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Witnessed a kid punching a girl


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I just got back from dropping off my oldest daughter and witnessed/ confronted something that just blew me away.

My oldest daughter volunteers at the little local library next to the Red Lion Borough park. I was walking in with her and my younger daughter (she is part of a summer reading program) and I hear this shouting coming from the pavilion in the park. I look over and I hear this kid SCREAMING at this girl saying "Why you got be up in my ****ing face *****!!!" She said "just get away from me!" Then HE HIT HER in the stomach.

I took my youngest in, took care of what she needed to do, and went back out. Everyone is gone. I was FURIOUS!!. I decided to drive around the park and the borough. Down by the HS I see the girl and pull over to talk to her. She is in tears. I asked her if she was the girl that was up at the park, and she said yes. I asked her if she was ok and her response was "It's okay, I deserved it" DESERVED IT????????????????????????????? I told her that no girl/woman deserves to be hit by a boy/man.

She thanked me through her tears and said she was okay.

I then proceeded to drive around a little more. I come around the corner of an alley, and there the little **** is with his three buddies. I went around the block, parked the car, told my youngest daughter to stay in the car and lock the doors.

I come around the corner and walked up to the kid and got right in his face and asked "So you think it makes you cool to beat up on a girl? . Does it make you feel like a real man?" He looks at me like a deer in the headlights and quietly says "no". Then I looked at his buddies and asked them if they like to beat up on girls too, they said no. I asked them "Then WHY in the hell would you just stand there and let your friend do that?????" Again, awkward silence.

I never wanted to kick the **** out of a teenager SO bad in my life! It also makes me nervous for my oldest daughter, because she will probably going to school with this little ****dick next year!

Some of the youth today just sickens me!

I am still shaking.

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That mentality the girl had of "it's okay, I deserved it" is more prevalent in todays society than you think. I don't understand it one bit but I see more and more girls just submitting to whatever the guy does. A lot of times, I think it's a lack of self esteem and the feeling that they absolutely need the guy so that they can feel good about themselves. But that can't be it all the time, can it?

I would have reacted the same way you did.

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I think that the "I deserved it" part is what made me go nuts.

Rightfully so.

No woman deserves that. Unless, of course, she's coming at you with a knife or a gun. Then it's just self defense.

Like I said, though...I don't understand what kind of woman would let a guy put hands on her like that and be okay with it.

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Ditto. You have more control than I do for not hitting the kid.

Thing is that I was a contracted paid HS lacrosse in the school district last season and don't want to do anything to screw up that gig for next year. I have a shot at taking over the HC job

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A lot of times, I think it's a lack of self esteem and the feeling that they absolutely need the guy so that they can feel good about themselves.

That's not a lack of self-esteem. It's a lack of self-respect. It sounds like the boy is the one with plenty of self-esteem.

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Thing is that I was a contracted paid HS lacrosse in the school district last season and don't want to do anything to screw up that gig for next year. I have a shot at taking over the HC job

Good job on restraining yourself, hopefully he realizes how screwed up what he did was. Can't blame you for putting your priorities first and not clockin' the kid.

I've actually talked to a friend of mine whose bf would hit her and she said the same thing. Absolutely blows my mind.

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Interesting thing. I just picked up my eldest daughter and told her about what happened after I dropped her off. She knows the girl and THE KID THAT HIT HER!

And my suspicions were correct, he will be attending HS in the same grade as her. This could get interesting

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Well nice job on doing so much more than most would have. How many others would have just turned away and not given it a second thought?

You probably can't do any good for the girl that thinks she "deserved it" but at least your daughters get to see you standing up for what's right.

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Not to be a weenie but if you know who the kid is you could report the incident to the police. Even if the girl doesn't press charges it was in public and you were a witness.

Don't know his last name yet. Just his first. Working on it

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Those terms mean the same thing.

No, they don't, jnhay. That's a common misconception.

Self-esteem: You think highly of yourself. Arrogance, etc. You can develop self-esteem by being told how great you are.

Self-respect: Respecting yourself, confidence, humility. Respecting yourself doesn't mean thinking highly of yourself. You can develop self-respect by respecting other people.

You can't develop a respect for other people by thinking highly of yourself. The boy clearly doesn't respect other people, especially girls, but I'm sure he thinks a lot of himself.

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I agree and would expand it to no one deserves to be hit. Guys don't deserve to get hit by guys, girls don't deserve to get hit by girls and guys don't deserve to get hit by girls.

Eh, I don't necessarily agree. A certain amount of fisticuffs between adolescent males is normal if you ask me. It's part of growing up and learning to stand up for yourself

Not to be a weenie but if you know who the kid is you could report the incident to the police. Even if the girl doesn't press charges it was in public and you were a witness.

I would try and talk to the boy's parents first before getting the federalis involved. If it seemed like the parents had a bad attitude or didn't take it seriously then I would consider going to the police. Just my opinion.

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