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Witnessed a kid punching a girl


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No, they don't, jnhay. That's a common misconception.

Self-esteem: You think highly of yourself. Arrogance, etc. You can develop self-esteem by being told how great you are.

Self-respect: Respecting yourself, confidence, humility. Respecting yourself doesn't mean thinking highly of yourself. You can develop self-respect by respecting other people.

You can't develop a respect for other people by thinking highly of yourself. The boy clearly doesn't respect other people, especially girls, but I'm sure he thinks a lot of himself.

esteem means "to regard with respect"

Sorry to get completely off-topic.

I would have knocked the little ****er out. Every parent should raise their child to NEVER hit a woman...

Every parent should raise their child to not hit a 14 year old kid when they're 35 (I have no idea how old you are obviously).

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I'm not sure I understand the logic of alot of you who say that the way to teach an 8th grade kid not to hit girls is for a grown man to beat the **** out of him. Good for rdsknbill to give him a lesson. Good for him, too, that he knew better not to assault him.

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Every parent should raise their child to not hit a 14 year old kid when they're 35 (I have no idea how old you are obviously).

Yes. I'm just already in a bad mood. Best thing would to take him to his parents see what they say then if he hits the girl again then hit him I suppose ;)
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Eh, I don't necessarily agree. A certain amount of fisticuffs between adolescent males is normal if you ask me. It's part of growing up and learning to stand up for yourself
I don't think fisticuffs and getting hit are quite the same thing. The term "getting hit", at least in the way it was used in the OP which is what I framed my response on, implies abuse, a situation where one party with power uses physicality to impose their will on another weaker party. This wasn't someone learning to stand up for themselves this was a bully bolstering his self esteem by trying to physically dominate someone he perceived as weaker. In this case it was a girl but I'd be willing to bet he's an equal opportunity bully.
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I'm not sure I understand the logic of alot of you who say that the way to teach an 8th grade kid not to hit girls is for a grown man to beat the **** out of him. Good for rdsknbill to give him a lesson. Good for him, too, that he knew better not to assault him.

Agreed ,he deserved a warning and someone to point out the error of his way.

If it happens again,then stomp the crap out of him since he is too stupid to learn.

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Good for you getting involved like that. Most would have looked the other way. It's not okay for society to go to **** all around us and for people to say "well I didn't do it". Your little stand today could change a lot or it could change nothing... but at least there's a chance.

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I agree and would expand it to no one deserves to be hit. Guys don't deserve to get hit by guys, girls don't deserve to get hit by girls and guys don't deserve to get hit by girls.
Seconded. Notably the third statement. Stupid double standards.
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It made an impression on my daughters. That was the desired result.

And most likely, if the girl who got hit had a caring involved father, she likely would have some self respect. Speculation, of course, but port fathering has a lot to do with our youths problems. You'd never hear my daughters say they deserved to get hit.

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And most likely, if the girl who got hit had a caring involved father, she likely would have some self respect. Speculation, of course, but port fathering has a lot to do with our youths problems. You'd never hear my daughters say they deserved to get hit.

Not to mention that I have taught them both the proper way to "disable" a man

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What a punk***. My 10th grade health/PE teacher told us a story.

When he and his friends were in college, they knew this guy who they were ok with, not good or bad. They found out his plans to use Rohypnol on a girl later that week on a date rape. They confronted him about it and beat the crap out of him. He said 4 on 1 is something you don't do in a fight but he deserved it and needed a lesson. I think it's admirable that you didn't beat that punk kid's ass.

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It's wrong to hit guys now? Since when? Okay then, we need to make some changes.

NFL needs to convert to flag football. I dunno how they'll adapt in hockey.

And it's a sad day for action movie fans.


He's not a guy yet. He's 14

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