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My friend wants to scam banks


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WVU - I feel sorry for you now - since you're now an accomplice, or at the very least a potential associate, your every move and communication from now on will probably be federally monitored. Goodbye privacy.....And speaking of privacy, aren't you the guy that had people knocking on your door at 2am, and running ? :hysterical:

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40k? 40K is nothing.

It's all relative.....it may be nothing in the U.S......but it could be like millions in another country, depending which country he decides to evade to......not that I'm condoning that, or in any way associated with him :paranoid:

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Trying to scam a bank is a terrible idea. You scam people, not banks. "Michael" will get reamed so hard that his ass bleeds if he tries to scam a bank. I mean, it's the same thing as robbing a bank. Nobody thinks that robbing a bank is a good idea.

The funny thing is, there's probably a good chance that I know the person that WVU is talking about. Being from the same area and all. I know a lot of the miscreants in Springfield.

Let us all know how this works out. I'm sure it will prove to be very interesting if your friend actually tries this.

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Trying to scam a bank is a terrible idea. You scam people, not banks. "Michael" will get reamed so hard that his ass bleeds if he tries to scam a bank. I mean, it's the same thing as robbing a bank. Nobody thinks that robbing a bank is a good idea.

It's nothin..... Havnt you heard of a $700 million bailout. :silly:

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It's nothin..... Havnt you heard of a $700 million bailout. :silly:

Touche Mick... touche.

On second though, your friend should just walk right up to the treasury department and ask them to cash his checks. They are in the habit of just handing money out. What's another $40K?

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It's all relative.....it may be nothing in the U.S......but it could be like millions in another country, depending which country he decides to evade to......not that I'm condoning that, or in any way associated with him :paranoid:

I have a friend who just came back from living in IRAN, not military. He told me that if you took 40K to Iran that you would live like a king with butlers. No joke, that is what he said to me. He said the conversion is crazy over there and that American money is like gold. He actually used the amount of 40K as well, its the only reason I feel compelled to post in this thread. He says there are no establishments like the Chinn center (Local aquatic and fitness center here in Woodbridge) and that he would take his 40K go over there (if times over there were more stable) and open an Aquatic center. He said people over there would go nuts but there would have to be a mens and womens aquatic portion of the center seperately. Anyways he said that would be a lucrative business over there.

As to the OP. Bad idea in the first place, bad idea to post the other idea on the web. Hope he doesnt do it. The guys who says just take out the cash advanced on your credit has the idea. Ruining your credit isnt a felony, its just stupid. Bank fraud is a stupid felony.... the double whammy.

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I don't have any friends that want to scam banks...or any friends dumb enough (I think) to get scammed by Nigerians. This thread was taken from another message board. The responses were absoulutely hilarious and I thought that it would make for a hilarious thread.


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I don't have any friends that want to scam banks...or any friends dumb enough (I think) to get scammed by Nigerians. This thread was taken from another message board. The responses were absoulutely hilarious and I thought that it would make for a hilarious thread.


Booooooorrriiiinnngg!!! :silly:

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I don't have any friends that want to scam banks...or any friends dumb enough (I think) to get scammed by Nigerians. This thread was taken from another message board. The responses were absoulutely hilarious and I thought that it would make for a hilarious thread.


...which is basically an admission of trolling. I've seen a few ultra strict boards where a thread like this would get you the heave-ho. Luckily this forum doesn't seem to be patrolled by uptight weenies.


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I don't have any friends that want to scam banks...or any friends dumb enough (I think) to get scammed by Nigerians. This thread was taken from another message board. The responses were absoulutely hilarious and I thought that it would make for a hilarious thread.


I've changed my mind on who is more idiotic.

The friend that wanted to do this or the guy that keeps such friends, putting himself into situations that are not "lucky" ridden.

Now it has apparently been focus'd down to One person.

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I agree, this was a very stupid idea (thread)

Im not so sure about that considering how many people responded with opinions. That being said, I got scammed by one of those Nigerian things about 5 or 6 years ago when I was selling something on Ebay. I didnt have to send any money to them (never would have fallen for that) but I shipped something there and got a fake email from paypal saying the funds had hit my account. Stupid me didnt check to make sure they really were there before I shipped. Fortunately I was only out about $100 so not a huge deal but I will definitely always verify funds from now on!

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