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ESPN Insider: Hokie reunion in D.C.?


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Can I ask if Jason is the ideal WCO QB? Who is more talented Jason or Mike? Can't Mike pick it up just as quickly as Jason?

I think MV1 would have serious trouble picking up the offense in 2009, without the benefit of minicamp or OTAs

VT had to dumb down its already dumbed down offense for him, which worked because of his freakish athletic ability

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Can I ask if Jason is the ideal WCO QB? Who is more talented Jason or Mike? Can't Mike pick it up just as quickly as Jason?

Yawn bro, yawn. Tired arguments, you obviously did not watch Michael Vick play if you think he's "more talented" than Jason Campbell when it comes to throwing a ball in an offense.

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+ infinity

Signing Vick will just show Snyder doesn't care about winning, just putting fans in the seats. And even that might backfire on him.


I think Vick would have a negative effect on ticket sales and would only help the team on the field and wouldn't be a boost to ticket or merch sales.

I don't see Vick being a good fit for the Redskins other than filling Danny's itch to make news and add a "star".

Vick is not a WCO QB and would not be a good fit in Zorn's system.

And I can't see Vick being a better "Wildcat" guy than ARE.

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I can't believe people are still talking about Mike Vick as a Redskin.

He has been out of the league for two years. He holds the ball too long and takes an inordinate amount of sacks – 46 in 2004 and 45 in 2006, his most recent year in football. He is extremely injury prone due to his style of play. He has played 16 games in a season only once throughout his entire career. He has showed an unbelievable grasp of every play book in every offense he has ever been in. He is a very inaccurate passer who has never completed more than 56% of his passes any year of his career. He has thrown double digit interceptions for every one of the last 3 years he was in the league. His career QB ranking is 75 which is below the 80 career QB rating of the QB we already have on the roster who knows the offense.

And then there is the off the field issues. He knowingly gave a girl herpes, he tried to get a water bottle with a secret compartment with marijuana in it past security at the airport in Miami, he flipped off the fans of his team at a home game, funded a dog fighting operation and personally hanged and electrocuted dogs and lied to the owner of the Falcons and the Commissioner of the league about his involvement.

Why do we want this guy as a Redskin again?

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Can't Mike pick it up just as quickly as Jason?

Short answer - No. Mike Vick is an amazing athlete and a very very good football player but a very average QB. IMO Jason Campbell is a better passer right now than Vick ever was or ever could be.

Mike Vick has a career completion percentage of 54% - Campbell 60%. Vick has never thrown for 3,000 yards in a single season and has a career passing rating of 75.7. Campbell threw for 3,200 yards last year and has a career rating of 80.4.

Vick did have one year (2006) in which is he threw for 20 TDs but if you look across his career he averaged about 15 TDs in years he played full seasons. He also averaged about 10 INTs in those years.

If you are looking for a QB who can make our passing attack more consistent and dangerous Mike Vick is not that man. In a WCO especially with its basis on short passes and a high completion percentage Campbell is a MUCH better option than Vick.

Of course Vick is probably the best scrambling/running QB to have ever played in the NFL. He has a 1,000 yards running in 2006 and 900 in 2004. Campbell had 500+ yards running last year so he is no slouch either with his legs but not in Vicks class to be sure.

However Vick will be 29 by the time he plays again and will have missed at least 2 full seasons. Better check he still has 'it" with his legs before getting too excited.

Forgetting all the off the field bagage Mike Vick as a slash type WR/3rd down RB/option QB would make any team in the NFL at the right price. There are not many he would make though as a straight up QB and IMO the Redskins are one of those teams he would not make! You might as well trade Santana Moss and forget about any development in Devin Thomas or Malcolm Kelly with Vick at QB - the man just can flat NOT get the ball to WR. On the other hand Chris Cooley and Fred Davis would be gainfully employed ......

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Yawn bro, yawn. Tired arguments, you obviously did not watch Michael Vick play if you think he's "more talented" than Jason Campbell when it comes to throwing a ball in an offense.

That's why I'm asking son. I have only seen the highlights of the 50 yard bombs, and the 70 yard runs. Like most of us....

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wow how bout before u say Vick cant throw the ball better than Jason go back and look at who Vicks recivers were. Some complete and utter failures. All i see is vick putting 70 yard bombs on the money and rushing for 1000 yards all by himself. At least let him do what randel el does and return punts and kicks for the minimum until Jason sucks the joint out.

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Some of you must not have watched Vick play when he was in this league - seriously.

How many pro-bowls has JC been to? How many playoffs game has he won? How many games has he won just by himself?

