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Anyone been to Rome/Italy? Updated: Italy has been PleaseBlitzed


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forno di campo pizza in campo di fiori!!!

i dunno dude just walk around theres stuff everywhere i was there like a a few months in college loved it never planned anything really in Rome but got to know the city really well just from hanging around. Talk to the locals, theyre fun.

Oh and go to capri lol

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Can't recommend hotels (my hotel in Rome sucked) but if you can't find a million things to do in Rome, the Eternal City, that would be sad.

At a minimum:

Visit St. Peter's Cathedral and take the Tour of the Vatican.

See the Colliseum and the nearby ruins

Walk the streets around the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps

Explore the Pantheon

Visit the Capitoline Museums

oh heck


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oh and buy beer from the street vendors instead of bars (**** is expensive)

and never accept the invite walking home at 3 am from a sketchy guy that says theres a club...

seriously funniest **** ever...

walk down some stairs theres music playing etc so im like oh **** this sounds awesome..walk downstairs like 10 beautiful women sitting on a couch in this loungey bar looking place...

needless to say i told the guy i wasnt interested in paying lol and got the **** out of there

oh and walk around in villa borghese i used to do my jogging in that park and it was amazing

god the women there are hot i wanna go back!

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walk down the tevere and across it there is really good food...much better than downtown the neighborhood is called santa maria de trastevere.

and the crazy ass euro-trance clubs are near the train station cant remember the exact name of the neighborhood but yeah ask around its ridiculous...left a club and went to class at least twice haha

oh and if you go in the summer..their beaches arent all that great near rome...but it was still pretty nice...the closest beach is ostia and you can get there by train in a pretty short time. Me and my friends just ended up paying to get into some private beach and it was really nice...water is cold, but hey its the beach

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I can add no advice as far as hotels and the like because of the 4 glorious days I spent in Rome I remember approx. 3 minutes of it vividly. the rest is a drunken blur (hey, I was 19 years old and in the Navy). If it's anything like southern Italy look for the places to eat that remind you of walking into someone's house, you will find the best food ever!

Please take lots of pictures maybe they will jog my memory :silly:

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Three things that are absolute musts, one being obvious:

- Go to the Coliseum (duh)

- Find the most active street vendor areas. Seriously, the street vendors in Italy are fun as hell, and you can get stuff on the cheap like you wouldn't believe, even if a lot of it is knockoff.

- Eat. A lot. I have never, ever experienced better food than when I was in Italy. Just thinking about it makes me hungry.

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Can't recommend hotels (my hotel in Rome sucked) but if you can't find a million things to do in Rome, the Eternal City, that would be sad.

At a minimum:

Visit St. Peter's Cathedral and take the Tour of the Vatican.

See the Colliseum and the nearby ruins

Walk the streets around the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps

Explore the Pantheon

Visit the Capitoline Museums

oh heck


Im sure i'll have no problems finding the typical tourist things to do, i guess im more or less looking for the more obscure things that you wouldnt typically find on the Rome Dept of Tourism Website.

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When I went to Italy we stayed in monestaries in Rome and Venice. Sounds kind of weird but was actually a very cool experience. A quick google search proves that this is possible for anyone: http://www.monasterystays.com/index.php

Highlights of the trip for me were the obvious: The Coliseum, St Peter's Basilica, Sistine Chapel, and Vatican City. Just walking around the city was amazing though. Seriously, the USA can't even begin to touch the history that European countries have.

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When I went to Italy we stayed in monestaries in Rome and Venice. Sounds kind of weird but was actually a very cool experience. A quick google search proves that this is possible for anyone: http://www.monasterystays.com/index.php

Highlights of the trip for me were the obvious: The Coliseum, St Peter's Basilica, Sistine Chapel, and Vatican City. Just walking around the city was amazing though. Seriously, the USA can't even begin to touch the history that European countries have.

:laugh: For some reason i dont think i would be welcomed in a monastery.

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dont know bout hotels or anything cuz we stopped there on a cruise but its a sweet place.

head to vatican city( although not so religious, i was able to attend mass at the vatican). check out where the gladiators fought.

its just a sweet place to check out. wish i had more time when i was there.

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Not a chance i get on a Vespa.

There is a subway in Rome right?

yeah...it doesnt get used much though...i mean you could use it...rome isnt that big most can be walked around and people uses buses or the tram way more often than the underground

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Not a chance i get on a Vespa.

There is a subway in Rome right?

The mass transportation isn't that great in Rome. Trains and Buses are late, slow and often crowded. Trying to get a cab is a nightmare and expensive.

Basically you gotta take the good with the bad in Rome, lots to see but it's hard to get around.

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Probably my favorite city in the world

A good spot to meet some cool people, the Drunken Ship. I have no idea where it is anymore (seeing that this was 7 years ago I was there) or if it still exists quite frankly, but I highly recommend it.

As for eats? It is very hard to go wrong with the mom and pap places

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bring comfortable shoes, we walked everywhere. beautiful city. make sure to go to all the main tourist stops i.e.: Coloseium, St. Peters - definitley walk up through the dome for an incredible view of the city, the vatican museum was pretty cool, the sistene chapel isn't exactly what you'd expect but still stop on your way through the vatican museum, the spanish steps is a great place to hang out any time of day but especially at night. if you want to get out of Rome for a quicker day trip go to Tivoli. impressive gardens. the Fodor's guide book is what we used and it was immensely helpful. well worth the $12 or so. i'll go through my photo album and try to jog my memory when i get home. hope this helps.

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Probably my favorite city in the world

A good spot to meet some cool people, the Drunken Ship. I have no idea where it is anymore (seeing that this was 7 years ago I was there) or if it still exists quite frankly, but I highly recommend it.

As for eats? It is very hard to go wrong with the mom and pap places


seriously hooked up with a different girl like every night i was there hahahaha

its still there

and as crazy as ever...

i tried to limit my drunken ship nights since it did feel very touristy..but jesus what **** shows...

its in campo di fiori

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