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Anybody ever done the "Master Cleanse?"


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each drink contains the following:

2 tbsp of fresh organic lemon juice

2 tbsp of grade b maple syrup

1/10 tsp cayenne pepper

fill with 8 oz of water

and yeah, i imagine it will be rough on the gut after a week.

Wow I didn't realize the cayenne pepper was in each drink. Just thought it was in the first. My Stomach would kill me after just one of those drinks.

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I have done the master cleanse and believe in it...some just can't hack it mentally because as it starts to clean your organs and flush toxins your skin and self can feel weird and even rashy and lethargic ...but if you stick to it you will feel great...seriously...lean and clean...energetic and ready to rock. I have done a few fasts /cleanses and I like the master cleanse because it is the cheap and doesn't use much "product". The lemon and syrup give you plenty of nutrition to survive...you can't really workout hard except go for walks after a few days but the difficulty people have sticking with this is their ADDICTION to sugar, processed foods and a weak mind.

Cleansing and fasting done properly is very healthy...we as a nation tend to eat WAY more than we actually need and so much of our food just wears on our organs. Our organs are way worked and deserve the break a fast and cleanse offers. IMHO

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Wow I didn't realize the cayenne pepper was in each drink. Just thought it was in the first. My Stomach would kill me after just one of those drinks.

yeah, i usually end up just putting a pinch in after day 2 and then just get rid of it totally at the end. it kills my stomach too.

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Men's Health answers

says Palumbo. "Colonics can lead to an infection or perforation of the bowel, while herbal laxatives can cause severe dehydration or a dependency on them for normal bowel functioning." We sincerely hope you don't need any more deterrence than that.


I would not believe anyone who overstates the risk of colonics so highly.

Risk of bowel perforation? What is that risk, I wonder. And why does he not state it?

Risk of bowel perforation after a colonoscopy is something like .88/1000 if I remember. (pretty low) Colonoscopy is a much more invasive procedure compared to a colonic. A colonic can be preformed at home, for God's sake.

Do not believe anything he has to say if he overstates risk this greatly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have done it 4 times so far. I think it has become hyped as a diet, which it is not. It is close to a fast but is called a cleanse for a reason.

It is almost identical, in terms of benefits as juice diets. You do get more calories and nutrients on it. For the skeptics, consider it like when you are sick and all you. An handle is light food or soup. The calorie intake is close to 1000 which is sustainable for quite some time. We aren't talking about being stranded here or being in survival mode so there is no risk.

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If you don't know, it's where you stop eating all solid foods for 7-10 days, and only consume a "lemonade drink" which consists of water, fresh organic lemon juice, organic grade b maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. You also take a daily herbal laxative and perhaps a salt water bath/flush as well. Obviously, there is more to it (i.e., how to prepare, how to come off, etc.) but that is the gist of the cleanse. The idea of the detox is to shut down your digestive system and allow your body to flush out all toxins, poisons, and other garbage that has been blocked up by all the unhealthy eating, drinking, and other addictions you may have had.

I did it a year or two ago but I did it completely wrong. This time, I actually read up on it and I am going to follow it legit for the next 7-10 days. It is going to be hard because I just came back from vacation in NZ and Australia but I've already committed to doing it (and I plan on blogging every day about it).

Before you start, yeah I know it sounds unhealthy, disgusting, blah, blah. It's also going to be tough considering I'm an WVU fan and live and breathe drinking and eating wings while watching sports. Plus we have St. Pat's day coming up so I will not partake in these shenanigans. However, that's probably a better reason than ever to "get healthy."

So has anybody done this exact detox or anything similar? I'd be interested in hearing how it went.

You listen to Stern a lot? :D

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