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Anyone been to Rome/Italy? Updated: Italy has been PleaseBlitzed


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seriously hooked up with a different girl like every night i was there hahahaha

its still there

and as crazy as ever...

i tried to limit my drunken ship nights since it did feel very touristy..but jesus what **** shows...

its in campo di fiori

It is funny that every single American in our age bracket somehow ends up there

I don't remember how we ended up there, but we did. A good mix of people, got to practice my Italian some and harass the Indian guys who were selling flowers that they stole from a graveyard

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That brings up a good point SHF, how useful would it be for me to learn some rudimentary Italiano?

you can get around in english...

most people wont be too friendly when you ask them for directions...but you will see other english speaking tourists that will help you

and seriously if for nothing else then to impress some sexy italian woman learn a few sentences lol

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ohhh its your honeymoon

hahaha ok ok hold on

alright theres a restaurant at the top of the spanish steps...you make a left...and go up this hill sort of...its on your left and it overlooks italy...pretty good food and even nicer view.

oh and go to the adidas store haha

i went and got custom fitted based on how i run...they put some wires around me and sensors on my foot and customized shoes for me haha epic!

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Go to the Capuchin Crypt beneath the Capuchin Church of the Immaculate Conception, located on Via Veneto, near Barbarini Square. It is constructed out of human bones.


Also make sure to see Michelangelo's Moses, who because of a mistranslation, I believe, appears to have horns coming out of his head rather than the intended rays of light.


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oh **** god call china! i was there that place is sooo creepy! also i always lol'd at the blockbuster there

ohhh and for currency exchange...hit up mom and pop places...the american express there rips you off so hard...i would always go to this place coming from villa borghese (where i was staying) down towards the spanish steps that would give me at least 5-10 dollars more than if i were to go to the currency exchange place you always see or amex travellers center

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That brings up a good point SHF, how useful would it be for me to learn some rudimentary Italiano?

It certainly helped me, mostly with haggling, negotiating, ordering food and telling a cabbie exactly where to go. It also helped in meeting some locals in our town who could tell us some cooler things to do

Also makes it much easier to order food and drinks

"Posso avere una bira grande per fevore!"


My Italian is awful now

While you are there, also make sure to buy a real slick Italian suit, for cheap. The catch is, you can never change your body at all once you buy one from Italy

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Not sure yet. What do you recommend? I would love to find a beach or something.

I haven't been to any of Italy's beaches, but I have heard that they've got some good ones which I'm sure you can find with a little research. Corsica also seems nice, but I believe that's a French territory.

As for other things in Italy, there are tons. Venice obviously has St. Marks and the Bridge of Sighs and you could of course take a romantic gondola ride.

Florence of course has it's duomo, and lots of fantastic artwork (think Uffizi gallery, Michelangelo's David, Botticelli's Birth of Venus and much more) and the Ponte Vecchio.

If you go down towards Naples there is Pompei and Herculaneum (if you go there, there were some things that were available for viewing for an extra fee to a "guide." The one thing we saw of that nature was a statue of Hercules drunk off his ass and urinating.

My personal preference for Italy is going through some of the smaller towns such as Asissi, San Gimignano, Perugia, Pisa, Sermoneta, etc.

So I think you need to decide whether you want mostly beach time, or sightseeing. Personally, I think if you just want to go to a beach, why go all the way to Italy? If you're going to be in Italy, take in the sights.

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I haven't been to any of Italy's beaches, but I have heard that they've got some good ones which I'm sure you can find with a little research. Corsica also seems nice, but I believe that's a French territory.

As for other things in Italy, there are tons. Venice obviously has St. Marks and the Bridge of Sighs and you could of course take a romantic gondola ride.

Florence of course has it's duomo, and lots of fantastic artwork (think Uffizi gallery, Michelangelo's David, Botticelli's Birth of Venus and much more) and the Ponte Vecchio.

If you go down towards Naples there is Pompei and Herculaneum (if you go there, there were some things that were available for viewing for an extra fee to a "guide." The one thing we saw of that nature was a statue of Hercules drunk off his ass and urinating.

My personal preference for Italy is going through some of the smaller towns such as Asissi, San Gimignano, Perugia, Pisa, Sermoneta, etc.

Good stuff. I will definitely look into getting to some of those places.

So I think you need to decide whether you want mostly beach time, or sightseeing. Personally, I think if you just want to go to a beach, why go all the way to Italy? If you're going to be in Italy, take in the sights.

I would imagine most of my time would be sightseeing and taking in the local culture and history, but i dont think i could do a summer vacation without getting to a beach for at least 1 day.

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Im sure i'll have no problems finding the typical tourist things to do, i guess im more or less looking for the more obscure things that you wouldnt typically find on the Rome Dept of Tourism Website.

Sure, but in some places like Rome, Paris and London, the tourist things are well worth doing and could take weeks to exhaust.

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Sure, but in some places like Rome, Paris and London, the tourist things are well worth doing and could take weeks to exhaust.

Yea, i've heard that it takes a lifetime to see everything in Rome. I figure if i ingest enough coffee and redbull, i can see about 1/4 of it in 6 days. :)

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Yea, i've heard that it takes a lifetime to see everything in Rome. I figure if i ingest enough coffee and redbull, i can see about 1/4 of it in 6 days. :)

If you are going to be there only 6 days, I would not take a lot of trips out of town. There is so much in Rome itself, why waste much time in transit to other places?

But there are several cool hill towns in Lazio, especially Tivoli.

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If you are going to be there only 6 days, I would not take a lot of trips out of town. There is so much in Rome itself, why waste much time in transit to other places?

But there are several cool hill towns in Lazio, especially Tivoli.

Yea, thats what we are thinking at this point. Or just extending the stay, which is my preference. :)

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My favorite places in Italy are Siena and the Amalfi Coast, but neither of them is that close to Rome.

Thanks, those were two of the places I was trying to think of that were somehow slipping my mind. I need a nap.

EDIT: 6 days isn't much time in Italy. I agree that if that's all that you'll be there, you probably want to spend most of the time in Rome and its environs. If you can stay longer, do it, especially if it's your honeymoon.

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