JC has a much better rb, a much better WR core and a much better defensive group than Vick ever had in Atlanta. And yet Vick has been to pro-bowls, won games for his team, and won playoff games - home and away.

To say JC is better than Vick is lunacy. The issue isn't if JC is better than Vick was - the question is where is Vick currently. If someone can guarantee me Vick would be the same Vick, you sign him to whatever contract he wants immediately. But chances are, he's not going to be the same Vick. Maybe not even close. Because of that risk, its probably a stupid idea for the Redskins to bring him in because the last thing you want to do is bring him in to "compete" with JC, realize he sucks and go back with JC after the third time you tried to replace him.

There's the whole issue with him going to prison too obviously, but I'm stripping that away for the purpose of this. Obviously depending on how you view Vick as person, even if he was Joe Montana you wouldn't want him on this team and no one could blame you.

I personally believe he deserves a second chance. I'm just not sure he's the same Vick physically and that's what I don't think I want him here.

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Sorry to break it to you Ceviker, but football is a team sport. The QB is at most 10% of it. 15% if he is Tom Brady.

I agree its a team sport - but, excluding the QB position, the Redskins have are equal or better in every position than Vick's Atlanta teams.

And QB is a helluva lot more than 10%. All the SB teams had qb playing for them that was a top qb in that year.

Steelers - Big Ben

Giants - Manning

Colts - Manning

Steelers - Big Ben

NE - Brady

NE - Brady

TB - Johnson (pro-bowler that year)

NE - Brady

Baltimore - Dilfer (here is the exception, due soley to the fact that they had the best defense in NFL history)

STL - Warner

Denver - Elway

Denver - Elway

GB - Favre

Dallas - Aikmen

SF - Young

Dallas - Aikmen

Dallas - Aikmen

Was - Rypin

QB definetly isn't 100% of the team, but you're not winning a SB without a top QB.

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Implying Big Ben, Eli Manning, Brad Johnson, Favre and Dilfer didn't win because of their defense.

Wrong, wrong wrong wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong.

Also all of those teams had good D's and good Olines. Most QB's don't count for as much as 10% of their teams success.

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Hmmmm....considering the fact that Michael Vick struggled to be even an average passing QB, I'd venture to say that Jason Campbell is currently a better QB and that Colt Brennan very realistically could be a better QB (both from a passing standpoint of course).

Yea he really struggled by taking his team to the NFC Championship game. smh

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Yea he really struggled by taking his team to the NFC Championship game. smh

the guy is a rb playing qb. even though he had nice running stats, he gets sacked lots. he drops back and 10% of the time its a sack. if folks think jason isnt any good, vick never passed for more than 3000 yds, hit 20 tds, once. he has quite a large number of fumbles (due to being sacked, and running so much).

what makes folks think he is still the same runner after being away for 3 years? why wouldnt folks scheme a def to see if he could beat them passing? vicks last 2 years were not so hot passing wise, record wise (well his passing stats have never been great). heck even jason could get a team to 7-9/8-8

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wow how bout before u say Vick cant throw the ball better than Jason go back and look at who Vicks recivers were. Some complete and utter failures. All i see is vick putting 70 yard bombs on the money and rushing for 1000 yards all by himself. At least let him do what randel el does and return punts and kicks for the minimum until Jason sucks the joint out.

Interesting point about Vicks receivers - but not in the way you meant.

Lets take Roddy White as an example.

He had 2 years with Vick as his QB. Lets write off his rookie year as lots of rookie receivers struggle out of the gate as we know only too well. For the record White caught 29 balls. Year 2 he added a single extra catch for a poor 30 catches for 500 yards.

At that point everyone was talking bust right?

Then Vick goes to jail - White has a combination of Joey Harrington, Byron Leftwhich and Chris Redman thow him the ball and catches 83 balls (83!!) for 1,200 yards.

Last year they draft a rookie called Ryan and White catches 88 balls for 1300 yards.

Maybe White woke up saw the light and it had nothing to do with the change at QB. Or maybe Vick is a very good runner with a big arm but with poor field vision (he is about 5-9 tall which might account for that) who struggles to get the ball on any consistent basis to his wideouts.

Personally I have no problem with Vick getting another crack at the NFL but not as a full time QB for the Redskins thank you.

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At least let him do what randel el does and return punts and kicks for the minimum until Jason sucks the joint out.

What makes you think that Vick is interested in a position change?

He has fought his whole career to be a QB. I would be mildly surprised if he were willing to make the shift now.

But, that would likely improve his chances of getting on an NFL roster this season.

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