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First- time fathers... (updated) Day-Care Experiences


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You don't have to take a step back. She cam pump and store milk in the fridge. Take the initiative and bring that up if she isn't already.

Not suppossed to do bottles at all until like 2 months, if you are going to breast feed. The bottles are easier to get food from and sometimes the baby won't go back.

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Not suppossed to do bottles at all until like 2 months, if you are going to breast feed. The bottles are easier to get food from and sometimes the baby won't go back.

And this is where everyone's experiences will be different. Our's had no problem going back and forth. As long as she's eating she's happy. :)

I was just pointing out that options do exist. And his wife might be wanting help/time off but would feel like a bad mother asking for it. who knows.

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And this is where everyone's experiences will be different. Our's had no problem going back and forth. As long as she's eating she's happy. :)

I was just pointing out that options do exist. And his wife might be wanting help/time off but would feel like a bad mother asking for it. who knows.

Yes, but if you have one that won't, then you have problems.

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As far as reverting to the bottle you mean?

In terms of getting them back to breast feeding.

Some babies will go back and forth. Some once they have a bottle don't like to go back. You don't know which you have unless you try, and once you've tried, if you have one that won't go back and forth, then you have issues, especially as women find pumping difficult, and if their milk production isn't up yet, then they never produce much milk.

You can end up with a baby that only wants a bottle, and a mother that can't produce enough milk by pumping.

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In terms of getting them back to breast feeding.

Some babies will go back and forth. Some once they have a bottle don't like to go back. You don't know which you have unless you try, and once you've tried, if you have one that won't go back and forth, then you have issues, especially as women find pumping difficult, and if their milk production isn't up yet, then they never produce much milk.

You can end up with a baby that only wants a bottle, and a mother that can't produce enough milk by pumping.

I understand. Is this problem mostly associated with girl babies versus boys?

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Ours never took to the breast, even from day 1. I think it was that milk production was low, so she got frustrated and was starving. My wife pumped and we added what we could into the formula for a month or two, then went solely to bottle. Breast feeding isn't always as easy as they make it out to be...

And hey all you dads out there... free Chick Fil'A milkshakes for dads on Saturday! http://www.chick-fil-a.com/fathersday/index.html

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My wife, God bless her, had three C-sections with all of our kids. We were lucky to have alot of family around to help out with post-surgery care.

That aside, being a father is an amazing experience. As said earlier, patience is everything.

I am going through a very hard time right now, as my "little boy" just graduated HS and is heading off to college in two short months. He is , and always has been, my pride and joy. Don't get me wrong, I ADORE my daughters, but he IS my only son and I am dealing with the "empty nest" feeling that is inevitable.

Enjoy them now. Drink in every experience as they grow up and always give them that feeling of security that they can talk to you about anything. Regardless of the subject matter. Trust in yourself and the belief that you ARE , or going to be, a good father.

No one says it is easy, it is one hell of a ride. But I wouldn't trade these days for anything in the world

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I am going through a very hard time right now, as my "little boy" just graduated HS and is heading off to college in two short months. He is , and always has been, my pride and joy.

I'm not ashamed to say that I cried like a baby driving my oldest son to drop him off to college/training camp. He's now going into his senior year. Time flies.

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DO EVERYTHING you can with them. playgrounds, macaroni projects, homework, forts, bikes, rollerblades, etc.

There will come a day when you can't, and you will look back and smile.

Enjoy them now. Drink in every experience as they grow up and always give them that feeling of security that they can talk to you about anything. Regardless of the subject matter. Trust in yourself and the belief that you ARE , or going to be, a good father.

No one says it is easy, it is one hell of a ride. But I wouldn't trade these days for anything in the world

These are good words of wisdom. As a mom (who sneaked in, sorry) with kids who are now 22 and 26, it all goes by way too fast.

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So which is it? Let a child cry themselves to sleep....or don't? Or is this just a personal decision? Clearly I need to educate myself on this one.

Best thing about parenting. There is no right answer.

Now if you bring your kid into bed every night because of crying, you might let them cry it off a little. :silly:

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So which is it? Let a child cry themselves to sleep....or don't? Or is this just a personal decision? Clearly I need to educate myself on this one.

Every kid is different. A baby will need to learn to comfort themselves. Some think that letting a baby cry for 10-15 minutes is cruel. More often than not, the chid will end up crying themselves to sleep. A crying baby doesn't nec. mean a distressed baby. It's really their ONLY way to communicate early on in life.

