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Anybody ever done the "Master Cleanse?"


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If you don't know, it's where you stop eating all solid foods for 7-10 days, and only consume a "lemonade drink" which consists of water, fresh organic lemon juice, organic grade b maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. You also take a daily herbal laxative and perhaps a salt water bath/flush as well. Obviously, there is more to it (i.e., how to prepare, how to come off, etc.) but that is the gist of the cleanse. The idea of the detox is to shut down your digestive system and allow your body to flush out all toxins, poisons, and other garbage that has been blocked up by all the unhealthy eating, drinking, and other addictions you may have had.

I did it a year or two ago but I did it completely wrong. This time, I actually read up on it and I am going to follow it legit for the next 7-10 days. It is going to be hard because I just came back from vacation in NZ and Australia but I've already committed to doing it (and I plan on blogging every day about it).

Before you start, yeah I know it sounds unhealthy, disgusting, blah, blah. It's also going to be tough considering I'm an WVU fan and live and breathe drinking and eating wings while watching sports. Plus we have St. Pat's day coming up so I will not partake in these shenanigans. However, that's probably a better reason than ever to "get healthy."

So has anybody done this exact detox or anything similar? I'd be interested in hearing how it went.

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Are you the one that started a thread about bungee jumping in NZ a couple weeks ago???

Also, that cleanse sounds gross. Just eat healthy!

Yes, that was in fact me. Thanks for all that info you gave. We ended up not having the time for the bungy jumping. ;)

Actually, I would've done the canyon swing but we ended up filling our schedules up with other activities.

We stayed in Queenstown, made the drive to Milford Sound and did some kayaking and some hiking. We then basically did the Queenstown thing and also went jetboat riding and whitewater rafting on the shotover river. NZ was INCREDIBLE!

Of course, we only had a few days and then we went to Sydney, Australia which is a whole 'nother story. :evilg:

And oh yeah, I told you the cleanse sounded gross. And I know I need to eat healthy. (I'm actually a health nut- I am almost obsessed with nutrition and good healthy living, I just sometimes stray to the dark side.)

But, I've already agreed to attack this detox with somebody else. So we'll see how it goes....

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If you don't know, it's where you stop eating all solid foods for 7-10 days, and only consume a "lemonade drink" which consists of water, fresh organic lemon juice, organic grade b maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. You also take a daily herbal laxative and perhaps a salt water bath/flush as well. Obviously, there is more to it (i.e., how to prepare, how to come off, etc.) but that is the gist of the cleanse. The idea of the detox is to shut down your digestive system and allow your body to flush out all toxins, poisons, and other garbage that has been blocked up by all the unhealthy eating, drinking, and other addictions you may have had.

I did it a year or two ago but I did it completely wrong. This time, I actually read up on it and I am going to follow it legit for the next 7-10 days. It is going to be hard because I just came back from vacation in NZ and Australia but I've already committed to doing it (and I plan on blogging every day about it).

Before you start, yeah I know it sounds unhealthy, disgusting, blah, blah. It's also going to be tough considering I'm an WVU fan and live and breathe drinking and eating wings while watching sports. Plus we have St. Pat's day coming up so I will not partake in these shenanigans. However, that's probably a better reason than ever to "get healthy."

So has anybody done this exact detox or anything similar? I'd be interested in hearing how it went.

I will need to do something like this after the tournament and St Paddy's. Let me know how it goes.

Edit: Grade B Maple syrup just sounds terrible.

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I will need to do something like this after the tournament and St Paddy's. Let me know how it goes.

Edit: Grade B Maple syrup just sounds terrible.

Trust me, it was tough deciding to do this before St. Pat's AND the tournament. However, coming off the vacation I did, it only makes sense. My body is ready for a vacation from all the ishh I've put it through plus I could save the money.

sounds interesting. let us now how it works out. i might have to try it!

I will- I'm actually gonna blog each day so lemme know and I can PM the address to ya.

BTW- I just read the following how-to book on it:


If you do this cleanse, I would STRONGLY recommend knowing exactly how to do it, from the preparation all the way to coming off of it.

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I contemplated doing this for a while until my buddy did it a year and a half ago. Started Sunday, crapped his brains out by Tuesday and on Wednesday he gave up because he was just too hungry. This diet does not seem legit to me and blah, blah, blah, I know you get the nutrients you need from the "drink".

Last year, I purchased a Whole Body Cleanse from Whole Foods and it worked great. It was a two week program and geared towards actually eating and pooping healthy. I felt amazing after it was completed and should do another one, but have been too lazy. Here is the website.


