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ESPN Insider: Hokie reunion in D.C.?


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has vick been given clearance by the nfl to even be signed by any team? i would figure they may say he has to sit out longer unless something already went down with that.

No the Commish said he wouldnt even meet with vick until his house arrest is over which it is sometime in July I think? Im not sure though

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this would be a move that the skins should make. JC isn't coming back to the skins no matter what happens this year. period. So why not go after vick, he has alot left in the tank and I believe he can be a very good fit for this team. We need a QB, not a bunch of wishful thinking that collins or brennan will win for this team.

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This is pure speculation, BUT, if it happened, I'd keep an open mind. The legal system we all live by has spoken, he served his time, he's out - let the man live. If he's the same VICK as he was/or near it on the field, you've gotta look at him. That Vick was better Campbell. Period. Now, I'm a JC backer. I hope/want/expect him to succeed but if the front office brought Vick in, I wouldn't complain; I'd just wait to see what happened.

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as a backup over collins chase and colt i'd do it.... I still believe in JC

I agree...I don't look at Vick at this point as a starter but in a yr or 2 he could be ready to provide some competition for JC...Colt is a joke and Todd is on the downside of his career...

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I agree. Until I hear Vinny, Snyder, or Zorn say we are interested in Vick. I'm not buying it for a sec.

When did the turn from pseudo-journalism to complete tripe to make hats of cash happen for the four-letter? Honestly, any free agent story can get, "[The player] might be just the kind of player that Skins owner Daniel Snyder would love to acquire. Snyder has a proclivity for outbidding the market with a "go high or go home" strategy even when it's unnecessary."

I'm not a big Snyder fan, but sheesh, ESPN sux0rz. Where am I supposed to go for sporting news? SI? The DC Sports Bog?

In other news, not a bad NBA playoff game, eh?

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the crimes he committed aside. I dont want Vick here because I was never a fan of the way he played.

Sorry to spam, but I can't agree here. I don't know that he works with Zorn at all, but man, watching Vick was something special. Seriously, that speed was cheating. Incredible to watch.

I don't want him in DC, and I'm not sure he can make a team a sure thing, but he was worth watching in his first go through the NFL. How can you not be a fan of if not the way he played, at least watching him play?

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Signing Vick will just show Snyder doesn't care about winning, just putting fans in the seats. And even that might backfire on him.

I'd sign a pro-bowl quarterback if I wanted to win...

Why not see what he's go left in the tank... Campbell isn't exactly the face of the franchise... competition is good

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With there being an entire thread about Anthony Alridge's speed, I would think that someone here would propose to bring in Vick, not as a QB, but as an athlete.

If Leonard Little and Ray Lewis still have a place in the league, then I think that Mike Vick deserves a place too. Since Vick presumeably will come on the cheap, I might consider giving him a try as a 3rd down back/WR/punt returner. I'm not sure there are a lot of teams in the league that would welcome him in as a QB, although there might be a fit for him in Minnesota.

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Again, the big issue is Vick does not fit a WCO scheme at all.

I saw him at his best as a passer in college, live. He was awesome with the deep ball, with deep crossing routes and 20+ yard passes

He throws the ball too damn hard, and doesn't have the touch yet for the short passing game which the WCO relies on. He does have the incredible release for it though.

Could I see him a wild cat athlete? Of course, he'd be the ideal person for the wild cat, but we don't run nearly enough of it.

I'd pass on Vick because of his lack of fit in a WCO scheme

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Again, the big issue is Vick does not fit a WCO scheme at all.

I saw him at his best as a passer in college, live. He was awesome with the deep ball, with deep crossing routes and 20+ yard passes

He throws the ball too damn hard, and doesn't have the touch yet for the short passing game which the WCO relies on. He does have the incredible release for it though.

Could I see him a wild cat athlete? Of course, he'd be the ideal person for the wild cat, but we don't run nearly enough of it.

I'd pass on Vick because of his lack of fit in a WCO scheme

Can I ask if Jason is the ideal WCO QB? Who is more talented Jason or Mike? Can't Mike pick it up just as quickly as Jason?

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