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Thank you Obama for ****ING cigar smokers and retailers


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Of course I'm fixing to go replenish my cigars and fund someone else's health care....I'm doing my part to reduce the debt,you libs feel free to donate;)

My good deed for the day:silly:

My bad, I was working under the assumption you guys understood how the federal budget works. Budgets are worked out 1 year in advance at the executive level and three years at the agency level. The Clinton administration made the 2001 budget, the Bush administration made the 2009 budget, and regardless of what happens in the election, the Obama administration will make the 2013 budget. The 2010 budget is almost complete as we speak. See that big line in your chart under 2009? Guess who made that budget? Guess who's programs were approved to spend that money? Guess who had 8 years to bring that surplus to what it is now?

I was also working under the assumption that you guys were capable of simple math, understanding a calender, and the meaning of the word "debt." The guy I quoted said Obama has already spent more than Bush (debt is money spent). Actually, the only money Obama has spent is his stimulus money, and only a fraction of that has even been spent yet. So when Republicans tell guys like you and nonniey, "Obama quadroupled the deficit" or "Obama has already spent more than Bush" they say these things because they know you guys are financially illiterate and they are taking advantage of you. They know you are ignorant as to how our Government works and how/when budgets are formulated. And they prey on you.

Of course the fact that up to $190 billion a year in war debt is left off of those deficit charts for the Bush years and included in the Obama years is also noteworthy. But I don't suppose you knew that either.

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Didn't the Dem Congress put off the 09 budget submitted by W?

Didn't they also have control of ALL spending?

Didn't O have control of half the stimulus package and approved the whole?

So just because the spending is approved ,it is not spending?:silly:

W presided over record spending, O will surpass that record quickly.(even though as he says"We are out of Money")

You will all soon get your chance to help fund it.

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Haven't I been hearing since I was in high school that we had to stop passing this massive deficit down from one generation to the next?

Yes, I have. For over 30 years.

So can we stop the utterly stupid ****ing "who caused the debt" pissing match? It's been here for decades. We've known about it for decades. The piper is coming to collect, and now we want to point fingers?

Grow up, America.

No adult in this country that has been alive over the last 30 years didn't know this was coming.


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Haven't I been hearing since I was in high school that we had to stop passing this massive deficit down from one generation to the next?

Yes, I have. For over 30 years.

So can we stop the utterly stupid ****ing "who caused the debt" pissing match? It's been here for decades. We've known about it for decades. The piper is coming to collect, and now we want to point fingers?

Grow up, America.

No adult in this country that has been alive over the last 30 years didn't know this was coming.


Seriously...Bang is the smartest guy on this board. You should run for president (no joke). :)

Tayman for president!!

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Well, I can tell you as a daughter of a family who is considered "upper class," the taxes are ridiculous, especially for those who are business owners.
So how does that work, that taxes are especially bad for business owners? We all pay the same income tax rates. The self-employed have to pay the employer half of FICA and Medicare, sure, but there are offsets for part of that. As a partial business owner myself I can tell you that business owners have the opportunity to bury many routine expenses as a income-reducing business expenses. Owning a business opens up whole vistas of tax reduction not available to the average joe.
I suspect it has something to do with the industry, and I have no idea what the law field is like, but the medical field is going to **** here in California and at the federal level and private practice physicians are drowning in taxes, decreasing reimbursement rates, and increasing malpractice rates. That's the perspective I'm coming from and it's tiring to hear people, not only on this board, but throughout everyday life, think that it's fine for the government to continue increasing taxes on the "wealthy." It's the air of entitlement and "it's fine, make them pay, they're 'rich'" that just really, really irks me.
California is a high-tax state, but you'd be hard pressed to get me to believe that's because Obama wants to soak the rich. First because Obama has nothing to do with CA taxes, and second because CA soaks everybody, its not like the rich pay higher taxes than anybody else.

On the federal level the tax rate is more "progressive". But a guy making $20K who gets a raise to $40K sees his tax rate go from 15% to 25%. Then he gets a raise to $1M, and his tax rate goes from 25% to 35%. That's not much of a soaking - and his FICA rate drops to near zero.

I feel for those in the medical field though. I don't know the exact numbers, but I think its the malpractice more than anything else that's killing them. I've got a friend who's an OB-GYN and another who's a brain surgeon, and what each of them pay in insurance is a multiple of my entire salary.

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California is a high-tax state, but you'd be hard pressed to get me to believe that's because Obama wants to soak the rich. First because Obama has nothing to do with CA taxes, and second because CA soaks everybody, its not like the rich pay higher taxes than anybody else.

