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Me and my wife were laying here talking about things that are funny to us, because of the fact they are completely pointless or self-defeating.

Why do fat people get a fast food combo meal with diet coke? Why do ugly women who are bad at putting on their makeup even try? Why do blind people wear sun glasses?

I'm sure there are a million we couldn't think of, so do share, this will be interesting.

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I generally prefer diet sodas because they don't give you a phlegmy mouth/throat feel. Once you're used to diet drinks, you kinda prefer them. Plus a regular 24oz coke is like 300 calories. Not worth it, even if already eating a high calorie meal.

The majority of blind people don't wear sunglasses. Some do because bright light irritates their eyes, though.

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Diet soda typically tastes disgusting. The only ones that are even close to being decent are the "zero" products and diet Dr. Pepper. I will never understand that at all.

Why do people wear hats and/or sunglasses inside at the dinner table especially at night? My mother would have slapped me silly.

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I order diet soda no matter what/where I'm eating. At first it was because I had to, now it's because I prefer to. Regular soda is WAY to sweet once you get used to diet.

No way I would have gotten away with wearing a hat/sunglasses at a dinner table. My mom would have slapped me silly.

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Capt. that is why I order alcohol when I eat out. If I am going fast food, I will drink a watered down non-carbonated drink.

I rarely drink soda at this point. And my body thanks me for the 50 pounds.

Regular is too sweet and diet has that awful aftertaste. So a sip or two of regular is about all I can take these days.

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why do people still respond to this guys nonsense?
What are you talking about? I've never posted before ;)

If you have a problem with me, take it to PM.

If you don't wanna participate, don't respond.

To be honest though, I guess my threads are either fun or thought provoking. Or have you not noticed the massive response they get?

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I generally prefer diet sodas because they don't give you a phlegmy mouth/throat feel. Once you're used to diet drinks, you kinda prefer them. Plus a regular 24oz coke is like 300 calories. Not worth it, even if already eating a high calorie meal.

Agreed, regular soda leaves a horrible aftertaste. Ever since I was introduced to Diet Coke ages ago... and got past the taste... I've never had regular coke again.

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Agreed, regular soda leaves a horrible aftertaste. Ever since I was introduced to Diet Coke ages ago... and got past the taste... I've never had regular coke again.
So you really do get used to it? I never would've guessed.

Outside of the zero sodas and diet dr. pepper, I find diet soda terrible, because the aspartame is weird tasting. regular soda is super over sweet though.

i miss soda with sugar in it :(

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Why are there braille instructions on drive-up ATM machines?


Blind people do take cabs to the ATM. Probably some stupid ADA law that the bank had to adhere to also.

I am still trying to figure out how they can tell the difference in paper money denominations.

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i miss soda with sugar in it :(

I have a throwback Pepsi in my fridge right now that has regular sugar in it.

Red Bull cola has natural sugar. Tastes a little wierd though, and by getting so used to the brown color, seeing it kind of yellowish was wierd.

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They call it Diet Soda for a reason.....the word Diet comes from "Die", because that's what will happen, at an early age, if you drink huge amounts of the aspartame in it.
Just out of curiosity, why would anyone just drink huge amounts of aspartame? :D

And no Mick, I'm still not a mod. Promise. ;)

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I have a throwback Pepsi in my fridge right now that has regular sugar in it.

Red Bull cola has natural sugar. Tastes a little wierd though, and by getting so used to the brown color, seeing it kind of yellowish was wierd.

Red Bull cola is horrible. they released it about 2 years ago down in Austria, and it is unbearbale in my opinion. Almost zero sugar, and a funky aftertaste.
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Just out of curiosity, why would anyone just drink huge amounts of aspartame? :D

So, you've run out of jokes, so now you have to twist around what I say, in order to be funny ;)

And no Mick, I'm still not a mod. Promise. ;)

You may not be a mod, but I know your first and last name.

There's no mistaking your personality.

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Here's a little trick for those who want to order diet cola with their fast food but don't like the aftertaste.

Get your ice. Get a quick splash of regular Coke. Then fill the cup halfway with Diet. Get another splash of regular Coke. Fill the cup almost to the top with Diet, then another splash of regular. Enjoy.

You're still drinking 95% Diet, but the three little squirts of regular Coke is enough to cut the aftertaste of the Diet.

You may not be a mod, but I know your first and last name.

There's no mistaking your personality.

Hmmm, interesting. Do share.

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Here's a little trick for those who want to order diet cola with their fast food but don't like the aftertaste.

Get your ice. Get a quick splash of regular Coke. Then fill the cup halfway with Diet. Get another splash of regular Coke. Fill the cup almost to the top with Diet, then another splash of regular. Enjoy.

You're still drinking 95% Diet, but the three little squirts of regular Coke is enough to cut the aftertaste of the Diet.

Hmmm, interesting. Do share.

I have a better idea.

Since regular soda has so much sugar to oversweeten it, and so much syrup to leave the after taste, then "just add water."

Fill it part Regular Soda, and the rest with water, using the proportions based on your personal taste.

Result - a lighter tasting soda WITHOUT the toxic aspartame.

Simple dilution accomplishes multiple results.

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They call it Diet Soda for a reason.....the word Diet comes from "Die", because that's what will happen, at an early age, if you drink huge amounts of the aspartame in it.

a lot of diet sodas don't contain aspartame

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