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ESPN: A-Rod admits, regrets use of PEDs


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I am not going to post the whole article so you can go here and read it:


What I am going to say as a person that is not a big fan of A-Rod (as everyone knows), I have more respect for him today then I ever did. The reason why is I feel watching that interview is he is being honest, and it seems he wanted this.

Look no more can you be surprised when it comes to MLB player being caught lying about taking performance enhancers. Now if Gred Maddox is dirty then I would be very scared.

Even though ARod learned what not to do thanks to Clemens and Bonds he still did not let this story linger and fessed up right away. Now does this help his chances on getting into the HOF only time will tell. Would I vote him for the HOF, ask me again in 5 years after he retires.

For once lets set the record straight about steroids. Steroids has been illegal in MLB since Faye Vincent said back in 91 that if any MLB player is busted for roids they will be punished according to the law that was put in place around that year. Now what baseball did not have is a steroid test, but technically they were illegal during that time like every other citizen. So please know the facts before talking about it :)

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I have less respect for him as he is continuing to lie. If you believe he just took PED for his Texas years or that he had a come to Jesus revelation after his failed test, you're a sucker.

Mmmm, I dunno dude.

I see where you're coming from, but I think A-Rod's revelation he had in 2003 to quit was legit...at least I think his interview was pretty believable.

Let's give the guy credit. He did what Bonds, McGwire, Clemens and Raffy didn't do...he admitted it, said he was sorry.

Players like Giambi and Pettite who were busted, admitted they were wrong and apologized aren't getting their feet held to the fire nearly as much as the aforementioned players.

A-Rod did the right thing.

Now I hope what he said is true....that he only used from 01-03.

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I have less respect for him as he is continuing to lie. If you believe he just took PED for his Texas years or that he had a come to Jesus revelation after his failed test, you're a sucker.

You are on Orioles fan and I am a redsox fan please explain why on earth he will LIE NOW??? The guy may be a jerk but he is also very smart. This is the only time he can be completely honest about everything, why would he lie now?

Now if he is lying now then he is the slum of the slum.

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Let's give the guy credit. He did what Bonds, McGwire, Clemens and Raffy didn't do...he admitted it, said he was sorry.

Players like Giambi and Pettitte who were busted, admitted they were wrong and apologized aren't getting their feet held to the fire nearly as much as the aforementioned players.

He had a nice gameplan based on past successes (Giambi) and failures (Clemens) with steroid accusations.

He failed a test, so you know he was already felted. Only an idiot (Palmiero, Bonds) would try and deny a failed test that was so obvious.

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He had a nice gameplan based on past successes (Giambi) and failures (Clemens) with steroid accusations.

He failed a test, so you know he was already felted. Only an idiot (Palmiero, Bonds) would try and deny a failed test that was so obvious.

Yeah, but it's stupid to keep lying and keep proclaiming innocence when slapped in the face of hard evidence. Clemens and the rest should have done the same thing. Did they really think people would believe it?

It doesn't take a genius to know that its a good "game plan" to fess up when you've been busted. Its why people pile on Clemens, Bonds and McGwire and its why Pettite and Giambi have by and large removed themselves from any steroid conversations.

Don't get me wrong, I think A-Rod is sorry that this got out more than anything.

Like I said though, I hope he is telling the truth that he quit on his own.

It is hard to believe him, I admit....but he doesn't have any reason to keep lying or save face right now. His skeleton is already out of the closet.

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Like I said though, I hope he is telling the truth that he quit on his own.

It is hard to believe him, I admit....but he doesn't have any reason to keep lying or save face right now. His skeleton is already out of the closet.

He can spin that he won 2 MVPs off the juice as a means to clean up his image.

I hope he's telling the truth myself, but I'm not buying it. They way he can't name what he took or how he got it and is talking so generally about these alleged three roid years is especially damning to me. And he keeps referencing GNC? As if the shelves were lined with anabolic steroids. Again, building in a set of happenstance and plausible deniability.

