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Witnessed a kid punching a girl


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Slate, I think for some reason you've decided to play devil advocate in this thread. I get that. I do it sometimes. :)

I just think it's not working for you here. You're coming across as a crazy-person.

Its not that progressive. Its recognizing that there are certain laws that prohibit me from "going all the way."

He did deserve to be confronted. I just think that yelling at the kid did nothing. When you were 14, would particularly care what some random adult said to you? I really wouldn't have given a damn. Oh look, another adult yelling at me. What else is new.

Maybe. Shaming the kid in front of his friends might work. Probably not. That's why I suggested calling the police if possible, and why rdsknbill said he was looking into that.

I think part of the reason rdsknbill posted this in the first place is because he felt helpless to actually do something more than he did, and he was venting his frustration. I'm not sure a lecture from you is really gonna help.

And that was it.

"Sweetie, you don't deserve to be hit by a guy because you're a girl. Girls are dainty, weaker creatures."

Is that was rdsknbill said? This is his thread. Why don't you find out instead of making crap up? That's pretty insulting.

What did she learn? That she's a girl and a boy just beat her up. Yea, she got that. How about we teach our daughters and sisters something else? How about we teach them that when a dude starts to get rough with you, you leave. And if he won't let you leave, you crush his nuts.

Yes, lecturing a girl with apparent self-esteem problems about how completely wrong she's acting is really going to help her out. This girl isn't his daughter. He's a stranger to her. He can offer her some support but ultimately it's up to her to figure it out. Again, it's frustrating to not be able to save the world, which again, is the point this thread.

I'm a retired black belt. My 7 year-old daughter knows how to crush a man's trachea if she's in imminent danger. That's all well and good. But more than that a daughter needs to know what is and isn't appropriate behavior from a boy. Not just how to beat one up. You CAN teach both, you know.

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Slate, I think for some reason you've decided to play devil advocate in this thread. I get that. I do it sometimes. :)

I just think it's not working for you here. You're coming across as a crazy-person.

Maybe. Shaming the kid in front of his friends might work. Probably not. That's why I suggested calling the police if possible, and why rdsknbill said he was looking into that.

I think part of the reason rdsknbill posted this in the first place is because he felt helpless to actually do something more than he did, and he was venting his frustration. I'm not sure a lecture from you is really gonna help.

Is that was rdsknbill said? This is his thread. Why don't you find out instead of making crap up? That's pretty insulting.

Yes, lecturing a girl with apparent self-esteem problems about how completely wrong she's acting is really going to help her out. This girl isn't his daughter. He's a stranger to her. He can offer her some support but ultimately it's up to her to figure it out. Again, it's frustrating to not be able to save the world, which again, is the point this thread.

I'm a retired black belt. My 7 year-old daughter knows how to crush a man's trachea if she's in imminent danger. That's all well and good. But more than that a daughter needs to know what is and isn't appropriate behavior from a boy. Not just how to beat one up. You CAN teach both, you know.

I'm not crazy. I swear. (doesn't every crazy person say that?)

I'm not playing devil's advocate. I'm just saying that I'm tired of making our women weak and helpless. It just seemed like thats what everyone in the thread thinks about women in general.

I see your point though and will conceed it.

I just don't get it. Everyone was all about him hitting a girl versus him hitting someone in general. I'm tired of the same conventional thinking. I really think its endangering more women than its helping.

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I completely agree that more women are on the receiving end of violence. Thats why I'm advocating teaching them to stand up for themselves.

This woman thought she deserved to be punched, which is not an entirely uncommon attitude. In this case, the OP stepped in to let this woman know that she doesn't have to be on the receiving end of violence.

Now maybe she'll know that she can stand up for herself.

That includes asking for help. But instead, we seem to be teaching them that they're too weak, they should wait for someone to rescue them.

You don't understand -- sometimes people do need help from others.

I am tired of it. I have a sister who's in a marriage which is borderline abusive. I've told her this. I've told her that I will help her and that all she has to do is ask. But she won't. And if she won't help herself, there's nothing I can do short of killing the guy.

I have been in the same boat, twice over. That didn't stop me from issuing threats to the involved men. Also, yes, it is up to the woman to ultimately resolve the situation, but sometimes every option, such as police action, is not always available. (Especially since the police often do no do squat unless they witness the violence.)

