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Witnessed a kid punching a girl


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You did good, RdsknBill. These kids need to know that and also know that people are watching them and give a damn. Hopefully, the next time this boy gets steamed he'll remember how embarrassed he was and probably scared of you and it will cause him to pause.

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I still am confused. Why is it such a big deal that he hit a girl? Why are you so outraged at that? Would you be just as outraged if he had hit a guy?

No.... we are chauvinist pigs....you got a problem with that?:redpunch:

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Some of the youth today just sickens me!

I am still shaking.

You have far more restraint than I. I would have punched him right in the gut & asked him how he liked being hit by someone who clearly outpowered him & then I would tell him to remember this feeling. I commend you on your courage to stand up for what is right. :applause:

And, for real, this is a problem that goes far beyond the youth of today. Men have been beating on women for so long, I think even dirt is younger. This is simply a problem that has been inherited by each & every generation since the dawn of time. But, I gather you probably already know that & were just venting your frustrations about what you saw.

Kick ass.

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I still am confused. Why is it such a big deal that he hit a girl? Why are you so outraged at that? Would you be just as outraged if he had hit a guy?

So, you think it's ok to beat up on a woman? Why? Are you weak minded & insecure so you feel it's alright to make someone weaker then you feel...like you?

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I still am confused. Why is it such a big deal that he hit a girl? Why are you so outraged at that? Would you be just as outraged if he had hit a guy?[/QUOTe]

It's called abuse and bullying. Look up those terms if you are seriously mystified at the OP's reaction.


Case in point of my last post.

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Good on you for stepping in!

However, I have seen plenty of women abuse some men as well. Even in HS there were quite a few "bully" girls that would make some boys days miserable. It goes both ways, and neither is right.

I'm glad somebody finally has a grip on reality, it goes both ways, ask McNair...or Nick Harper who's wife stabbed him with a knife in the knee.

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I'm glad somebody finally has a grip on reality, it goes both ways, ask McNair...or Nick Harper who's wife stabbed him with a knife in the knee.

Sure, but by and large, many more women are abused (and murdered) by men, which is why this issue needs to be highlighted. And men are also more able to physically defend themselves against a woman than the reverse situation.

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It's called abuse and bullying. Look up those terms if you are seriously mystified at the OP's reaction.


Case in point of my last post.

I know what they are. Is it abuse and bullying because the victim was a girl? What if the victim had been a guy? The way you beat bullies isn't rescuing their victims. The way you beat bullies is to show that them that they aren't as big and tough as they seem.

So, you think it's ok to beat up on a woman? Why? Are you weak minded & insecure so you feel it's alright to make someone weaker then you feel...like you?

I don't think its ok to beat up on anyone without good cause. Whether or not that person was a girl is irrelevant to me. 14 year old girl comes at me swinging, you better believe I'm going to put her down. Same with a guy. I will restrain myself based on my opponent's ability/strength/weapon, no based on their sex.

No.... we are chauvinist pigs....you got a problem with that?:redpunch:

I have a problem with chauvinist pigs like yourself teaching young women that they have to rely on a man to help them instead of taking care of the themselves.

really? I hope this isn't a serious response... :mad:

where the hell did chivalry go?

Chivalry is still here. It has just taken a different form. Its one thing to open a door for someone. Its another to make them helpless.

BTW, chivalry in this case would have been talking to the young man instead of blowing up at him. Kid didn't have an answer. Neither did the OP.

Ahh, the typical mindset of male Redskins fans on ES.

Oh really? What is so typical?

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Chivalry is still here. It has just taken a different form. Its one thing to open a door for someone. Its another to make them helpless.

BTW, chivalry in this case would have been talking to the young man instead of blowing up at him. Kid didn't have an answer. Neither did the OP.

How is standing up for/not beating up a woman making them helpless?????????

