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CC Blog: Drug Bust Drags DC Sports Into Headlines


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But here I am thinking that "hope" is something thats false and anyone that clings to "hope" is stupid, retarded and ignorant.

Or so I've been called...

Maybe you get called that because you interpret words not meant for you as if they were.

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The NFL will sweep this under the rug just like they always have when it comes to steroids. It's no hidden secret that a large percentage of professional athletes are juicing and the NFL knows it.

If you remember a few years back, the Steelers team Dr got busted for ordering over 150K of HGH. Now I am not sure if he broke the law or not, but he did step down and the NFL turned and looked the other way - no investigation what so ever.

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Steroids don't make you do anything better, except recover from injury. Like after tearing down your muscles in the weight room. If you pump a bum like B Lloydd up with juice, he will still be a bum. He'll just feel better about it.

I'm relatively ignorant about steroids so you'll have to forgive me if I'm off base here, but it seems like human growth hormone makes atheletes acquire extra muscle mass and thus makes them "better" at certain aspects of sports.

A juiced up baseball player still has to have the hand eye coordination to hit the ball, but if he is on steroids and has extra muscle mass, when he does hit the ball its gonna go farther. In your example, I could see how steroids are not gonna really help a lanky receiver like brandon loyd who makes his living on circus type catches, but for someone like a linebacker having the extra muscle mass would seem to help big time. Steroids wont help the linebacker learn the playbook or make pre snap reads on the field, but if he makes the right reads, when he delivers the hit it is going to be with more mass and more speed and thus more force. Its going to make him more feared by his opponents. That seems like it provides a definite advantage.

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I thought this was a pretty cool article about the subject of PED...

After the summer of 1964, the Beatles started taking serious drugs, and those drugs altered their musical performance. Though it may not have been their overt intent, the Beatles took performance-enhancing drugs. And this is germane to sports for one reason: Absolutely no one holds it against them. No one views Rubber Soul and Revolver as "less authentic" albums, despite the fact that they would not (and probably could not) have been made by people who weren't on drugs.


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I'm relatively ignorant about steroids so you'll have to forgive me if I'm off base here, but it seems like human growth hormone makes atheletes acquire extra muscle mass and thus makes them "better" at certain aspects of sports.

When you work out, you are not building muscle. You are tearing it down.

The muscle mass comes from after you work out and that is where HGH (which your body produces naturally until youre 30's) helps with recovery.

The faster you recover, the faster you are lifting (tearing down) again.

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I thought this was a pretty cool article about the subject of PED...

After the summer of 1964, the Beatles started taking serious drugs, and those drugs altered their musical performance. Though it may not have been their overt intent, the Beatles took performance-enhancing drugs. And this is germane to sports for one reason: Absolutely no one holds it against them. No one views Rubber Soul and Revolver as "less authentic" albums, despite the fact that they would not (and probably could not) have been made by people who weren't on drugs.


Great Article. It expressed a great deal of what I have felt about steroids but could never find the words for. Thanks for the post.

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When you work out, you are not building muscle. You are tearing it down.

The muscle mass comes from after you work out and that is where HGH (which your body produces naturally until youre 30's) helps with recovery.

The faster you recover, the faster you are lifting (tearing down) again.

Hmmm. If thats true, that HGH simply helps the body recover faster and get back on the field or weightroom quicker, it makes the public backlash against HGH seem selective. Afterall, players routinely get IVs or fluid injections during the games to recover from dehydration and get them performing again. Or all sorts of pain medication or whatever that helps the atheletes body recover and get back on the field or the weightroom. Why do you think HGH isn't looked at in the same way that those medical treatments are?

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Usually I'd be really skeptical about guys like this spouting off at the mouth, but one thing we've seen with steroids is that normally the stories are true. Remember what everyone said about Canseco when he accused every great player of being on roids? Now it turns out that he's right.

If he had sold to the Skins I figure he probably would have mentioned that instead of the Nats. But I don't doubt that at least a few players on the Skins are using. I think players on every team in every sport are using. I think we're naive if we believe that they're not. No matter how many times we think we know the scope of drug use in sports, we keep getting proven wrong. Sure there's testing but the testing is always lagging behind the best drugs and techniques. And professional athletes operate in a world where they believe they just can't get caught anyway.

However, if the Nats were buying steroids from this guy they should report him to the better business bureau.

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When you work out, you are not building muscle. You are tearing it down.

The muscle mass comes from after you work out and that is where HGH (which your body produces naturally until youre 30's) helps with recovery.

The faster you recover, the faster you are lifting (tearing down) again.

In other words steriods help you build mass more quickly and more of it than would be possible using normal training methods.

They also have a phsychological impact in that they (depends on the steriod of choice) tend to promote more agressive behaviour.

Your right that being big and mean does not make a player who has bad football instincts or skills a good player. But for say a lineman. especially defensive lineman or a linebacker being bigger and meaner is going to make them a better player than they might otherwise have been.

Lyle Alzado was a big user as was Mark Gastineau. Both quick DE's who added bulk and attitude through steriod use.

There is a good book called "Its Just a Brusie' by the ex team doctor of the Raiders in the 80"s which has some really good coverage of the steriod use in the NFL and the whole early development of the NFL drug policy.

Aside from any ethical issues fact is that serod use is dangerous. It can cause liver and heart problems at a minimum.

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Hmmm. If thats true, that HGH simply helps the body recover faster and get back on the field or weightroom quicker, it makes the public backlash against HGH seem selective. Afterall, players routinely get IVs or fluid injections during the games to recover from dehydration and get them performing again. Or all sorts of pain medication or whatever that helps the atheletes body recover and get back on the field or the weightroom. Why do you think HGH isn't looked at in the same way that those medical treatments are?

Because prolonged use of HGH and other steriods can cause heart problems and premature death and can also actually lead to muscle weakness, torn tendons and other related problems.

IVs or pain relief help a player recover from fatigue or injury they dont help him go beyond what his genetic envelope and normal training would allow.

It can be a blurry line but one set of inteventions are medical care to help a player maintain his peak performance and one set is cheating to gain an unatural advantage.

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Steroids first got its bad name in the 70's and 80's because of the extreme side effects which were life threatening, and turned some people into psychopaths.

This current trend of banning substances just to ban substances has nothing to do with the original intent. This stuff is legal for anyone in the real world to use and this isn't the olympics.

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Steroids first got its bad name in the 70's and 80's because of the extreme side effects which were life threatening, and turned some people into psychopaths.

This current trend of banning substances just to ban substances has nothing to do with the original intent. This stuff is legal for anyone in the real world to use and this isn't the olympics.

Are you implying that steriods are any safer now than they were in the 70's or 80's? Love to see any evidence of that.

Also steriod use is not just about a level competive playing field, important though I personally view that to be. Its about the health and mental wellbeing of 1,000's of High School Athletes who see NFL and College players bulking up and using steriods, who want to chase that dream and think that if they don't use these substances they will get left behind.

Now for professional athletes they will get excellent quality drugs with medical supervision (however ethically dodgy said medics may be). YOur average High School jock who is juicing is getting the stuff from God knows where, often over the internet, containing heaven alone knows what and is taking it with normally zero supervision.

In my mind thats not a good thing.

Banning drug use at professional level is important to my mind and the current NFL testing regime is a joke IMO.

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This would be a more interesting story if it was.. New England and Pittsburg players linked to steroid use...

then everyone would be like.. HEY.. thats not FAIR!!!!... and they'd be all over it.

but since its DC sports.. the response is more like... "And they still suck!" chuckle chuckle.... then forget about it.

in other words..

no worries.. this will go nowhere

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