

And I'm not blaming the victims. McNair and Gatti did not in any way get what they deserved. No one deserves to be murdered.

What I'm saying is the institution of lying/marriage is a horrible idea for athletes.

It's an interesting read and much like a good bit of Whitlock's stuff it's thought provoking but I don't really agree with it. In addition were I a professional athlete I think I'd be a little insulted because Mr. Whitlock seems to think they're all incapable of exercising self control in the face of temptation. He also doesn't seem to think very much of women.
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I find this article to be a pessimistic view of a hypothetical formula. In English, Whitlock is saying that there's no hope for a pro athlete to have a clean marriage? Am I defining this correctly? Hello? There are tons of non-athletes that cheat. It's not because they're rich, it's because they're hungry for some poontang. Bubba in the trailer park will cheat on his wife. John will chean on Jane, McNair will cheat on his wife. It's all relative. Stop taking hacks, Whitlock.

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I find this article to be a pessimistic view of a hypothetical formula. In English, Whitlock is saying that pro athletes are more liable to cheat than the average-Joe? Am I defining this correctly? Hello? There are tons of non-athletes that cheat. It's not because they're rich, it's because they're hungry for some poontang. Bubba in the trailer park will cheat on his wife. John will chean on Jane, McNair will cheat on his wife. It's all relative. Stop taking hacks at in-depth studies, Whitlock.

Cheating is as much about opportunity as it is about character. Being bombarded with offers makes things more difficult.

that being said, Whitlock is an assclown.

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Cheating is as much about opportunity as it is about character. Being bombarded with offers makes things more difficult.

that being said, Whitlock is an assclown.

Why, because everything he said was true or because he had the nerve to say it?

What exactly are you complaining about?

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I agree with this 100%.

There is absolutely no reason for any professional athlete to get married before the age of 30 or so. And then, and only then, if they want to have kids.

Edit: This goes for any man, not just professional athletes. And 30 doesn't sound right. I would say more like 35. And this is especially true for professional athletes.

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I have heard this guy is an *******. however, this article is very very right. Professional athletes have more opportunity to get laid in a month then most people have in their lifetime. Its almost unreasonable to think that they would not cheat on the road. i would expect nothing less.

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I'm not saying I agree or disagree with the notion that Athletes have the opportunity to get laid easily.

But I will say that we need to establish that McNair was murdered by a woman he was seeing on the side. He may have been a great human being, but unless I'm mistaken, he was doing something very wrong around the time of his death. He's no saint.

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Cheating is as much about opportunity as it is about character. Being bombarded with offers makes things more difficult.

that being said, Whitlock is an assclown.

People will cheat. Anybody. There are plenty of pro athletes that have married and never cheated. There are plenty of average-Joes that cheat on a regular basis.

It's a shot in the dark. Blowing smoke; a huge fart. It's a question about the integrity within each individual athlete, but he's making a generalization of EVERY ATHLETE. Whitlock cheats on his wife with poundcakes. How 'bout that?

Whitlock's children won't have a dad soon because of a looming heart failure. What an ass.

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Everyone, no matter who you are or what profession you are in, is exposed to tempting situations. It comes down to integrity in the end as far as I'm concerned.

To classify all male athletes as careless men who don't give a crap about their family and cheat with any woman who throws herself at him is absurd.

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Agreed. Whitlock has latched onto a story that perfectly fits his agenda and probably won't let go any time soon.

Every once in a while I read something by him that makes sense. Those occasions seem to be getting more and more rare. I guess he has to elevate his level of ridiculousness as time goes on. Maybe he's following the Madonna/Rodman formula where there's no such thing as bad publicity.

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