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Now does this help his chances on getting into the HOF only time will tell. Would I vote him for the HOF, ask me again in 5 years after he retires.

Should A-Rod get into the HOF even though he admitted to taking steroids that would leave the door wide open for all the other Steroid users to get into the HOF. He used an illegal substance. True the stuff doesn't teach you to be a better ball player but it is an unfair advantage for the rest of the players who play clean.

So should illegal perfomance drug players be allowed into the HOF? Glad I don't have to be the one to decide.:(

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Should A-Rod get into the HOF even though he admitted to taking steroids that would leave the door wide open for all the other Steroid users to get into the HOF. He used an illegal substance. True the stuff doesn't teach you to be a better ball player but it is an unfair advantage for the rest of the players who play clean.

So should illegal perfomance drug players be allowed into the HOF? Glad I don't have to be the one to decide.:(

Personally i think they should allow everyone in the HOF that has the numbers that deserve it. Then on the those plaques say these numbers were created during an era when many players were using illegal drugs etc... let the numbers and stats stand for themselves and let the public be the ultimate judge.

There was a report yesterday that the San Diego championship AFL/NFL team was fed steroids when they thought they were taking vitamins. We don't know how long athelets have been juicing, i think the truth might scare many of us.

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To protect some of the other players who might be innocent they need to just release the rest of the 103 names on this list. Pandora's box is now open they might as well let it all out. That would help clean up the sport once and for all.

This brings up a question I haven't found an answer to, I know they said they found 104 players that tested positive for steroids, but how many was that out of that they tested. I mean even if you tested 500 guys that's still 20% that were juicing, that seems like a lot to me.

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You are on Orioles fan and I am a redsox fan please explain why on earth he will LIE NOW??? The guy may be a jerk but he is also very smart. This is the only time he can be completely honest about everything, why would he lie now?

Now if he is lying now then he is the slum of the slum.

funny, he told katie couric a couple of years ago that not only had he never used steroids, but he had never even CONSIDERED it because he's always been so dominant on the field.

telling the truth only after you've been caught red-handed doesn't fly well with me.

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It's the steroid handbook.

Admit using, but be intentionally vague on details.

Apologize--try and sell your emotions. Mention God.

Set a perimeter - "I only did roids between X and Y"

Make excuses, but say you cannot make excuses.

Discuss moving on

Of course, it's best to go to ESPN where they will, at face value, buy your admission. The ESPN machine will bury you if you go elsewhere and select a low pressure interviewer like Gammons.

Seems just too transparent to me.

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The only thing that surprises me about this is that people are surprised.

If I had to guess I'd say that 85% of NFL players have juiced at one time since being a pro, and maybe a few less baseball players.

Sorry, but if it were natural for a guy to be 285 lbs and run a 4.6 40, it would have happened back in the day as well.

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The only thing that surprises me about this is that people are surprised.

If I had to guess I'd say that 85% of NFL players have juiced at one time since being a pro, and maybe a few less baseball players.

Sorry, but if it were natural for a guy to be 285 lbs and run a 4.6 40, it would have happened back in the day as well.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if you are right. Honestly, I would think steroids in the NFL would be a much bigger problem. That is a sport where you need to be bigger, faster, and stronger than the guy across from you. We have seen some absolute freaks play the last few years. I know the NFL's testing policy is better than MLB's, but there are always ways around it. It just seems like more baseball players are getting caught right now...:2cents:

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A-Rod needs to be treated like Palmeiro and Bonds now.

Why is that? I'm not an A-Rod fan by anymeans, in fact I was a big Palmeiro fan. But he did what those two didn't do, admit to a positive steroids test. Both Bonds and Raffy got caught and have kept denying it, A-Rod at least addmitted that he used it and he made a mistake. I'm not saying that it makes it ok now because he addmitted to it, but look at Giambi and Pettite, no one bothers them about steroids anymore because they came clean.

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