I feel for those in the medical field though. I don't know the exact numbers, but I think its the malpractice more than anything else that's killing them. I've got a friend who's an OB-GYN and another who's a brain surgeon, and what each of them pay in insurance is a multiple of my entire salary.

Yeah, I'm more pissing and moaning about California and the medical field in general. I wasn't meaning to convey my frustration with Obama, at least not yet...give him a little time to get more crap that he wants passed in regards to healthcare and I'll be supremely disgusted.

But you're right, neuro and OB are the 2 highest malpractice rate medical specialties, it's almost cost prohibitive to even go into those specialties now.

But sorry, went off on a tangent with the medical field crap. I'm just frustrated.

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Of course I'm fixing to go replenish my cigars and fund someone else's health care....I'm doing my part to reduce the debt,you libs feel free to donate;)

My good deed for the day:silly:

This chart has made me want to throw up in recent weeks.

What makes me really want to throw up is the fact that just our entitlements this coming FY will equal the amount of the ENTIRE budget in FY 1999 :doh:

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This chart has made me want to throw up in recent weeks.

What makes me really want to throw up is the fact that just our entitlements this coming FY will equal the amount of the ENTIRE budget in FY 1999 :doh:

(Wondering what the chart would look like if Bush and Obama were using the same rules for calculating the deficits.)

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From the article:

The numbers measure what's needed today — set aside in a lump sum, earning interest — to pay benefits that won't be covered by future taxes.

Oh, the old "Look how much money it would cost for the government, right now, to pay for all the costs of Medicare, and everything else, forever." trick.

Haven't seen that one for, well, days.

The article starts off with

Taxpayers are on the hook for an extra $55,000 a household to cover rising federal commitments made just in the past year for retirement benefits, the national debt and other government promises, a USA TODAY analysis shows.

and then doesn't mention any new commitment whatsoever. Rather, what it does is calculate that because a lot of people are getting laid off, therefore tax revenues will be lower for the next several years than if there hadn't been a recession, and this will cause Social Security to run out of money sooner, and if the government were to chose to make up that future shortfall, right now, then it would cost . . .

(I'm also observing that your chart didn't come from that article.)

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(I'm also observing that your chart didn't come from that article.)

Care to google the CBO report and bash their methodology?...feel free:silly:

You know the Dem controlled Congressional one?

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Care to google the CBO report and bash their methodology?...feel free:silly:

You know the Dem controlled Congressional one?

Care to bash Bush for claiming in his budget figures that two wars don't exist?

Or stick to apples and oranges?

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Care to bash Bush for claiming in his budget figures that two wars don't exist?

Or stick to apples and oranges?

It has no bearing on this subject, but I'm sure the CBO report included war spending.

Nice deflection though

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(Wondering what the chart would look like if Bush and Obama were using the same rules for calculating the deficits.)

You see Larry, I am one of those people who doesn't care about how the "deficit" is calculated. I'll even underline this for you

The national DEBT, goes up either way.

Its like not having the personal debt you owe your aunt May on your credit report. It may not be there in your official "deficit" but at the end of the year your DEBT sure as hell went up

So this whole "accounting tricks of the Bush admin" talking point is a bunch of nonsense in my opinion, because either way that nasty thing called the DEBT went up by about 6 trillion during the Bush years, and is projected to go up 9 trillion over the next decade. Accounting tricks or no accounting tricks.

Generally when I look at the deficit/debt issues, I just look at this


Accounting tricks and what one President "shows" compared to the other has zero impact on how fast that clock moves

Wonders if people will actually understand this intellectually honest way to look at our national debt....

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Back to the thread....I like cigars and this is a pain in the neck.

You sir should be glad of the opportunity to pay more to help the less fortunate...after all it is a luxury.

Shut up and bend over

Obamaman can fix it

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Sorry, shill, I don't agree. It's an easy argument, of course, to say "hey, tax em, if they want their twinkies." But what are you really saying is basically saying we are trying to extort money for being unhealthy. And I do not agree that the government should be enforcing a healthy lifestyle. Promoting, yes.

I guess what it boils down to is I do not agree with new taxes to pay for the government's already bloated budget and deficit, and you do. I do not care how they are presented. Why should Americans have to pay more for anything, perhaps it's the government's turn to pay for it's unhealthy spending habit.

Enforcing a heaslthy lifestyle would be a mandatory once a day exercise program adding a tax on that stuff is not enforcing anything

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