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ESPN Insider: Hokie reunion in D.C.?


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There isn't a whole lot of new information in this, but thought I'd post it for whomever wants to see it. Apologies if this has been posted already.


Hokie reunion in D.C.?

Michael Vick | Falcons | Interested: 49ers? Redskins?

Upon Michael Vick's release to home confinement last week, the discussion on his NFL future was reopened and a number of teams were considered to be in the mix for his services, even if they already had a starting quarterback in place.

One team whose incumbent starter is certain to be a little perturbed by all the talk about his replacements is Jason Campbell of the Washington Redskins. Earlier in the offseason, the Redskins were involved in the trade talks for Jay Cutler, and around the time of the draft it was rumored that the team was trying to trade up and draft Mark Sanchez. After the draft weekend passed, Campbell probably thought he'd gotten over that little speed bump and he could focus on getting ready for the 2009 season.

There's just one problem: Vick might be just the kind of player that Skins owner Daniel Snyder would love to acquire. Snyder has a proclivity for outbidding the market with a "go high or go home" strategy even when it's unnecessary - according to some reports, his contract for Albert Haynesworth was a couple years and tens of millions of dollars more than anyone else was willing to pay. Moreover, judging by how involved Snyder & Co. got in the Cutler and Sanchez rodeos, there is not a lot of admiration for Campbell in the top tier of management in D.C.

During a recent phone interview on the John Thompson show on ESPN Radio 980 in D.C., Redskins cornerback DeAngelo Hall - who played with Vick on the Atlanta Falcons and who is a fellow Virginia Tech alumnus - addressed Vick's future. Sports Radio Interviews provides a transcript of some key points of Hall's interview, as well as an audio link to his appearance. During the interview, Hall proposed the San Francisco 49ers as a team that could be a good fit for Vick because of coach Mike Singletary. On the other hand, Hall gave this qualification to the recommendation: "Offensive line-wise, would he still be running for his life or not like he was in Atlanta?"

While Thompson didn't press Hall as to whether Vick would be a good fit on the Redskins, the dots can be connected pretty easily. Ownership doesn't seem to be too happy with the incumbent. Vick would be close, relatively speaking, to his home in Virginia. The offensive line and skill position players are there on offense. All that's missing is Vick's official release from Atlanta and a reinstatement by Roger Goodell. That last step is the big one, but the Redskins have to be considered serious players in the Vick bidding should those things fall into place.

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It's funny ESPN charges for pure speculation of this sort. Not a bit of information suggests we're in the market for Vick -- who, BTW, wouldn't be that bad an idea depending on where he is physically -- but some writer thinks it is possible because we have a Tech player on the roster and Vick is at home in Virginia?

Anything's possible, but, for those who think this is crazy, please at least wait until ONE SPEC of actual evidence exists to think we're doing it.

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It's funny ESPN charges for pure speculation of this sort. Not a bit of information suggests we're in the market for Vick -- who, BTW, wouldn't be that bad an idea depending on where he is physically -- but some writer thinks it is possible because we have a Tech player on the roster and Vick is at home in Virginia?

Anything's possible, but, for those who think this is crazy, please at least wait until ONE SPEC of actual evidence exists to think we're doing it.

I agree. Until I hear Vinny, Snyder, or Zorn say we are interested in Vick. I'm not buying it for a sec.

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I agree. Until I hear Vinny, Snyder, or Zorn say we are interested in Vick. I'm not buying it for a sec.

Don't wait that long. At least wait until you here MULTIPLE sources report we have been in contact with Vick. When we make contact the agent will release it to scare other teams anyway. It won't be a secret if we actually dial in, which, of course, we will NOT do until AFTER he's reinstated. So, Vick to ANYONE is irrelevant since NO ONE is talking to a player who's not allowed in the league -- or to leave his house.

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+ infinity

Signing Vick will just show Snyder doesn't care about winning, just putting fans in the seats. And even that might backfire on him.

Seems opposite to me. I would think that if Snyder did make a move for Vick then it would be because he thinks Vick can help us "win now." Too many fans would disapprove of Vick's character for Snyder to think that having him would sell more seats.

And if Snyder starts signing guys that fans love to hate now, I'm going to be pissed that he passed up on TO.

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they are blowing smoke up our a**es cause they have nothing else to write about. everytime any big name is mentioned, we are in the mix by the so called analysts. i wouldnt buy to much into this, but who knows, crazier things have happened.

:cheers::cheers: heres to hoping we dont get vick.

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I don't want Vick either, but it's hilarious that most people on this board think Colt Brennan would be a better quarterback than Michael Vick.

Hmmmm....considering the fact that Michael Vick struggled to be even an average passing QB, I'd venture to say that Jason Campbell is currently a better QB and that Colt Brennan very realistically could be a better QB (both from a passing standpoint of course).

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Vick would cost the league minimum.

We wouldn't have to give up a multiple draft picks to get him.

These "experts" are a joke. Clearly, if you followed the Redskins for more than, I don't know, 12 seconds, you'd know this is a move that this team does not make......

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Sweet god and baby jesus..... Please..... no.

I would really rather not have to hear about how we have the dog murdering, Ron mexico, on our team. Giving Skin's fans who haven't forgiven him the finger when they heckle him. Not to mention he is horrible qb.

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they're just saying all that because of snyder's reputation. vick doesn't fit our system...you need to build the system around vick. plus, he throws the ball way way too hard apparently. look at roddy white, who was crap playing with vick, then wasn't he a pro bowl (?) receiver a year or two ago?

on a slightly unrelated topic, why has this whole dogfighting thing with vick been made into such a big deal? wasn't pacman jones involved in someone's paralysis or death outside a night club? didn't travis henry get indicted for trafficking hundreds of kilos of cocaine? i love dogs, but its been blown way out of proportion. but seriously--snyder, dont pick the guy up.

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So disgusting.

Signing Vick will just show Snyder doesn't care about winning, just putting fans in the seats. And even that might backfire on him.

Seems like we are really eager to drive JC right out of town

The writer is clearly engaging in idle speculation, without a single named or unnamed source suggesting that the Redskins organization has even a shred of interest in Vick.

But why pass up an opportunity to fly off the handle?

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