Fine. Kids should never have an adult stick their neck out for them, they should learn to defend themselves for God's sake. Especially the females.

your logic is sickening.

and please don't lecture me on chivalry. I go to a backwards Military college that's trapped in the 1800's. I had the concept of chivalry beaten into my head here at VMI for 6 straight months daily. I know a thing or two about being chivalrous, and not standing up for a 14 year old girl who got sucker punched by a dude is not chivalrous. :2cents: Chivalry wouldn't apply to the kid in the sense you're saying. I honestly think letting the kid know how serious his missteps were by yelling at him is entirely justified.

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I know what they are. Is it abuse and bullying because the victim was a girl? What if the victim had been a guy? The way you beat bullies isn't rescuing their victims. The way you beat bullies is to show that them that they aren't as big and tough as they seem.

Your entire statement brings into question if you really do understand these terms.

Bullying between males is bad as well, but woman are frequently less able to defend themselves, and that is when abuse and bullying takes occurs between the sexes. It is bad enough if it happens between men; it is worse when it takes place between the two sexes.

This is not an equivalent situation, since many, many women are abused, beat, and even killed by males. It's even worse in other nations when such abuse is virtually socialized and institutionalized, leaving the women with few rights and few means of legal discourse.

And I disagree with your last statement: Rescuing a victim can often save their life from a severe beating, and bullies often don't give a rats arse about showing them that "they aren't as big and tough as they seem." Often, it's about power and control (or loss of it) for the bullies, and until you resolve that mental need and state, nothing may change for the bully.

I don't think its ok to beat up on anyone without good cause. Whether or not that person was a girl is irrelevant to me. 14 year old girl comes at me swinging, you better believe I'm going to put her down. Same with a guy. I will restrain myself based on my opponent's ability/strength/weapon, no based on their sex.

Unless you are a small man, most woman are not as physically strong as men. I definitely believe in defending one's self against either sex, but your point is really lost in a thread which describes a dude punching someone in the gut.

I have a problem with chauvinist pigs like yourself teaching young women that they have to rely on a man to help them instead of taking care of the themselves.

Showing respect for the fairer sex is not chauvinistic. You seem to be mixing up old-school politeness and chivalry with "chauvinism."

And this thread has little to do with "teaching young women that they have to rely on a man to help them instead of taking care of the themselves." The OP saw a situation and saw fit to resolve it as a lesson for both the man and the girl. And rightly so.

Chivalry is still here. It has just taken a different form. Its one thing to open a door for someone. Its another to make them helpless.

Yes. Coming to the rescue of a girl is making her helpless. :doh: Better to leave her helpless than to make her helpless, right?

BTW, chivalry in this case would have been talking to the young man instead of blowing up at him. Kid didn't have an answer. Neither did the OP.

Oh really? What is so typical?

That's laughable. First, the OP didn't punch the kid -- he made him feel like a small weasel, which is appropriate for the young man's behavior. Second, after punching someone, I don't think having a nice little chat would have done the trick.

And the OP surely had an answer: give the boy a stern talking-to which was needed to show him the errors of his way.

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and please don't lecture me on chivalry. I go to a backwards Military college that's trapped in the 1800's. I had the concept of chivalry beaten into my head here at VMI for 6 straight months daily. I know a thing or two about being chivalrous, and not standing up for a 14 year old girl who got sucker punched by a dude is not chivalrous. :2cents: Chivalry wouldn't apply to the kid in the sense you're saying. I honestly think letting the kid know how serious his missteps were by yelling at him is entirely justified.

Here, here.

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So you say you know about chivalry because you have had the 1800s version beaten into your head? Thats great. I know how to practice medicine in the 1800s. Should I be a doctor?

You should stand up for the victim because they are the victim, not because the victim is a female.

Yes, it does make the helpless. If every time you got in to trouble, you had someone bail you out, what would you learn? Nothing. Nothing at all. Except that someone will be there to help you. You wouldn't have even learned how to ask for help. Now all she knows is that if someone is punching her, she needs someone to rescue her. What happens the next time when there is no one there to rescue her?