And your father barking at you is somewhat different from some random old dude. Some young men do need strong words. But they need action to back it up. They need someone to be hard but fair with them. To yell and get in someone's face and then offer them no other guidance is . . . well, useless.

BTW, I'm a Marine, I know about authority figures yelling.

If you are a Marine, then I wonder why you are even questioning the effectiveness of yelling by "from some random old dude." Do you ever say, "You know, you could get more across by talking, not yelling" to a DI?

The OP did give him guidance, and his strong tone of voice let hm know that his actions were not acceptable. Again, someone that just punched another person may not react to talking, don't you think?

Sorry, but I think you are must being naive. That isn't a personal attack towards you, just my opinion on your attitude.

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I'm just guessing here, but this is probably not first time this ****head has hit a girl and it probably won't be the last given the way he reacted. Fools like this jack@ss are probably going to end up in the slammer more often than not for charges like assault and battery.

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Really? Curious, what if a girl of the exact some age starts wailing on your daughter? You gonna beat the holy hell out of her too?

I will not hit a girl/woman, so I would simply pull her off of my daughter and do the same that RDSKNBill did and talk her down and educate her.

Then I would tell her parents about what happened. If her dad gave me ****, I'd beat the holy hell out of him. Simple as that. Do you even have children? If you don't then simply shut the **** up. If you're not a parent, then you won't understand.

Also, I see where you said your sister gets abused. Maybe, you should man up and beat the hell out of whom ever is doing this to your own flesh and blood. Just my two cents.

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Those that said Bill should've hit him, most likely have never seen or heard Bill in person. He is very intimidating and can instill fear into a teenager just by his presence and raising his voice. He has this kid's name and will soon enough find out more about this kid than the kid wants Bill to know. Bill won't unleash the dogs just yet, but they'll have a very watchfull eye on this punk-ass *****. If he touches another girl, I'm betting his peers will want to have words with him.

Yes, law enforcement should and will be notified first. I did tell him though, if this POS touches his daughter, he has too much to lose, let Uncle B. take care of business.

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I will not hit a girl/woman, so I would simply pull her off of my daughter and do the same that RDSKNBill did and talk her down and educate her.

Then I would tell her parents about what happened. If her dad gave me ****, I'd beat the holy hell out of him. Simple as that. Do you even have children? If you don't then simply shut the **** up. If you're not a parent, then you won't understand.

Also, I see where you said your sister gets abused. Maybe, you should man up and beat the hell out of whom ever is doing this to your own flesh and blood. Just my two cents.

Man up? Are you serious? I know more about having to Man Up then you will ever know.

You know what happens if I "beat the hell out of him?" He presses charges and I go to jail. Then he goes back and has to show her just how much of a man he is. Great plan buddy. Now she hates me and will never ask for help.

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So you say you know about chivalry because you have had the 1800s version beaten into your head? Thats great. I know how to practice medicine in the 1800s. Should I be a doctor?
completely irrelevant. Chivalry today should be the same as it always has been. it has nothing to do with 'women are inferior' or 'women are weak'. Chivalry is the respect that is due a woman from a man, regardless of circumstance. you would do well to learn this.
You should stand up for the victim because they are the victim, not because the victim is a female.
I disagree. A true man should stand up for any person who is weak, and any female who is in trouble. anyone who says otherwise is either lazy, a coward, or both.
Yes, it does make the helpless. If every time you got in to trouble, you had someone bail you out, what would you learn? Nothing. Nothing at all. Except that someone will be there to help you. You wouldn't have even learned how to ask for help. Now all she knows is that if someone is punching her, she needs someone to rescue her. What happens the next time when there is no one there to rescue her?
cop out. plain and simple. under this logic no one should help anyone regardless of the situation.
Chivalry would most definitely apply to the kid. Sure, blow up at him. But don't leave. Figure out why he did it. How about showing him why its wrong to pick on someone like that, regardless of sex. How about being his friend? Or a mentor? Or pointing the kid in the right direction?
chivalry, in this contect, doesn't apply to the male agressor. chivalry would only apply if he was an equal and honorable opponent, which he is neither.
Or just blast hime and let him go. He's probably goign on right now about how some stupid adult doesn't know what he's talking about, doesn't know about his life, doesn't know . . . . I mean seriously, when did someone yelling at you ever stop you from doing anything. I can't remember once every listening to my parents' scoldings as a teenager.
obviously you haven't got a clue what the deal is with the Virginia Military Institute. the answer is ALL the time.

now, I'm drunk, I just completed an odessy to get back home, and now I'm going to sleep. good day.

