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Ass Dialing


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Left front pocket guy my self. It never has happen to me. However one time when out of town on a training class a coworker gave me his cell number. Well the dumb ass that he is was wrong with the number. One afternoon after class I go take a shower and then call him to go out to eat. Some girl answers the phone. I was like ok he picked up a girl good for him.:D I said “ hello is Rich there”. She says “Who you calling?”:silly: I say “Rich” She hangs up. Like two minutes later cell rings caller id shows Rich. I answer and say “Yo Rich”. Some guy on the other end (not Rich) says you ****ING ASS HOLE DON’T YOU EVER CALL THIS ****ING NUMBER AGAIN. Then I say “Why not?”

He hangs up on me.

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Ass Dialing: The proper term for sitting on your cell and calling someone.

How often does this happen to the members of ES? You ass dial your wife, grilfriend, buddies, boss, parents, etc. And you feel like a dumbass.

Today, a friend ass dialed me twice. So I called him back and he ass answered his phone.....then ass hung up. I was impressed.

LOL;) Thats funny is hell made my day! ass answered then ass hung up impressed LOL!

I hate when that happens though i have this co worker that ass calls me all the time and you can hear her the whole convo.

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Ass Dialing: The proper term for sitting on your cell and calling someone.

How often does this happen to the members of ES? You ass dial your wife, grilfriend, buddies, boss, parents, etc. And you feel like a dumbass.

Today, a friend ass dialed me twice. So I called him back and he ass answered his phone.....then ass hung up. I was impressed.

How does this happen ?

i found out 8 years ago, as soon as I got my very first cell phone, and it was an El Cheapo, I might add, that you can "lock" the keys for just that purpose.

And now with Razor-type phone, you don't even need the Lock feature, since the keypad is inside......so how does that happen ?

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well, for people who actually keep it in their back pocket....why?

but after we finish laughing, ask them if they have never heard of a keypad lock. every phone ive ever had has had one. on the flip phones i never used it. on the few non flip phones, i always used it.

well, i did use it on the flip phones a few times, but that was when i was letting my nieces play with the phone so they didnt call people, since multiple times they called my best friend, and uncle, and a few other people. which i hadnt called my uncle in over a year so they actually went through my phone book. all at less than two years old. lol

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And now with Razor-type phone, you don't even need the Lock feature, since the keypad is inside......so how does that happen ?

I saw the ass dialing commercial last night..( I assume that is the reason for the OP) and it seems far fetched. Does this really happen on a regular basis to people? Aren't most phones flip phones these days unlike the old cheapo's? It really seems this commercial is about 10 years too late.

I realize the iPhone isn't a flip but how do you accidently dial with those?

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