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My friend wants to scam banks


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two years ago my friend (we'll call him Michael Scott) lost like 5k from one of those nigerian scams. it went like this:

1. nigerian sends Michael like 5k in counterfeit money orders

2. Michael goes to his bank where he has an account and cashes them

3. Michael wires money via western union to nigeria

4. bank takes 5k from Michael account to cover the money orders, plummeting him into the red.

Michael was pissed as hell and super embarrassed. he was mad at the bank because he thought they should pay at least some of it, seeing as they were negligent by giving out money without verifying if the money orders were any good, and they should know better since they likely have seen this exact scam several times before. so why is he left holding all the debt when they got scammed to? obviously they said gfy. and in the end, his mom ended up loaning him what he owed the bank.

anyway, so yesterday Michael asks me about this scam idea to get back at the banks. he says he is going to open accounts at boa, Chevy Chase, whatever other local banks, and then go on craigslist or whatever and get nigerians to try to scam him by sending him counterfeit money orders. then he's going to cash all of them at the banks, and then he's gonna move to some place in europe or argentina with the 30-40k he nets. he also thought it might work at check cashing places, too, and if he hit all those, it could double his take.

i told him it probably wouldnt work, but i dont really know why it wouldnt work. my basic response was like the chaotic theorist in jurassic park--there will be some unforeseen thing that will **** it all up and theyll get you. will they track him down after he moves to some foreign country?

cliff notes:

1. scam

2. re-scam gonna work?

3. help

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What the hell would 30-40k do for him in another country? Its not like millions or billions of dollars?

It would get him a ticket to Nigeria and enough to start his own Scammer business there, and he could supervise the Nigerians and make millions :hysterical:

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Assuming the OP isn't joking...

Your friend is making things a bit complicated. Why not just take out cash advances on all of his credit cards and move overseas with the money. Much easier...and if he has good credit there is probably more money available than $40K.

After the money runs out...move back to the states...claim ignorance...and file bankruptcy.

If he wants to be a professional deadbeat, I think that would be the better way to go.


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I don't know of a polite way to say this so I'm just going to come out with it...

Your friend is a moron. You should tell him so for his own good.

Now for the real problem. You are now an accomplice if he tries this idiotic trick. I'm pretty sure it's a felony to know of a plot to commit a felony and not tell the cops. Since you just outed the plan in public, if your idiot friend actually tries this stunt and you know he's going to do it without trying to stop it... you are screwed.

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Your friend is crazy to do something like this. First of all, it's illegal and he WILL get caught. Second, 40k is NOT enough money to just up and move to a different country, not to mention it's not worth losing your friends and family over.

The whole idea is beyond crazy.

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I don't know of a polite way to say this so I'm just going to come out with it...

Your friend is a moron. You should tell him so for his own good.

Now for the real problem. You are now an accomplice if he tries this idiotic trick. I'm pretty sure it's a felony to know of a plot to commit a felony and not tell the cops. Since you just outed the plan in public, if your idiot friend actually tries this stunt and you know he's going to do it without trying to stop it... you are screwed.

Just knowing about it doesn't make you an accomplice. There is no "good samaritan law" that forces you to rat out your friends. To be charged as an accomplice or accessory, you have to have knowledge of the crime and help the criminal commit the crime, or evade detection, or escape.

Now if WVU gives his friend some suggestions about how to do it, then he would be in some trouble.

By the way, the per capita GDP of Argentina is $14,200, so his $40k might last him 2-3 years living a normal kind of life. In Europe, it will probably last him a year or so ... not really worth fleeing the country for.

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