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You are a MASS of contradiction.

You claim that you have a sister that is in a "borderline abusive" marriage, yet you seem to advocate violence against women by not stepping in. "Oh I'll get arrested" Sorry, but do me a favor and grow a pair.

I have two sisters that were unfortunately in bad relationships. My one sister's boyfriend decided to slap her around one night. She called me in tears. I got in the car, long story short; let's just say he had to change his diet and eating habits for a while.

Your attitude is "Oh look, that girl is getting punched by a guy. I'm going to sit on my hands and let it happen. It will be good for her.... Make her stronger". Do you have kids? Please tell me where you are drawing this wealth of information.

WOW :yikes: You are ****ing amazing!

BTW, I could've picked up the phone and called a few of my players and had a beat-down laid on this kid, but I don't operate like that

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I will not hit a girl/woman, so I would simply pull her off of my daughter and do the same that RDSKNBill did and talk her down and educate her.

Then I would tell her parents about what happened. If her dad gave me ****, I'd beat the holy hell out of him. Simple as that. Do you even have children? If you don't then simply shut the **** up. If you're not a parent, then you won't understand.

Also, I see where you said your sister gets abused. Maybe, you should man up and beat the hell out of whom ever is doing this to your own flesh and blood. Just my two cents.

Just to be Devil's Advocate. What if said girl started wailing on you and even threw a knee to your crouch?

Also, on the surface, you would think it would be a good idea to beat the living **** out of your brother-in-law for beating your sister. However, unless you take her out of the situation, it could actually make things worse for her. It could make more sense to report him to the law first to get it on paper, then call the police to come there, then beat the living **** out of him. Or... Kill Him... Hopefully, the sister will help you bury the body.

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Just to be Devil's Advocate. What if said girl started wailing on you and even threw a knee to your crouch?

Also, on the surface, you would think it would be a good idea to beat the living **** out of your brother-in-law for beating your sister. However, unless you take her out of the situation, it could actually make things worse for her. It could make more sense to report him to the law first to get it on paper, then call the police to come there, then beat the living **** out of him. Or... Kill Him... Hopefully, the sister will help you bury the body.

Maybe beating the crap out of him isn't the right approach, maybe it is. Really depends on the brother in law. I would at least confront the brother and law and tell him how it's gonna be if he laid another hand on my sister and if it leads to throwing fists, so be it.

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Maybe beating the crap out of him isn't the right approach, maybe it is. Really depends on the brother in law. I would at least confront the brother and law and tell him how it's gonna be if he laid another hand on my sister and if it leads to throwing fists, so be it.

In my case. I walked in and he swung a bat at me. It was on

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Man up? Are you serious? I know more about having to Man Up then you will ever know.

You know what happens if I "beat the hell out of him?" He presses charges and I go to jail. Then he goes back and has to show her just how much of a man he is. Great plan buddy. Now she hates me and will never ask for help.

First off, I'm not going to get in an internet war with you over who has the biggest e-peen. I don't know you or what you have been through and I can say the same as far as you not knowing me and what I've been through.

You missed the whole point of this tread from the get go or you had to be "that guy" who felt the need to stir up an argument/discussion about what is right and wrong. Nobody ever said a boy beating/hitting another boy was ok or acceptable, same for girls fighting girls. But boys hitting/punching girls or grown men beating their wives is far more worse and unacceptable than two men or boys getting into a fist fight.

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First off, I'm not going to get in an internet war with you over who has the biggest e-peen. I don't know you or what you have been through and I can say the same as far as you not knowing me and what I've been through.

You missed the whole point of this tread from the get go or you had to be "that guy" who felt the need to stir up an argument/discussion about what is right and wrong. Nobody ever said a boy beating/hitting another boy was ok or acceptable, same for girls fighting girls. But boys hitting/punching girls or grown men beating their wives is far more worse and unacceptable than two men or boys getting into a fist fight.

Hard to believe the guy doesn't 'get it'. Its not that hard.

As for the OP. Good for you. And I applaud you for your restraint. It would have been hard to keep from beating the crap out of that punk. As for the girl. Well, I would be willing to bet anything she doesn't have a good father figure in her life. For her to think she deserved it, is mind-boggling.

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