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Were you/Are you in a Fraternity and What is your impression of them?


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They're not so bad when you get them away from the group. I think it multiplies in numbers.

I dated around a dozen girls in college, and if I remember correctly, at least half were in sororities. Considering how prevalent greek stuff is at Longwood, that's probably a low percentage. Some of them were annoying, some were pretty cool girls. The last one I wound up married to.

But to a person, each one of them was far more bearable when we were out by ourselves or with my friends. I didn't mind some of their sorority sisters, but my God, put them together and there was always too much going on, whether it was noise, catfighting, crying, whatever.

This is the impression i always got.

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i feel lucky in that i do feel that i gained the "brotherhood" experience.

my best friends are all from my fraternity. they live far away for the most part and i miss the hell out of them, even though we all go on trips regularly. our girlfriends are all best friends, etc. it just worked out well.

and on the same note, this past august i drove to Louisville for a show. it is a long drive and we were planning on sleeping in the car or something. i called a fraternity brother at about 11:30pm on a Friday - one whom i had not spoken to in years (he was a senior when i was a freshman...we were pals but not best friends or anything) - to see if he knew of a hotel we could stay at the next day.

instead he just told us all (6 of us) to come sleep at his house.

i really dont even know the guy that well and he welcomed myself and 5 complete strangers to his house with about 20 minutes advance notice.

things like that are the reason im glad i was in a fraternity.

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My sister's husband is in the same fraternity I joined (at the same college ten years earlier than when I attended). I also, didn't know it at the time but one of my fraternity brothers would eventually become my brother-in-law (when I married his wife's (biological) sister). I'm another one's Godfather.

So some people accuse it of being superficial, but I have bonds to prove otherwise.

Not saying these things don't happen outside the Greek system, but I'm not saying it's all girls and booze either.

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Not every frat boy is a douchebag, but a lot of them are. At East Carolina and Florida State, the frat boys used to deal GHB, which is a date rape drug. They didn't sell pot. They didn't sell coke. Just effing GHB. One guy offerred it to me and after I stared daggers at him he tried to explain how "it's a cool high." Yeah right. At ECU three girls reported being raped all at the same frat house in one semester. The President of the frat wrote this rightious letter to the East Carolinian about how he knew without a doubt that none of his brothers would ever do such a thing.

At Florida state I was hanging out with some frat guys at their apartment that were some friends of a friend. This girl came over crying and told us how their frat President locked her in his room and wouldn't let her out until she gave him a BJ. It was so messed up. After crying for about an hour she claimed she didn't do it, but we all knew she did. When I told those guys we should go kill this dude they all acted like I was crazy. They stuck up for their rapist POS frat President.

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I was/am in a fraternity, which sounds weird when I say it, but it's not the normal fraternity type deal. It's an honors group for history majors, and something that looks good on a resume (I guess). Didn't have to do anything really, just have the grades and pay the initial fee.

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lol the common response from those who couldn't get bids.....jk

you don't know how many times i've heard that though

Or the typical response from someone who got balled cuz they were a tool. Or knew they had no shot of getting in. I guess it depends on where you are.

Many frat guys are complete *******s and douches. But most really aren't.

And PB, you'll be upset to hear that after the derby days my junior year, which had about 70 police cars racing to the party because of crazy rumors flying around about it, we no longer have the big field party.

Now we just rent out Bent Willieys.

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And PB, you'll be upset to hear that after the derby days my junior year, which had about 70 police cars racing to the party because of crazy rumors flying around about it, we no longer have the big field party.

Now we just rent out Bent Willieys.

Aw, dagger! That sucks. I will pour a little liquor out for Derby Days this weekend.

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Also, Fraternities do a lot of charity work that goes unoticed. Sigma Chi raises tens of thousands of dollars for Childrens Miricle network each year. We would also work with underprivileged/handicapped in the area and do things with them to boost self esteem or take them out to stores and buy them a toy during the holidays. for most of the frat parties, once the money for beer is covered, the rest goest to the philanthropy.

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I agree that it depends on where you went to school, what being in a frat means.

My college only had 4 frats, and two of them were co-ed (so they lost their membership in the national organization). My wife went to a college where 80 percent of the upperclassmen were in frats.

I can't help but think that Frat means Kevin Bacon's character in Animal House (but I know that it is just pop culture talking).

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I agree that it depends on where you went to school, what being in a frat means.

My college only had 4 frats, and two of them were co-ed (so they lost their membership in the national organization). My wife went to a college where 80 percent of the upperclassmen were in frats.

I can't help but think that Frat means Kevin Bacon's character in Animal House (but I know that it is just pop culture talking).

lol what about NIEDERMAYER??

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Also, Fraternities do a lot of charity work that goes unoticed. Sigma Chi raises tens of thousands of dollars for Childrens Miricle network each year. We would also work with underprivileged/handicapped in the area and do things with them to boost self esteem or take them out to stores and buy them a toy during the holidays. for most of the frat parties, once the money for beer is covered, the rest goest to the philanthropy.
Or Dance Marathon, as I pointed out to PB in the other thread on the topic. For our huge Christmas party we had in December at our house, we had sororities donate toys for Toys for Tots in boxes we left in their houses, and out of the 10,000 dollars we established as the party budget, we only spent 8,500 and donated the other 1,500 to the ALS Foundation. We also have a group of guys going to a camp this summer outside of Orlando for a two week session to hang out with kids that have terminal illnesses.

Love the people voting that fraternities involve d-bags. Thanks for the stereotyping.

It's funny- the large assumption is that people in fraternities look down on people not in Greek life all the time, but by far, the largest amount of condescension I've heard is from people not in Greek life towards people in it.

"Have fun paying for friends!"

"You must enjoy getting hazed!"

"I can do whatever I want with who I want."

Just ridiculous. Turn off the movies and TV shows, and turn on your brains people. There are some jerks out there, sure, but there are also plenty of a-holes who aren't or never were in Greek life. One group of guys, or one or two bad encounters doesn't define Greek life as a whole everywhere. Might not even define that school's Greek life or that organization's chapter.

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lol the common response from those who couldn't get bids.....jk

you don't know how many times i've heard that though

I don't know about that, I was offered a bid to one, and probably could have joined another had I chosen to, but I declined.

Another thing that was funny...my roommate in college was Greek, Cypriot Greek to be specific. Fraternities in general annoyed him, because as he put it "These dumbasses don't know the first thing about being Greek."

From his point of view, it was probably the truth.:hysterical:

*Oh, btw, I can't figure out from NavyDave's comment whether he was pro or anti-fraternity. I think pro, but I'm just not positive.

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