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The Girl Thread- Keep out boyzzz!


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I have a client in town tomorrow at work. Will be wearing my "power suit" it's a simple black pants/suit jacket(Nordstrom rack) with a sweet red dress shirt. Simple, yet says I can kick your ass in a board meeting,...lol

then a 4 day weekend. I'm going to get a pedicure.

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Banana Republic is definitely my favorite clothing store. J. Crew ranks up there too. And Nordie's is definitely my favorite department store.

Speaking of Nordstrom, I went there this past weekend to find some gold strappy sandals for my cousin's wedding which I couldn't find. So I signed up for a makeover at MAC to look for some wedding "looks." Did you know that they CHARGE you for freaking makeovers now? I never have had that happen. You are required to buy $50 min. of makeup!! I always though that was kind of an unspoken, they do your makeover and you buy one or some of the things they use on you...but now they outright say it, wtf?! Oh yeah, and I looked like a total skank afterward, fabulous.

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post pics, katie!!

I've never gotten a makeover from MAC in-store. We did have a MAC woman do our faces for my sister-in-law's wedding, though. Cost $75. It looked AMAZING. She was the makeup artist for some show on the CW channel. I forget which show, but it looked great.

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The new season of Jon and Kate starts today! I'm so into it.

^^^bumping for that very reason. Who watched the marathon? Who watched the new episode? Thoughts?


I was never a hard-core fan of the show, but I had seen a few episodes and definitely jumped on the bandwagon when the **** hit the fan a couple weeks ago. (Can we say "ratings boost"?!?!?)

I was kinda disappointed by the new episode - not as much drama as I wanted, but whatever... I'm still all in. And I DVR'd the old episodes (like 9 hours of them) from yesterday and today. I'm such a loser. I'll watch them while I'm studying my notes for vet class. :silly:

I think it's funny that during one interview, she scolds him for cutting her off - but she does it every time he speaks! She's such a **** with a capital C, but I do kinda feel for her in some situations. My issue with her is not that she's a *****, but that she tries to be cute for the camera - that is beyond disgusting to me.

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post pics, katie!!

I've never gotten a makeover from MAC in-store. We did have a MAC woman do our faces for my sister-in-law's wedding, though. Cost $75. It looked AMAZING. She was the makeup artist for some show on the CW channel. I forget which show, but it looked great.

Haha, hells no! I took the make-up off shortly after getting home. I'm spending this whole freaking summer getting makeovers when I move back up north. I know I can find some artist I like, or I'll just do it myself for the wedding.

Nordstrom Rack is better for shoes than the regular Nordstrom, anyway!
You are definitely right.
^^^bumping for that very reason. Who watched the marathon? Who watched the new episode? Thoughts?

You know, I have a really hard time watching that show. I just have a hard time with parents who I perceive as pimping out their children for money.

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^^^bumping for that very reason. Who watched the marathon? Who watched the new episode? Thoughts?

I didn't watch much of the marathon because I've seen every episode- I used to come home from work on Mondays and watch it every week. As I will this season.

I did, however, watch the new episode. Was it an hour and 15 minutes long? Because I turned it at 7 (10pm eastern) to watch The Hills. Because The Hills takes precedence. So I didn't see the last 15 minutes.

It was okay... I could definitely see the tension between Kate and Jon...and I'm like you, Mondizzle, I agree she's a ***** but I also feel bad for her at the same time.

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Haha, hells no! I took the make-up off shortly after getting home. I'm spending this whole freaking summer getting makeovers when I move back up north. I know I can find some artist I like, or I'll just do it myself for the wedding.

A friend of mine in San Diego does makeup if you're interested- she has a website but it's on facebook and I can't get on facebook at work. You can google Chiachi Rumbolo if you'd like to look into it. She married a friend of mine from high school that moved out here- that's why her name is both Asian and Italian! :)

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I watched Jon and Kate last night.

I don't quite understand all the hate for Kate. I mean, I certainly wouldn't want to hang out with her or be friends with her really, but what else does someone expect from a mom staying home to raise 8 kids?

And did anyone notice Jon's customized Nissan 350z? At least I think that's what it was. Can you say midlife crisis? And he sounded like a complete jackass through the entire episode. I don't doubt that he loves his kids, but IMO he's coming off as the ass in this situation.

As for pimping out their children, I can see what keeastman is saying. However, I think when Jon and Kate (well, mainly Kate) signed up for the show it was with the best of intentions. She said early on that she knew that people would be interested in the inner workings of a family with eight kids, and this was the perfect opportunity to not only document their lives but to satisfy everyone's curiosity. I don't think they initially did it just to make money or be famous.

Of course, as time went by you can notice on the show that Jon and Kate became more just parents than a couple. Early on I felt like they still focused on their marriage and each other, but over the last couple years, as their fame and income increased and as the kids grew older you could see that they focused less on their marriage/each other, and more on those other things. I think this happens with a lot of couples, it just happens to be intensified when you have that many children to take care of. Sorry, but it's much more difficult to take time out to worry about each other when you have 8 kids to feed, bathe, get to sleep, etc EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT.

Anyway, the worst part of the epi last night was when one of the kids said to Jon that she wished he was around more often, and his response was just something like "I know honey, but daddy has to work." :( I really hope these kids don't have to look back one day and see these birthday parties and other "family" events and realize that it was all a sham - that their parents only stayed together for the sake of the kids. I've seen it happen and it is absolutely not healthy.

Blah. Anyway I just wrote way too much about this show so I'll just leave it at I hope they can sort things out and the kids will be ok. Oh, and the show should be cancelled.

