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ESPN: On the Clock - CP discussing the JC situation.


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I am of the opposite belief. I think the ploy is setting up for the Skins to trade down if Sanchez falls to us.

The Jets would be a suitor if that were the case. Thing is, the Skins are already reported as wanting him so the jets will just trade up with denver.

based on recent buzz it seems a longshot for Sanchez to drop, though. At this point I'd be more shocked if Sanchez was still on the board than Orakpo.

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Wasn't CP hanging out with Colt during the pro bowl and pretty much saying the same thing about Colt and hoping Colt gets an opportunity to compete? Apparently CP wants someone to dethrone JC.

Our pass protection wasn't nearly as bad as being made out to be, but yes it couldn't give JC the allotted 15 seconds he needs to survey the field.

Sanchez being brought in for competition? Yea now all of a sudden JC needs competition? Portis just likes his TV time!

If the organization believes the OL is that bad and the reason for JC's failures, why would they draft another QB and throw him into the same situation to fail?

These rumors have everything to do with JC's inability to play QB, either by the Skins organization, or by the speculation from these draft guru's that know JC is horrible and we should be looking for a replacement.

I would have found it far more telling if CP said Sanchez would be a wasted pick because JC is going to be a star? But he didn't! I wonder why JC would need competition? I guess he's incapable of motivating himself?

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I love how CP says that "they couldnt protect him". This is what I have been saying all off season and everyone on here gives me crap. Go back and watch last years games, he never even gets to plant his last foot on one 7 step drop, no time at all. CP just said it too, he is on the feild and see's it first hand. JC has had no chance to succseed so far, because the line has faild him. Adding Doc. will help but we also need to draft an O-lineman with #13 so the skins can have a good year!!

I would say about 99% of the people agree the OL did a horrible job protecting JC towards the end of the season. The team needs a RT. Obviously, JC would have done a better job.

But there are still instances which lead people to believe that he has a lot of growing up and learning to do. He was in a new offense, so he needs to really step it up this year.

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Originally Posted by B.Rob

good start...... "I think It's just for competition. One day they will draft a running back and then I'll have to compete for my job"

CP just earned back some of the respect he lost speaking out this past season. That was a classy thing to say, and for him to say that he knew eventually they'd draft a RB and he'd have to compete. Man Class Act!


What happens when this is the call, with the 13th pick of the draft the Redskins select

Georgia RB Knowshon Moreno..................cut to Portis for a reaction.

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Everyone knows that Portis loves to talk, but the one thing that does worry me is how close he and Snyder are. Drafting Sanchez really accomplishes nothing but set this franchise further and further back.


I have turned a blind eye to snyder for some time..not anymore

he is ruining my childhood team..sigh

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What happens when this is the call, with the 13th pick of the draft the Redskins select

Georgia RB Knowshon Moreno..................cut to Portis for a reaction.

haha... ($*# would hit the fan at skins park and on this board.

Snyder is killing me with all this QB nonsense. i wish Zorn would come out and say he wants JC or he doesnt. This sounds crazy, but why dont you try letting your coach control the roster and starting line up?

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Which is not to say that JC couldn't improve, might hold the ball at times (though, you can't throw it if nobody's open, and you're stuck with the ball), and does have accuracy issues. For me, that's the key: generally, you don't "get" accuracy. Either you are or you aren't. You generally don't learn that.

The HC and players know nothing compared to the posters who only watch the games once, generally while drinking, and mostly on TV where you can't see the whole field.

We also need to consider "why" is JC innaccurate? Is he throwing with poor mechanics? This can be fixed. Is he throwing to a spot or to a player. If to a spot the timing can be changed which can determine accuracy. Is he throwing on the run or off his back foot? This is generally from poor protection but can be fixed by the QB by practicing Zorn's "avoid and reset" (I think there was a third word in there but can't remember) rather than forcing a throw in an akward position.

If he simply can't put the ball where he wants it then I agree that is something a QB has or doesn't at this point in their life. But there are other factors that go into accuracy that can be improved upon.

haha... ($*# would hit the fan at skins park and on this board.

Snyder is killing me with all this QB nonsense. i wish Zorn would come out and say he wants JC or he doesnt. This sounds crazy, but why dont you try letting your coach control the roster and starting line up?

Many coaches are not in charge of their roster that is why there are GM's. But I do agree if Zorn says "I can win with JC just get him some help" then Vinny and the Dan should have enough faith in him to listen. If they don't then Zorn shouldn't be our coach.

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Many coaches are not in charge of their roster that is why there are GM's. But I do agree if Zorn says "I can win with JC just get him some help" then Vinny and the Dan should have enough faith in him to listen. If they don't then Zorn shouldn't be our coach.

granted that i dont have anything substantial to back this claim.... i believe that most successful coaches have the biggest say on who is on the roster.

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I would say about 99% of the people agree the OL did a horrible job protecting JC towards the end of the season. The team needs a RT. Obviously, JC would have done a better job.

But there are still instances which lead people to believe that he has a lot of growing up and learning to do. He was in a new offense, so he needs to really step it up this year.

-Ya, I absolutley agree he needs to step it up!! But then this goes back to the O-Line again, it will be alot easier for JC to step it up and have a great year with the O-Line problems fixed. If not he will probabley struggle again, and so will CP without any holes to run threw!!

-I have went back and watched all of last years games this offseason. Its alot easier to evaluate what is going on without all the excitment of a real game. Watching these, JC makes good plays when given time to do so, but the problem is he didn't get the time often. Its also easy to see the skill JC's arm has, but unfortunatly we are just seeing bits and peices of this due to the poor O-Line play!!

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We are in some deep sh*t if our team leader is Clinton Portis.. The man is a goof off!! I love him to death but we need some real leadership on our team!

If we draft Sanchez and waist one of the very few picks we have on a QB who will get killed by our sloppy o-line anyway... I will boycott this team!

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This is just dumb. Drafting a QB would set the Skins back 2-3 years of playoff hopes. Am I right or wrong?

Skins need lineman. Offensive and defensive lineman. QB's that make it to the NFL can make plays to win games if they have protection.

Plain and simple. Give Campbell some time to throw the ball. This isn't Madden 09 on Ps3.


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The problem is I dont think Zorn is saying that at all. I believe the opposite, I think Zorn is saying, I would like to have Sanchez in here if possible and the FO is listening.

If Zorn fails to turn JC around he is not here next year.. so.. you're wrong.

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We are in some deep sh*t if our team leader is Clinton Portis..

i agree with that. while i like him as a veteran leader, i dont want the guys to looks at him as a team leader. that should be left to a guy like London Fletcher. i really wish JC would take command of this offense on and off the field.

seeing tom brady yell at his offense and his team to get them hyped gives me chills. i wish JC could be like that.

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