Chivalry would most definitely apply to the kid. Sure, blow up at him. But don't leave. Figure out why he did it. How about showing him why its wrong to pick on someone like that, regardless of sex. How about being his friend? Or a mentor? Or pointing the kid in the right direction?

Or just blast hime and let him go. He's probably goign on right now about how some stupid adult doesn't know what he's talking about, doesn't know about his life, doesn't know . . . . I mean seriously, when did someone yelling at you ever stop you from doing anything. I can't remember once every listening to my parents' scoldings as a teenager.

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I will restrain myself based on my opponent's ability/strength/weapon, no based on their sex.

That's extremely noble and progressive of you. However, with regards to physical combat, sex is a rather large factor when determining ability and strength. When a man (or a boy) does not take that into account when attacking a woman (or a girl), he should be reminded to do so.

Clearly the boy in question knew this girl, knew her ability, strength and weapon, and chose to slug her anyway. If she was hurling insults and swinging wildly at the guy and he fought back you might have point. But she was saying 'get away from me' and he punched her. She cried and claimed she deserved it. Clearly they were not equal combatants in any sense and the boy knew this. He absolutely deserved to be confronted in the manner that he was.

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I have a problem with chauvinist pigs like yourself teaching young women that they have to rely on a man to help them instead of taking care of the themselves.


I'll have to introduce you to the females in my family one day,they are such delicate creatures and insecure ....I almost pity my daughters boyfriend :evilg:

added we are even breaking in the new daughter in law with the gun show tomorrow(bladework begins on Sunday)

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Yes, it does make the helpless. If every time you got in to trouble, you had someone bail you out, what would you learn? Nothing. Nothing at all. Except that someone will be there to help you. You wouldn't have even learned how to ask for help. Now all she knows is that if someone is punching her, she needs someone to rescue her. What happens the next time when there is no one there to rescue her?

Which is why you find the girl and tell her she did not deserve to be hit. Which is what the OP did.

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I still am confused. Why is it such a big deal that he hit a girl? Why are you so outraged at that? Would you be just as outraged if he had hit a guy?

Dude, STFU. Seriously, if you have to ask that question, you need a lesson or two yourself.

And for the record, if anyone, EVER, lays a finger much less hits my daughter, I will beat the holy hell out of them.

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That's extremely noble and progressive of you. However, with regards to physical combat, sex is a rather large factor when determining ability and strength. When a man (or a boy) does not take that into account when attacking a woman (or a girl), he should be reminded to do so.

Clearly the boy in question knew this girl, knew her ability, strength and weapon, and chose to slug her anyway. If she was hurling insults and swinging wildly at the guy and he fought back you might have point. But she was saying 'get away from me' and he punched her. She cried and claimed she deserved it. Clearly they were not equal combatants in any sense and the boy knew this. He absolutely deserved to be confronted in the manner that he was.

Its not that progressive. Its recognizing that there are certain laws that prohibit me from "going all the way."

He did deserve to be confronted. I just think that yelling at the kid did nothing. When you were 14, would particularly care what some random adult said to you? I really wouldn't have given a damn. Oh look, another adult yelling at me. What else is new.

How about we try something new? How do you know the kid didn't come from a family that was used to that sort of thing? Maybe he had older sisters that beat the crap out of him as a kid. Maybe he really is just a snot-nosed brat who should know better. Does yelling really teach him anything? Nope.

Which is why you find the girl and tell her she did not deserve to be hit. Which is what the OP did.

And that was it.

"Sweetie, you don't deserve to be hit by a guy because you're a girl. Girls are dainty, weaker creatures."

What did she learn? That she's a girl and a boy just beat her up. Yea, she got that. How about we teach our daughters and sisters something else? How about we teach them that when a dude starts to get rough with you, you leave. And if he won't let you leave, you crush his nuts.

Dude, STFU. Seriously, if you have to ask that question, you need a lesson or two yourself.

And for the record, if anyone, EVER, lays a finger much less hits my daughter, I will beat the holy hell out of them.

Really? Curious, what if a girl of the exact some age starts wailing on your daughter? You gonna beat the holy hell out of her too?