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"The Master Cleanse is not recommended by most mainstream doctors,[15] who don't recommend detox diets, considering them unnecessary and potentially dangerous."

Of course it's not recommended by mainstream doctors. The people that swear by the detox say they stop going to real doctors which the "real" medical community hates. To each their own, but if a TEMPORARY cleanse/detox is unhealthy, then what is sucking down massive quantities of drugs and pills signed off by our trustworthy doctors?

Perhaps somewhat hypocritical.

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I do the master cleanse a few times a year. it helps a lot and doesnt taste all that bad. the cayenne pepper is the worst part to me so i only use a little bit. the grade b maple syrup just means it isnt as sugary...

if you are going to do this for a while you should get yourself a stool softener. sounds gross but you will get constipated.

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if you are going to do this for a while you should get yourself a stool softener. sounds gross but you will get constipated.

Am I understanding it right, that you basically **** like crazy for 7 - 10 days, and then when start to eat again, chances are you'll probably be constipated? Kinda like when you have surgery and can only eat jello and drink water for a few days, when you start to eat real food again, you can't take a dump to save your life w/o going the old stool softener route?

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Am I understanding it right, that you basically **** like crazy for 7 - 10 days, and then when start to eat again, chances are you'll probably be constipated? Kinda like when you have surgery and can only eat jello and drink water for a few days, when you start to eat real food again, you can't take a dump to save your life w/o going the old stool softener route?

I understand it that you make sure to take herbal laxatives and salt water flushes throughout the cleanse to "purge" your wastes.

After the detox is complete, you are supposed to come off it by drinking organic fresh squeezed/juiced OJ and then you slowly add vegetable (broth) soup and vegetables and fruits. Then you add "real" food. But obviously try to stick to healthy ones, otherwise what is the point?

Because I haven't fully done this cleanse, I don't know what to expect with #2. But I don't expect that part to be fun.

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Am I understanding it right, that you basically **** like crazy for 7 - 10 days, and then when start to eat again, chances are you'll probably be constipated? Kinda like when you have surgery and can only eat jello and drink water for a few days, when you start to eat real food again, you can't take a dump to save your life w/o going the old stool softener route?

basically...gross as it may sound.

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basically...gross as it may sound.

Ok, I have to admit, i'm slightly LOL'ing to myself here, but seriously, wouldn't your ass get really sore after a day or two of this?

I mean I think I could deal with the "i'm hungry feeling", but the "aww **** not again feeling", would probably start to wear on me after a few days.

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Ok, I have to admit, i'm slightly LOL'ing to myself here, but seriously, wouldn't your ass get really sore after a day or two of this?

I mean I think I could deal with the "i'm hungry feeling", but the "aww **** not again feeling", would probably start to wear on me after a few days.

just think of it as a river...gently babbling brook if you will. :silly:

ill be fasting again this year from Palm Sunday until Good Friday. And I will do the master cleanse while doing it. after about day 3 I start to get really good hallucinations. :silly:

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very untrue.


there are many benefits to fasting.

Wow! From a place that takes money, to house you and give you nothing to eat! So it's a hotel that starves you, and you pay!

How about something from somewhere that isn't looking to get your money to starve you?

From your link:

"“Not everyone is a good candidate for fasting. Many factors need to be considered before a fast is undertaken. Not every condition will respond optimally to fasting and conservative care alone. Occasionally, medical care may be necessary. "

Uh...gee. I wonder why...

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just think of it as a river...gently babbling brook if you will. :silly:

ill be fasting again this year from Palm Sunday until Good Friday. And I will do the master cleanse while doing it. after about day 3 I start to get really good hallucinations. :silly:

Those hallucinations are not good. That's your mind failing because your body is in trouble. But don't let me stop you. Clearly it's good for you.

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Wow! From a place that takes money, to house you and give you nothing to eat! So it's a hotel that starves you, and you pay!

How about something from somewhere that isn't looking to get your money to starve you?

From your link:

"“Not everyone is a good candidate for fasting. Many factors need to be considered before a fast is undertaken. Not every condition will respond optimally to fasting and conservative care alone. Occasionally, medical care may be necessary. "

Uh...gee. I wonder why...

people get hurt while training to race. people hurt their eyes if they read too much at once. you can get hurt doing anything.

and basically you are paying for the ability to get away and focus on nothing more then your fast. no outside distractions, no day to day crap that you would normally put up with.

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Sounds like a dumb plan that coculd potentially be dangerous, especially when you are messing with your body's electrolitic balance.

What does this alledge to "cleanse?"

your colon. gets rid of all the excess stuff that gets built up in there like red meat, etc.

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