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Ours never took to the breast, even from day 1. I think it was that milk production was low, so she got frustrated and was starving. My wife pumped and we added what we could into the formula for a month or two, then went solely to bottle. Breast feeding isn't always as easy as they make it out to be...

Yeah, our 1st never really breastfed(though he did like playing at it;)),while the second would only breastfeed and would rarely take pumped breastmilk from a bottle and certainly not formula.

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My wife, God bless her, had three C-sections with all of our kids. We were lucky to have alot of family around to help out with post-surgery care.

That aside, being a father is an amazing experience. As said earlier, patience is everything.

I am going through a very hard time right now, as my "little boy" just graduated HS and is heading off to college in two short months. He is , and always has been, my pride and joy. Don't get me wrong, I ADORE my daughters, but he IS my only son and I am dealing with the "empty nest" feeling that is inevitable.

Enjoy them now. Drink in every experience as they grow up and always give them that feeling of security that they can talk to you about anything. Regardless of the subject matter. Trust in yourself and the belief that you ARE , or going to be, a good father.

No one says it is easy, it is one hell of a ride. But I wouldn't trade these days for anything in the world

Wow, how did your wife come to have three C-sections?!

I am years away from making that drive to my son's college but I understand what you are saying.

Is it true that when your child opens his eyes for the first time during his time of delivery, that you've then bonded?

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I still remember my Daycare experience as a child. I remember all the counselors. EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, experience.

I went to Horizon Child Care in Silver Spring. There were two locations at the time. Both at my two elementaries schools. Before school, I would get dropped off, then walked to class. After class, I would get walked back. Lots of activities, lots of friends, lots of found memories. I still keep in touch with the owner who gave my mom a break on costs because she was a single Mom. He was very good to us.

I met other people later in high school who went to the same Daycare and we would reminisce. They too had found memories. Being an only child, it was a great way for me to have a lot of friends.

My wife is opening up a daycare next year and is studying to be an Elementary School teacher and guidance counselor. So I really don't have to worry about that;)

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I still remember my Daycare experience as a child. I remember all the counselors. EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, experience.

I went to Horizon Child Care in Silver Spring. There were two locations at the time. Both at my two elementaries schools. Before school, I would get dropped off, then walked to class. After class, I would get walked back. Lots of activities, lots of friends, lots of found memories. I still keep in touch with the owner who gave my mom a break on costs because she was a single Mom. He was very good to us.

I met other people later in high school who went to the same Daycare and we would reminisce. They too had found memories. Being an only child, it was a great way for me to have a lot of friends.

My wife is opening up a daycare next year and is studying to be an Elementary School teacher and guidance counselor. So I really don't have to worry about that;)


I have tried to convince my fiancee' to get into childcare but she's insisted otherwise. Says that it is too stress-ful but that she loves children still.

I was absolutely baffled that to have my son with his mother at her Day-care Center was damn near $300 a week!

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I have tried to convince my fiancee' to get into childcare but she's insisted otherwise. Says that it is too stress-ful but that she loves children still.

I was absolutely baffled that to have my son with his mother at her Day-care Center was damn near $300 a week!

Thats exactly why she is opening it up! Think about it $300 a week, times 5 kids = $1,500. Thats almost a mortgage payment, for a weeks worth of work!

ANNNDDDD, because we are running it from our home, most every expense that we have for the house, can be written off on our taxes as a business expense, including groceries:cool2:

My wife as all the credentials. We have to do some remodeling in our basement to make it legal for daycare standars (basically adding a half bath). She also has a mentor who has been running one for years and does very well who is helping her get started.

It will be nice for her to have that going for a few years while she finishes school part time.

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Thats exactly why she is opening it up! Think about it $300 a week, times 5 kids = $1,500. Thats almost a mortgage payment, for a weeks worth of work!

ANNNDDDD, because we are running it from our home, most every expense that we have for the house, can be written off on our taxes as a business expense, including groceries:cool2:

My wife as all the credentials. We have to do some remodeling in our basement to make it legal for daycare standars (basically adding a half bath). She also has a mentor who has been running one for years and does very well who is helping her get started.

It will be nice for her to have that going for a few years while she finishes school part time.

Yeah, the best part is running it from your home.

Does she have friends and family members that are willing to let her keep their children?

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Yeah, the best part is running it from your home.

Does she have friends and family members that are willing to let her keep their children?

If we stayed in this area, but we are moving too far out. She will have to do a little advertising. But to be honest, its really not difficult to get kids because so many people need child care. There is actually a seminar provided by the State that helps get you up and running. I think you can advertise through them.

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