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So you say you know about chivalry because you have had the 1800s version beaten into your head? Thats great. I know how to practice medicine in the 1800s. Should I be a doctor?

No. I had my father, through his actions and words, show me the meaning of a concept such as "chivalry." Some concepts are timeless.

You should stand up for the victim because they are the victim, not because the victim is a female.

In cases of violence, gender does often make a difference. You appear to be ignoring the point that women are usually on the receiving end of violence. And not only that, but you're acting as if there's no physical difference between women. That doesn't mean that women cannot defend themselves, but men are usually more aggressive and larger.

Yes, it does make the helpless. If every time you got in to trouble, you had someone bail you out, what would you learn? Nothing. Nothing at all. Except that someone will be there to help you. You wouldn't have even learned how to ask for help. Now all she knows is that if someone is punching her, she needs someone to rescue her. What happens the next time when there is no one there to rescue her?

Remind me never to ask you to look out for any females that I know, lest you do nothing if you deem your assistance is making them "helpless."

Chivalry would most definitely apply to the kid. Sure, blow up at him. But don't leave. Figure out why he did it. How about showing him why its wrong to pick on someone like that, regardless of sex. How about being his friend? Or a mentor? Or pointing the kid in the right direction?

Baloney. Some young men need strong words from an older male figure to get the point. Again, the OP did NOT strike the kid: I don't see why you keep pressing this point.

Or just blast hime and let him go. He's probably goign on right now about how some stupid adult doesn't know what he's talking about, doesn't know about his life, doesn't know . . . . I mean seriously, when did someone yelling at you ever stop you from doing anything. I can't remember once every listening to my parents' scoldings as a teenager.

Yeah. As if nice talky-talk would have then shown him the right way, right? Someone who punches someone else in the gut isn't exactly the sort of person who may react to some words of wisdom. Sometimes you need to grab some people by the scruff of their neck to get their attention. If you don't know this, then you have never worked with children or teenagers. Sometimes a loud voice is what gets their attention.

If yelling as never stopped you from doing anything, then you have probably have never been in a situation with an figure of authority barking at you with directions.

BTW, I will tell you this: My old man barking at me certainly got the point across, especially when all of his calm efforts to remedy my negative actions didn't produce any results.

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In cases of violence, gender does often make a difference. You appear to be ignoring the point that women are usually on the receiving end of violence. And not only that, but you're acting as if there's no physical difference between women. That doesn't mean that women cannot defend themselves, but men are usually more aggressive and larger.

Remind me never to ask you to look out for any females that I know, lest you do nothing if you deem your assistance is making them "helpless."

Baloney. Some young men need strong words from an older male figure to get the point. Again, the OP did NOT strike the kid: I don't see why you keep pressing this point.

Yeah. As if nice talky-talk would have then shown him the right way, right? Someone who punches someone else in the gut isn't exactly the sort of person who may react to some words of wisdom. Sometimes you need to grab some people by the scruff of their neck to get their attention. If you don't know this, then you have never worked with children or teenagers. Sometimes a loud voice is what gets their attention.

If yelling as never stopped you from doing anything, then you have probably have never been in a situation with an figure of authority barking at you with directions.

BTW, I will tell you this: My old man barking at me certainly got the point across, especially when all of his calm efforts to remedy my negative actions didn't produce any results.

I completely agree that more women are on the receiving end of violence. Thats why I'm advocating teaching them to stand up for themselves. That includes asking for help. But instead, we seem to be teaching them that they're too weak, they should wait for someone to rescue them.

I am tired of it. I have a sister who's in a marriage which is borderline abusive. I've told her this. I've told her that I will help her and that all she has to do is ask. But she won't. And if she won't help herself, there's nothing I can do short of killing the guy.

And your father barking at you is somewhat different from some random old dude. Some young men do need strong words. But they need action to back it up. They need someone to be hard but fair with them. To yell and get in someone's face and then offer them no other guidance is . . . well, useless.

BTW, I'm a Marine, I know about authority figures yelling.

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