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Anybody ever done the "Master Cleanse?"


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people get hurt while training to race. people hurt their eyes if they read too much at once. you can get hurt doing anything.

and basically you are paying for the ability to get away and focus on nothing more then your fast. no outside distractions, no day to day crap that you would normally put up with.

Tell you what, for 300$ I will personally drive you to a remote location in the desert with a gallon of lemonade and a pack of TP. I'll pick you up in one week. Don't worry, I'm a professional. ;)

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your colon. gets rid of all the excess stuff that gets built up in there like red meat, etc.

I thought the whole "impacted matter" thing was a bunch of horse****. From what I read, aren't the walls of your colon smooth, making it very hard for matter to really build up?

Just checked snopes, it's there.


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just think of it as a river...gently babbling brook if you will. :silly:

ill be fasting again this year from Palm Sunday until Good Friday. And I will do the master cleanse while doing it. after about day 3 I start to get really good hallucinations. :silly:


Sorry for the delay, had to pick myself up off the floor after reading that.

Well, I'm sold, where do I sign up?


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I thought the whole "impacted matter" thing was a bunch of horse****. From what I read, aren't the walls of your colon smooth, making it very hard for matter to really build up?

Just checked snopes, it's there.


by the way, your snopes thing was about john wayne and 40 pounds of red meat.

and it says that it IS possible for fecal matter to become lodged...

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just think of it as a river...gently babbling brook if you will. :silly:

ill be fasting again this year from Palm Sunday until Good Friday. And I will do the master cleanse while doing it. after about day 3 I start to get really good hallucinations. :silly:

Thats interesting. When i was wrestling i would not eat for days on end. I wouldnt hallucinate as i understand the term, but my dreams were 100 times more vivid and strange than normal.

On the same note, that was the time when i was the healthiest in my life. I could run a 5:15 mile and do literally thousands of situps and pushups. Not eating isnt as bad as it sounds.

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by the way, your snopes thing was about john wayne and 40 pounds of red meat.

and it says that it IS possible for fecal matter to become lodged...

Yeah, but I thought it also said that it wasn't an amount that would noticeably affect your weight...as in 1/2 pound or less. I've always thought these diets helped you lose weight due to your lack of eating anything, and not from anything that is "cleaned out" of you.

Plus which, what good would be taking craps all the time do? I don't use text messaging, so I wouldn't be able to talk to you while I was on the throne.:pooh::pooh::toilet::pooh::pooh:

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Thats interesting. When i was wrestling i would not eat for days on end. I wouldnt hallucinate as i understand the term, but my dreams were 100 times more vivid and strange than normal.

On the same note, that was the time when i was the healthiest in my life. I could run a 5:15 mile and do literally thousands of situps and pushups. Not eating isnt as bad as it sounds.

the :silly: was meant for a joke honestly. i do get what i call "shadow monsters" where i think i see something out of the corner of my eye but there is nothing there. or if i stand up too fast i see "stars" but im not trippin on acid or anything.

and therealtor...:rotflmao:

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It seems like all these new age things are focused on toxins. But it never says what a toxin is. It says "toxins from alcohol, junk food, etc" Ok, so that would be alcohol which is broken down by the liver, or hydrogenated oils which are digested and can build plaque in the arteries, but I'm not buying this whole toxin cleanse thing.

It's such a general term, if this were actually legit there would be much more specific info and there would be peer reviewed studies confirming its effectiveness.

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and therealtor...:rotflmao:

Hey, what can I say, free flashbacks, and i'm getting healthy. Sign me up! I'm going to the store tonight to buy some really soft toilet paper.

I just feel bad for my roommate. I don't think anybody wants to put up with a stinky, trippin' Realtor.


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If you don't know, it's where you stop eating all solid foods for 7-10 days, and only consume a "lemonade drink" which consists of water, fresh organic lemon juice, organic grade b maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. You also take a daily herbal laxative and perhaps a salt water bath/flush as well. Obviously, there is more to it (i.e., how to prepare, how to come off, etc.) but that is the gist of the cleanse. The idea of the detox is to shut down your digestive system and allow your body to flush out all toxins, poisons, and other garbage that has been blocked up by all the unhealthy eating, drinking, and other addictions you may have had.

I did it a year or two ago but I did it completely wrong. This time, I actually read up on it and I am going to follow it legit for the next 7-10 days. It is going to be hard because I just came back from vacation in NZ and Australia but I've already committed to doing it (and I plan on blogging every day about it).

Before you start, yeah I know it sounds unhealthy, disgusting, blah, blah. It's also going to be tough considering I'm an WVU fan and live and breathe drinking and eating wings while watching sports. Plus we have St. Pat's day coming up so I will not partake in these shenanigans. However, that's probably a better reason than ever to "get healthy."

So has anybody done this exact detox or anything similar? I'd be interested in hearing how it went.

i did it... you crap your brains out. it clears your skin and you are very hungry.

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I wouldnt hallucinate as i understand the term, but my dreams were 100 times more vivid and strange than normal.

Thats crazy. Same thing happens to me when I am cutting weight by eating less. Good to know that I'm not the only one.

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I don't eat particularly healthy. Not bad but plenty of red meat over the years. I got probed and my colon was clean and pink as a baby's bottom. Me thinks this is a gimmick.

Ya know, it could be. It honestly could be just a gimmick. But if the person doing the cleanse and fast is convinced that it will help him be well and in better health, isnt that enough?

Its amazing what your mind can convince your body to do if it believes it is true.

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your colon. gets rid of all the excess stuff that gets built up in there like red meat, etc.

If thats the case just go to your local pharmacy and get some Docalax and some Myralax. It wont take 10 days maybe 24 hours. It's what your doctor would prescribe before you get a colonoscopy. I guarantee your colon will be clean as a whistle.

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Ya know, it could be. It honestly could be just a gimmick. But if the person doing the cleanse and fast is convinced that it will help him be well and in better health, isnt that enough?

Its amazing what your mind can convince your body to do if it believes it is true.

hear hear; there could be a placebo effect but who cares. there is some rhyme and reason to it because all of the ingredients have a role in the cleanse. regardless, i'm gonna try it no matter what the people say. :cheers:

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Ya know, it could be. It honestly could be just a gimmick. But if the person doing the cleanse and fast is convinced that it will help him be well and in better health, isnt that enough?

Its amazing what your mind can convince your body to do if it believes it is true.

Yeah I agree, same as the phitten thread. If it works for ya, and it doesn't break the bank then what's the harm.

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Yeah I agree, same as the phitten thread. If it works for ya, and it doesn't break the bank then what's the harm.

exactly. works for me and when i come off of it I feel better inside.

i dont really lose any weight or anything crazy but I feel it works and others do too.

but after that CFA vs INO thread I am going to need one soon!! :silly:

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Yeah I agree, same as the phitten thread. If it works for ya, and it doesn't break the bank then what's the harm.
Some of that stuff is expensive, and I hate to see douchebags like Klee Irwin get money.
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Yeah I agree, same as the phitten thread. If it works for ya, and it doesn't break the bank then what's the harm.

Phitten necklaces don't starve you. Fasting is starving yourself. Starving, at the VERY worst can lead to death. Let me know when a phitten necklass is the death of someone.

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