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A friend of mine in San Diego does makeup if you're interested- she has a website but it's on facebook and I can't get on facebook at work. You can google Chiachi Rumbolo if you'd like to look into it. She married a friend of mine from high school that moved out here- that's why her name is both Asian and Italian! :)

Thanks MissU! I'll google her. My guess is that I'm just going to do my own hair and makeup b/c I'm kinda a control freak like that. But I still want to hire a makeup and hair artist for my bridesmaids so they can relax and have fun.

I don't quite understand all the hate for Kate. I mean, I certainly wouldn't want to hang out with her or be friends with her really, but what else does someone expect from a mom staying home to raise 8 kids?

Yeah, I don't get all of it either, although I've only watched parts of a couple episodes. I think I might act a little controlling/military-commander-like if I had to watch over, entertain, and ensure the safety of that many little ones.

Seriously, that's about as many kids as the number of children at my little niece's 2nd birthday party a couple weeks ago and that was a TOTAL cluster****. Kids running around, screaming, hitting each other with various objects, having to be watched in the pool, stomping on the sprinklers, scaring the **** out of our dogs, throwing each other off the moon-bounce, etc., etc., etc.

It was 4 hours of full-on trying to prevent these children from killing themselves, each other, and our pets. I was zapped after that. I can't imagine being the mother of that many children...I would probably be a bit of a dictator mom as well.

As for pimping out their children, I can see what keeastman is saying. However, I think when Jon and Kate (well, mainly Kate) signed up for the show it was with the best of intentions. She said early on that she knew that people would be interested in the inner workings of a family with eight kids, and this was the perfect opportunity to not only document their lives but to satisfy everyone's curiosity. I don't think they initially did it just to make money or be famous.

You make a good point about original intentions, we will never know what truly motivated them to do this.

I guess I just have a differing philosophy on that. I think maybe making a one-time documentary, like for a Dateline or something, would be okay. But I don't think subjecting children to the constant presence of everything that is involved with a regular TV show is appropriate.

I can't believe the family is still filming this though. Seriously, they admit that their family is being torn apart...so stop filming you dumbasses. Get the cameras out of your house and focus on your marriage and children for frick's sake. I don't care what kind of contractual obligation I had with TLC, but there's no way in hell would I let that be filmed for my kids to later watch.

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Jon & Kate-I watched a few of the reruns, and watched the season opener last night. They are real people, with real issues and I think had no idea that it would turn out this way. Wasn't the show filmed way before the cheating allegations? But the twins birthdays were just a few weeks ago...anyway, I see a ton of animosity and Jon definitely has some resentment. I hope they work past it, but it might be too late.

Real Housewives- I just read about the DC one. HA. I love that show, I know it's weird, but that is one of the few shows I watch all episodes of.

I don't really have much girl stuff to add, other than I really need to shop for some spring/summer shirts/tank tops. We had a bbq at work today and a blue dress down theme. The only blue shirts I have are long sleeve. And sweating at work is just so not ok for a chic.

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Hi, ladies! I'm just starting to explore Tailgate and saw this thread.

I am letting you know that The Redskin Store has awesome capris! Finally, I've been waiting for them to sell some!!! Here's what they look like.


You can get them at any Redskins Store or order them online at http://shop.redskins.com/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductDetailIndexName=CategoryDetail_503&CategoryID=503&ProductID=40434

They seem really comfortable. I'll be wearing them for the first time tomorrow!

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OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!! Did you guys see the new trailer for "New Moon" tonight!?! Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor whatever unveiled it on the MTV movie awards tonight. I don't watch that crap usually, but I'm pretty much OBSESSED with the Twilight series and watched the end of the show just to see the unveiling.

How bad is it that we halted the middle of my freaking bridal shower to watch it??? AND we were all screaming like a bunch of school girls during the clip, when a buff Jacob turns into a werewolf saves Bella, lolol! It was quite pathetic...but hilarious nonetheless!

I was never like that with "Titanic" or any other tween girl movie, but "Twilight" pretty much kicks ass...and I'm not even a vampire movie fan and I never thought Rob Pattinson was hot before being forced to watch the movie, haha.

P.S. Why did my bridal shower turn into a keeastman roast?

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Ok ... so I'm super excited. I am going to see NKOTB tomorrow ... and I get to meet them. :) Sorry ... I'm just happy that I get to meet Jordan and Donnie. HOT!!!

AWESOME!!!! They were in SD a few months ago- I wish I had gone. I always liked John.....but he's gay :(

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OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!! Did you guys see the new trailer for "New Moon" tonight!?! Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor whatever unveiled it on the MTV movie awards tonight. I don't watch that crap usually, but I'm pretty much OBSESSED with the Twilight series and watched the end of the show just to see the unveiling.

How bad is it that we halted the middle of my freaking bridal shower to watch it??? AND we were all screaming like a bunch of school girls during the clip, when a buff Jacob turns into a werewolf saves Bella, lolol! It was quite pathetic...but hilarious nonetheless!

I was never like that with "Titanic" or any other tween girl movie, but "Twilight" pretty much kicks ass...and I'm not even a vampire movie fan and I never thought Rob Pattinson was hot before being forced to watch the movie, haha.

P.S. Why did my bridal shower turn into a keeastman roast?

I am SOOOOO excited for New Moon...I read all the books before it became super popular and everyone would be like "What are you reading?" and I'd be like "Umm...this vampire romance book...." and then I'd get really weird looks haha but now everyone is obsessed....

Taylor Lautner is SO hot...and he's like 17 years old :paranoid: hahaha but oh well....I'm so excited for this movie!

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Taylor Lautner is SO hot...and he's like 17 years old :paranoid: hahaha but oh well....I'm so excited for this movie!

My students wear shirts that say "Team Jacob" and they ask me what team I'm on. I like Edward better, but I don't really think he's all that great. Taylor is too "pretty"....I don't like guys like that. Robert is kinda "pretty" as well.

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